Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 11th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 11th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation

Academic Notifications

Constitution of Grade Moderation committee at SoCSE along with Grade Moderation Rules06/02/2025Grade Moderation Committee

Grade Moderation Rules
Re- Constitution of Board of Studies of SoME05/02/2025Download
Notification: Re-constitution of BoS (Energy Management)
Award of SMMSS for the semester Aug-Dec, 2024 on the basis of Academic Performance in Jan-May 2024, Semester
Award of Scholarship for Shakti Jolly Family Scholarship to Meritorious Girl Students
Award of assistantship under SMMSS(Under Poor Background) for the semester Aug-Dec 202402/09/2024Download
Tuition fee waiver awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. Session 2023 & B.Arch. Session 2023 Program16/08/2024Download
Notification - Constitution of School Council for the Academic Year 2024-2025 (Civil Engineering)14/08/2024Download
Notification Assignment of Duties for AY 2024-2025 (Civil Engineering)05/08/2024Download
Semester Registration 2024-25 (Civil Engineering)05/08/2024Download
Assignment of various Duties for the Academic Year 2024-2025 (Civil Engineering)05/08/2024Download
Important Instructions for JOSAA/CSAB Reporting Candidates02/08/2024Download
Notification regarding extension of date for semester Registration for Academic Session 2024-2530/07/2024Download
Public Notice for MBA Admission 2024-25, Phase-III26/07/2024Download
Refund Policy for candidates (non-reporting) admitted through CSAB/JoSSA26/07/2024Download
Mess Fee for the Academic Session 2024-25 for New and Continuing Students03/07/2024Download
Semester Registration Notification for Odd Semester, Academic Session 2024-2515/06/2024Download
Academic Calendar for the Academic Session 2024-2505/06/2024Download
Corrigendum: Fee Structure for the students of UG/FYUGP/PG admitted during the Academic Year 2024-2517/05/2024Download
Office Order: Award of Scholarship " Shakti Jolly Family Scholarship" to Meritorious Girls Students17/05/2024Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Hindi Cell15/05/2024Download
Notification: List of categorizations of priorities of reservation in Sports13/05/2024Download
Notification: List of categorizations of priorities of reservation for wards of Defence Personnel13/05/2024Download
Notification: Reservation Policy adopted by SMVDU for admissions13/05/2024Download
Notification regarding In house Summer Internship at SMVDU
[Download Internship Proposal] [Download Format Summer Internship]
Notification: Re-Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) at SMVDU30/04/2024Download
Office Order: Award of Shakti Jolly Family Scholarship to Meritorious Girls Students25/04/2024Download
Notification: Summer Semester registration for Academic Session 2023-24 [Download Registration Form]16/04/2024Download
Notification: Tuition fee waiver to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech/B.Arch program15/04/2024Download
Notification: Mess fee payable by the student during the Academic Session 2023-2402/04/2024Download
Rescheduling of Minor -III Examination22/03/2024Download
Addendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester Aug. Dec. 2023 on the basis of academic performance in Jan-May 202314/03/2024Download
Notification regarding Re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Biotechnology15/02/2024Download
Notification Fee structure applicable to continue students of UG/Integrated/ PG for the academic year 2024-2505/02/2024Download
Notification Fee structure for the students of UG/FYUGP/PG admitted during the Academic year 2024-2505/02/2024Download
Notification regarding Revision in the remuneration rates of Guest faculty/ Visiting faculty for Academic year 2023-24 onwards in the various Schools.31/01/2024Download
Notification regarding Implementation of UGC guidelines for pursuing two Academic Programmes simultaneously by students at SMVDU31/01/2024Download
Notification regarding semester registration for Even semester, Academic Session 2023-2418/01/2024Download
Notification: Award of SMMSS for the semester Aug-Dec-2023 on the basis of Academic Performance in Jan-May 2023 & April-Aug, 2023(for Batch 2022) semester15/01/2024Download
Circular: Corrections in the details of the Existing students15/01/2024Download
Notification regarding semester registration for Even semester, Academic Session 2023-2405/01/2024Download
Corrigendum: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA Program 2023-2405/12/2023Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA Program 2023-2424/11/2023Download
Notification: Dates of closure of admission for various programs27/10/2023Download
Award of SMMSS for the semester April-July 2023 on the basis of Academic Performance in Nov., - Mar. 2023 semester (Batch 2022)12/10/2023Download
Notification regarding Co-supervisor in M.Tech. Research11/10/2023Download
Notification: Refund policy for students seeking cancellation of admission admitted during academic year 2023-2426/09/2023Download
Notification: Refund policy for students admitted in various UG/PG/Integrated Programs at SMVDU from AY 2023-2426/09/2023Download
Notification regarding Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) of SoECE29/08/2023Download
Notification regarding fee to be paid by the students admitted through JOSSAA/CSAB at SMVDU session 2023-2416/08/2023Download
Notification: Refund policy for candidates (non-reporting) admitted through CSAB/JOSSA11/08/2023Download
Relaxation in eligibility criteria for admission to 5 Year B Arch. Course for the Academic Session 2023-2403/08/2023Download
Notification regarding implementation of Reservation Policy in admission to various programs03/08/2023Download
Nominating of nodal officer for Universities Collaboration initiative of mission youth and for coordinating with mission youth in relation to the soft skill training program17/07/2023Download
Notification: Nominating of I/c Dean (R&D) as project coordinator for creation of Industry Institute Interaction Cell at SMVDU13/07/2023Download
Office Order: Award of scholarship "Shakti Jolly Family Scholarship" to meritorious girl students11/07/2023Download
Notification: Continuation of scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. Program (2021-22) based on their JEE Mains (CRL) Rank 202104/07/2023Download
Notification: Bank account details for Admissions 2023-2413/06/2023Download
Notification: Requirement of attendance for registration in summer semester by the final year students08/06/2023Download
Notification: Appointment of Admission Incharge and Coordinator for admission for UG/PG/Integrated programs under DASA202306/06/2023Download
Notification: Fee structure applicable to continuing students of UG/Integrated/PG for the Academic Year 2023-2419/04/2023Download
Notification: Award of SMMSS for the semester Aug-Dec, 2022 on the basis of Academic Performance in Jan-June, 2022 semester19/04/2023Download
Addendum: Last date for registration for all continuing students(1st Semester) of UG, PG and Integrated programs admitted in Academic Year 2022-2313/04/2023Download
Notification: Adoption of Exit option as per COA 2020 norms with reference to the B.Arch program23/03/2023Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Electrical Engineering(SoEE)23/03/2023Download
Notification: General guidelines during conduct of Examinations in the University17/03/2023Download
Notification: Constitution of committees for carrying out surprise checks during conduct of examinations
[Flying Report Format]
Notification: Formats for Academic Affairs Section
Notificaton: Semester registration for even semester for academic session 2022-23 for continuing students (1st semester of UG, PG& Integrated programs)15/03/2023Download
Notification: Result of the written test for Admission to the Ph.D. Program in School of Biotechnology on Monday, 13th March'2023 at SMVDU13/03/2023Download
Result notification Ph.D Entrance Exam Economics held on 14th March,202314/03/2023Download
Corrigendum: Adoption of revised scheme of examination for B. SC (Nursing) programme10/03/2023Download
Notification: Summer Semester registration for Academic Session 2022-2303/03/2023Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of Faculty of Nursing02/03/2023Download
Notification: Adherence to laid down rules for conduct of examinations and evaluation - reg.23/02/2023Download
Notification: constitution of local Purchase Committee for generation and printing of degree certificate17/02/2023Download
Notification : Committee for development / purchase of software for generation and printing of degree certificates17/02/2023Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech/B.Arch program based on their AIR (CRL) in JEE Main 202220/02/2023Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA program (2022-23) based on MAT/C-MAT/CAT percentile20/02/2023Download
Addendum: Registration of students on Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) portal - reg.16/02/2023Download
Notification - Adoption of revised scheme of examination for B.Sc.(Nursing) programme - reg.07/02/2023Download
Notification regarding registration of students on the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) portal07/02/2023Download
Office Order: Tuition fee waiver awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech Program (2020-21) based on their JEE Rank 202030/01/2023Download
Office order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan - June 2022 and April - July 2022 on the basis of academic performance in Aug.-Dec. 2021 and Nov.,2021 - Mar.,2022 semester10/01/2023Download
Office order: Award of SMMSS for the semester April - July 2021 on the basis of academic performance in Nov.,2020 - Mar.,2021 semester10/01/2023Download
Notification: Semester Registration for Even semester, Academic Session 2022-2309/01/2023Download
Notification: Mess fee payable by the students admitted during the AY 2022-2306/01/2023Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Physics30/12/2022Download
Notification for Commencement of offline classes for all UG/PG/ Integrated students admitted during AY 2022-2328/12/2022Download
Notification: Continuation of Scholarship to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. & B.Arch. Program (2021-22)28/12/2022Download
Notification: Modalities for conduct of Mid term Semester Examination through On-line mode for UG, PG and Integrated programs for fresh students21/12/2022Download
Notification: Continuation of scholarship to meritorious students admitted in MBA program (2021-22)20/12/2022Download
Notification: Discontinuation of Five Years Integrated B.Sc.(Hons.) Economics-M.Sc.(Economics) Program offered by School of Economics16/12/2022Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Architecture and Landscape Design10/11/2022Download
Notification: Relaxation in eligibility criteria under JEE(mains) for the Academic Year 2022-2304/11/2022Download
Notification regarding Non refund of fee upon cancellation of admission after the formally notified last date of admission20/10/2022Download
Notification regarding Student Registration for NSS course19/10/2022Download
Notification: Appointment of Admission Incharge, DASA 2022 for admissions to UG and PG Programs20/10/2022Download
Notification: Eligibility criteria for offering M.A. Hindi and M.A. Dogri program by School of Languages and Literature19/10/2022Download
Notification: Refund policy for students seeking cancellation of admission admitted during Academic Year 2022-2318/10/2022Download
Notification: Grant of exemption in favour of students from staying in the campus12/10/2022Download
Notification: Offering M.A.(Hindi) and M.A. (Dogri) programs by school of Languages and Literature10/10/2022Download
Notification Regarding payment of hostel and mess fee28/09/2022Download
Notification: Modification in eligibility criteria for admission to the M.Tech.(Energy Systems) program16/09/2022Download
Notification regarding adoption of Exit option as per CoA 2020 norms with reference to the B.Arch. program13/09/2022Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee [ ICC Rules and Regulations ]16/09/2022Download
Corrigendum: Academic Rules, Guidelines & Regulations13/09/2022Download
Revised Selection Criteria for B.Arch. Program being offered by the University for the Session 2022-2312/09/2022Download
Notification: Levying of fee for academic verification06/09/2022Download
Notification: Revision of charges06/09/2022Download
Office Order: Award of Scholarship "Shakti Jolly Family Scholarship" to meritorious girl Students12/08/2022Download
Addendum-Including new member in the admission process of CCMT05/08/2022Download
Notification: Mess Fee for Academic Session 2022-23(Continuing Students)05/08/2022Download
Notification: Semester Registration for Academic Session 2022-23, Odd Semester(Aug. - Dec., 2022) [ Registration Form ]02/08/2022Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA program (2021-22)09/05/2022Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Aug.- Dec., 2021 on the basis of Academic performance in Mar.-July 2021 semester (Batch 2020)06/05/2022Download
Notification: Nomination of PI-Incharge and Co-Incharge of CCMT and CCMN to liaison with MNIT, Jaipur for Academic Year 2022-2304/05/2022Download
Notification: Joining of PG & B.Arch. students to the University Campus admitted in session 2021-22 for Offline classes28/04/2022Download
Notification for Admission to Various UG Programs in the University for Academic Session 2022-2327/04/2022Download
Notification for Final Clearance of Pending Dues - reg22/04/2022Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. & B.Arch. Program Session 2021-22 based on their AIR(CRL) in JEE Main 202129/03/2022Download
Semester Registration for Academic Session 2021-22, even semester (April-July, 2021) for 2021 Batch Students only28/03/2022Download
Notification regarding registration of Continuing Students of Even Semester17/3/2022Download
Addendum-I: Refund policy for students admitted in B.Tech. through CSAB during Academic Session 2021-2223/02/2022Download
Order: Recalling Students to the University Campus in line with Government Guidelines17/02/2022Download
Notification: Semester Registration for Academic Session 2021-2022, even semester(Feb-June, 2022) for continuing student(except 2021 Batch)17/02/2022Download
Notification: Modalities for evaluation of lab Component (P) for B. Tech., M.Tech., M. Sc., M.A for (Odd Semester, Session 2021-22 August – December 2021 semester) (Major Exam)14/02/2022Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Philosophy & Culture04/02/2022Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. Program (2020-21) based on their JEE Rank 202028/01/2022Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. based on their JEE Rank 201928/01/2022Download
Modalities for the conduct of Semester End Major Examination through Online Mode for UG, PG & Integrated Programs (August - December 2021) Odd semester for continuing students02/02/2022Download
Modalities for the conduct of Mid Semester Examination through Online mode for UG, PG & Integrated programs (Odd semester session 2021-22 Nov. 2021 - Mar. 2022 semester) for Fresh students02/02/2022Download
Concise academic calendar for academic session 2021-22 applicable to fresh student admitted to MBA Program in academic session 2021-2227/01/2022Download
Academic calendar for Academic Session 2021-22 applicable to Fresh students (Except MBA)27/01/2022Download
Office Order: Award of Scholarship "Shakti" to meritorious Girls students01/12/2021Download
Addendum: Refund Policy for students admitted in B.Tech., M.Tech. and MBA Program during Academic Session 2021-2218/11/2021Download
Notification Constitution of Medical Board for PwD candidates for JoSAA/ CSAB 2021 Verifying Center at SMVD University22/10/2021Download
Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2021 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec. 2020 semester21/10/2021Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester April-July 2021 on the basis of academic performance in Nov., 2020-Mar., 2021 semester13/10/2021Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. & B.Arch. program (2021-22) based on their JEE Rank 202013/10/2021Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Energy Management10/09/2021Download
Notification regarding Mess Fee for the continuing students (UG/PG students/ Integrated/ Ph.D.) for Academic Year 2021-2208/09/2021Download
Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2021 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec., 2020 semester06/09/2021Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Business07/09/2021Download
Notification: Refund policy for students admitted during Academic session 2021-2210/08/2021Download
Office Order: Award of assistantship under SMMSS (under'Poor Background') for the semester Jan-May 2021 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec. 202027/08/2021Download
Notification: Reconstitution of Gender Sensitization Committee against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH) as Internal Complaint Committee(ICC)17/08/2021Download
Notification regarding Adoption of National Education Policy 2020 at SMVD University and Policy for framing master plan of the University17/08/2021Download
Notification regarding scholarship awarded to meritorious students based on JEE mains rank for batch 201913/08/2021Download
Notification regarding Constitution of Admission Committees for B.Tech. /B.Arch. Program for Academic Session 2021-2213/08/2021Download
Notification: Offering Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma.) program by School of Pharmacy13/07/2021Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2021 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec 2020 semester (PG/ Integrated) program27/07/2021Download
Notification: Amendments in Academic Rules & Regulations applicable to all existing students from session 2020-21 onwards13/07/2021Download
Notification: Amendments in Academic Rules & Regulations applicable to students admitted form session 2020-21 onwards13/07/2021Download
Notifications: Modalities for the conduct of Semester end Major Examination through On-line mode for UG. PG & Integrated programs Even Semester (Session 2020-21 March - July 2021 semester) for newly admitted students-Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec. 2019 semester28/04/2021Download
Notification regarding re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Languages & Literature22/06/2021Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. and B.Arch. program(2020-21) based on their JEE Rank 2020-Download
Notification: Methodology for Completion of Major Project work/Dissertation/Jury for Final Year (Terminal) students & Evaluation mechanism for the same in view of current circumstances, for Even Semester, Session 2020-21-Download
Notification: Amendment in the academic calendar for students of MBA Program,Batch 202015/05/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for Conduct of Semester end Major Examination for Terminal Students (Final Year Students) in on-line mode for all programs, Even Semester, Session 2020-21-Download
Notification Modalities for evaluation of Lab, Dissertation, Seminar, Colloquium, Project for all continuing students for all programs for Even semester, Session 2020-21 (Major Exam)-Download
Notification regarding constitution of Internal Complaint Committee31/03/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for the conduct of Mid Semester Examination through On-line mode for UG. PG & Integrated programs (Even Semester Session 2020-21 March - July 2021 semester) for newly admitted students-Download
Notification regarding re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Mathematics11/03/2021Download
Addendum: Scholarships awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA Program(2020-21) based on MAT/CMAT/CAT score28/04/2021Download
Notification regarding award of SMMSS for the semester Jan- May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec. 201928/04/2021Download
Corrigendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec-2020 of the basis of academic performance in Jan-May 202028/04/2021Download
Notification: Relaxation in the eligibility criteria for admission to 05-year B.Arch. Course for the academic session 2021-202228/04/2021Download
Notification:Grant of permission for equivalence courses against the backlog subjects28/04/2021Download
Notification: Award of assistantship under SMMSS (under'Poor Background') for the semester july-dec 2020 on the basis of academic performance in Jan-May202028/04/2021Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Computer Science and Engineering08/04/2021Download
Corrigendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec- 2020 on the basis of academic performance in Jan-May, 2020 semester29/03/2021Download
Notification: Refund Policy for students admitted during academic session 2020-2129/03/2021Download
Notification: Issuance of Degree Certificate to passout students23/03/2021Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec 2020 on the basis of academic performance in Jan- May 2020 semester19/03/2021Download
Corrigendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec. 2020 on the basis of academic performance in Jan-May 202017/03/2021Download
Notificaton: Grant of permission for Conducting special lecture Series12/03/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for the conduct of Mid Semester Examination (Even Semester 2020-21) for continuing students28/03/2021Download
Notification regarding Constitution of committee for providing recommendation w.r.t. inclusion of papers published in SCOPUS indexed journals, as accepted publication for award of Ph.D. degree in School of Business05/03/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for conduct of Semester end Major examination November 2020 - March 2021 for newly admitted students (Odd Semester)04/03/2021Download
Notification: Cancellation of institution of "Shri Mata Kaushalaya Swai Award" at SMVD University17/02/2021Download
Notification regarding modification in eligibility criteria for admission to the M.Tech. (Energy Systems) program02/03/2021Download
Notification: Mess fee for the PG Students M.Tech (ECE, CSE, ME, ES) , M.A (English, Philosophy), M.Sc. (Mathematics, Biotechnology, Physics) MBA programs admitted during the academic year 2020-2115/02/2021Download
Office order: Scholarships awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. Program(Batch 2018)23/02/2021Download
Office Order: Continuation of grant of tuition fee waiver for the semester July-Dec. on the basis of academic performance in semester Jan-May 202019/02/2021Download
Notification: Hostel Fee payable by the PG students {M.Tech. (ECE, CSE, ME, ES), M.A. (English, Philosophy), M.Sc. (Mathematics, Biotechnology, Physics), MBA programs} admitted during the Academic Year 2020-2117/02/2021Download
Notification: Hostel fee payable by the PG students admitted during the academic year 2020-2117/02/2021Download
Notification: Hostel fee payable by continuing students of UG/PG/Integrated/Ph.D programs for the academic year 2020-2117/02/2021Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Biotechnology17/02/2021Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan.2020-May2020 on the basis of academic performancee in July-Dec., 2019 semester17/02/2021Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech Program (2019-20)11/02/2021Download
Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec 2020 on the basis of academic performance in Jan- May 2020 semester03/02/2021Download
Corrigendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan. 2020-May2020 on the basis of academic performance in July- Dec201928/01/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for conduct of Mid Semester Examination in on-line Mode for UG, PG & Integrated Programs (Odd Semester 2020-21) for fresh students22/01/2021Download
Corrigendum: Sholarships based on JEE Rank 2019 awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. Program (2019-20)15/01/2021Download
Notification regarding Date of Closure for B.Tech. Admission Based on JEE- Mains (CRL)-202014/01/2021Download
Reconstitution of Committee regarding to resolve the cases of refund of fee on account of cancellation of admission in view of latest UGC guidelines11/01/2021Download
Semester Registration for even semester, academic session 2020-21 form continuing students (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th Semester of UG , PG & Integrated programs)11/01/2021Download
Office Order: Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA Program (2020-21)08/01/2021Download
Notification: Modalities for evaluation of Lab, Dissertation, Seminar, Colloquium, Project for all continuing students for all programs for Odd Semester, Session 2020-21 (Major Exam)21/12/2020Download
CORRIGENDUM Regarding Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec 2019 semester18/12/2020Download
Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec, 2020 Semester18/12/2020Download
Scholarship awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech. (2019-20) based on JEE Rank 201918/12/2020Download
Notification regarding Modalities for conduct of semester end Major Examination (Odd Semester 2020-21)14/12/2020Download
Continuation of grant of tuition fee waiver for the semester Jan- May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in semester July-Dec, 202011/12/2020Download
Concise Academic Calendar for Academic Session 2020-21, applicable to 'Fresh Students' admitted to various UG, PG & Integrated Programs12/12/2020Download
Modified Concise Academic Calendar for continuing students for the Academic Session 2020-21 (Aug-Dec., 2020 Semester & Jan-May, 2021 Semester) for all programs12/12/2020Download
Corrigendum: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan.2020-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec, 2019 semester23/11/2020Download
Office Order regarding Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan.2020-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec, 2019 semester10/11/2020Download
Office Order: Regarding Conduct of Examination for Panchayat Accounts Assitant by JKSSB at Examination Centre SMVD University on 10th Nov., 202006/11/2020Download
Office Order regarding award of assistantship under SMMSS (under ‘Poor Background’) for the semester Jan-June 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec, 2019 semester28/10/2020Download
Addendum: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of Faculty of Nursing12/10/2020Download
Notification regarding procedure for assigning/ appointing M.Tech. Thesis supervisor08/10/2020Download
Notifiction: Fee structure for the students of UG/ Integrated/ PG/Ph.D. programs admitted during academic year 2020-2123/09/2020Download
Corrigendum: Re-constitution of Board of Studies of School of Economics10/09/2020Download
Office Order: Continuation of grant of tuition fee waiver for the semester Jan-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in semester Jyly-Dec, 201902/09/2020Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Economics20/08/2020Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec, 2019 on the basis of academic performance in Dec. 2018-May 2019 semester,Scholarship in favour of Ms. Riya Choudhary, 0Entry No. 16BAR01414/08/2020Download
Office Order: Award of SMMSS for the semester Jan.2020-May 2020 on the basis of academic performance in July-Dec, 2019 semester,Scholarship in favour of Ms. Simran Gandotra, Entry No. 18MMB04214/08/2020Download
Notification: Fee Structure payable by continuing students of UG/ Integrated/ PG/ Ph.D. programs for the Academic Year 2020-2106/08/2020Download
Notification: Semester Registration for Odd Semester, Academic Session 2020-2106/08/2020Download
Notification for Application Form for Cancellation of Admission of the Fresh Students admitted in Session 2020-21 [ Application Form ]01/08/2020Download
Notification: Revised Selection criteria for admission to the B.Tech. Programs being offered by the SMVD University for the session 2020-21 in lieu of SMVDUEE 202030/07/2020Download
Notification: Teaching Learning Process Modalities for B. Arch. Courses (Odd Semester 2020-21)30/07/2020Download
Notification: Revised Selection criteria for admission to the Integrated & PG Programs being offered by the university for the session 2020-2121/07/2020Download
Notification: Modalities for Conduct of Minor Examination in On-Line Mode for Intermediate & Terminal Students, Even Semester, Session 2019-20 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic and Subsequent Lockdown14/07/2020Download
Notification: Modalities for Conduct of Major Examination for Terminal Students (Final Year Students) Even Semester, Session 2019-20 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic and Subsequent Lockdown14/07/2020Download
Notification: Revised guidelines for conduct of Major Examination for Terminal Students (Final Year Students) Even Semester, Session 2019-20 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic and Subsequent Lockdown14/07/2020Download
Notification for Constitution of Committee for preparation of Standard Operating Procedure08/6/2020Download
Notification Regarding Mechanism for conduct of Major Examination Even Semester, Session 2019-2006/06/2020Download
Notification: Methodology for undertaking Summer Training/Internship/Industrial Training by students of B.Tech., M.Sc., B.Arch., MBA programs in view of current circumstances, for Even Semester, Session 2019-2001/06/2020Download
Notification: Methodology for Completion & Evaluation of Minor Project for Terminal & Non-Terminal Students of any Program for the Even Semester, Session 2019-2001/06/2020Download
Notification: Modification in the Selection mechanism for admission to MBA Program, Session 2020-2101/06/2020Download
Notification: Methodology for Completion of Major Project work/ Dissertation/ Jury for Final Year (Terminal) students & Evaluation mechanism for the same in view of current circumstances, for Even Semester, Session 2019-2001/06/2020Download
Notification: Evaluation Mechanism, worth 50 Marks, for all Theory Courses, including Lab/ Studio Component (Excluding Major Exam) for all students for all programs for Even Semester, Session 2019-2001/06/2020Download
Corrigendum w.r.t. date of examination for M.Sc. & M.A. programs12/03/2020Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Electronics and Communication Engineering11/03/2020Download
Office Order: Scholarships awarded to meritorious students27/02/2020Download
Office order: Award of scholarship "Shakti" to meritorious girls students18/02/2020Download
Notification regarding Modification of Ordinance governing Admissions, Evaluation, faculty Selection, Academics for SMVD College of Nursing12/02/2020Download
Notification: Re-Constitution of Board of Studies of School of Electrical Engineering17/02/2020Download
Notification: Resheduling of Minor-I Examination07/02/2020Download
Notification: Amendments in constitution of Board of Studies(BOS)03/02/2020Download
Notification: Adoption of revised guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities03/02/2020Download
Office order: Award of SMMSS for the semester July-Dec., 2019 on the basis of academic performance in Dec. 2018 - May 2019 semester29/01/2020Download
Addendum Scholarships awarded to meritorious students admitted in B.Tech.Program (2019-20)17/01/2020Download
Notification regarding Scholarships awarded to meritorious students admitted in MBA Programme (2019-20)16/01/2020Download
Notification regarding Semester Registration for Academic Session 2019-20, Even Semester (Jan-May, 2020)16/01/2020Download
Notification: Grant of exemption in favour of students for not staying on campus17/11/2019Download
Notification: Preparation of Date Sheet, Finalization of Examination Halls and assignment of Invigilation Duties-regarding21/11/2019Download
Notification: Adoption of UGC guidelines on Refund of fees19/09/2019Download
Notification: Adoption of UGC guidelines on Non-retention of Original Certificates19/09/2019Download
Notification: Nomination of Dean(R&D) as Ex-officio Members of Academis Council19/09/2019Download
Notification: Nomination of Dean(R&D), Dean (AA) and Placement Officer as Special Invitee(s) in Board of Studies of all the Schools19/09/2019Download
Notification for Re-constitution of Gender Sensitization Committee Against sexual Harassment(GSCASH)17/09/2019Download
Notification regarding the modifications in Academic System, Rules & Regulations14/02/2014Download
Notification regarding payment to external experts06/09/2019Download
Notification: Mess Fee for Academic Sesssion 2019-20; for Fresh and Continuing Students - regd.12/07/2019Download
Notification: Fee structure for the students of UG/Integrated/PG/Ph.D. programs admitted during the Academic Year 2019-2012/04/2019Download
Notification: Fee Structure payable by continuing students of UG/Intergrated/PG/Ph.D. programs for the Academic Year 2019-2012/04/2019Download
Notification: Academic Calendar for Students admitted to Ist Year(B.Tech./B.Arch./M.Sc./M.A./MBA/M.Tech.) program09/07/2019Download
Notification: Academic Calendar for Continuing Students for the Academic Session 2019-20 (July-Dec.,2019 and Jan-May, 2020 Semester)09/07/2019Download
CGPA Conversion24/06/2019Download
Addendum: Information regarding the availability of Ph.D. Slot in SoEM19/06/2019Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Gender Sensitization Committee Against Sexual Harassment(GSCASH)20/05/2019Download
Ph.D. slots for the Academic Session 2019-20 (July- Dec., 2019) semester08/05/2019Download
Notification: Summer Semester Registration for Academic Session 2018-19 [ Application Form ]30/04/2019Download
Notification: Guidelines w.r.t. submission of Ph.D. thesis for evaluation23/04/2019Download
Notification: Extension of Dec., 2018 - May semesterDec., 2018 - May semester01/04/2019Download
Appointment as Dean, Faculty of Engineering25/02/2019Download
Minutes of Meeting of BoG.(Standing Committee)on 29th November 2018-Download
Correct Order: Promotion of Mr. Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Assistant Professor from Stage – I to Stage – II21/01/2019Download
Correct Order: Promotion of Dr. Sanjay Mohan Sharma, Assistant Professor from Stage – I to Stage – II21/01/2019Download
Promotion of Dr. Deepak Jain, Assistant Professor from Stage – I to Stage – II21/01/2019Download
Order: Appointment as Head School of Civil Engineering16/08/2018Download
Order: Appointment as Head School of Business16/08/2018Download
Notification : Re-constitution of International Student Cell(ISC) at SMVDU.24/05/2018Download
Notification : Policy with respect to Internship by B.Tech. Students02/02/2018Download
Notification: Relaxation/Fee concessions for admission in various courses in SMVDU for the children of Martyrs and serving personnel of CRPF14/02/2018Download
Notification for Increase in intake of M.Sc. (Biotechnology) program06/03/2018Download
Notification: Modification in the existing Student Merit cum means Scholarship Scheme(SMMSS)14/02/2018Download
Notification: Adoption of UGC guidelines on Remittance and Refund of Fees with Forms14/02/2018Download
Notification: Enhancement of Honorarium of External Experts/External Examiners14/02/2018Download
Notification: Nomination of Dean (Academic Affairs) in Academic Council of SMVDU14/02/2018Download
Notification: Conduct of Remedial Classes for UG students of Engineering Schools by Faculty members and payment of remuneration14/02/2018Download
Notification: Modification in Ph.D. Ordinances27/12/2017Download
Notification: Re-constitution of Class Committee and Details of Operation and Responsibilities27/12/2017Download
Notification: Modification in mechanism for handling of students awarded 'F' grade in a course27/12/2017Download
Notification: Inclusion of Corporate/Industry/External compoment in conduct of Class work27/12/2017Download
Notice regarding Semester Registration for Dec. 2017 - Apr. 2018 Semester28/11/2017Download
Notification regarding Semester Registration for academic session 2017-18, Even Semester(Dec.17-May, 2018)13/11/2017Download
Notification: Re-naming "Department" as "School" and "Head of Department" as "Head of School"17/10/2017Download
Notification for New Format of Declaration Certificate for Ph.D. students30/08/2017Download
Notification: Modified mechanism for processing the Scholarships for students under Student Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme(SMMSS)24/08/2017Download
Notification: Re-scheduling of Minor-I Exams.24/08/2017Download
Notification for Implementation of UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM) Regulation, 2016 for Credit Transfer under MOOCs at SMVDU18/08/2017Download
Notification for Refund policy for students leaving the Program of study in-between (after completion of first year) and refund of Fee in case of cancellation of admission by the students who have not submitted full-fee at the time of admission18/08/2017Download
Notification for Ph.D. Regulations, 2016 along-with Ph.D. Ordinances18/08/2017Download
Corrigendum: Fee Structure for the students of UG/PG/Ph.D. programs admitted during the Academic Year 2017-1827/06/2017Download
Notification for Mess Fee for Academic Session 2017-18; for Fresh and Continuing Students(Integrated/UG/PG) - regd.24/07/2017Download
Notification for Reconstitution of Gender Sensitization Committee Against Sexual Harassment(GSCASH)19/09/2016Download
Notification for Constitution of Anti-Ragging Squads (ARSs), SMVDU (for AY 2016-17)09/08/2016Download
Notification for Establishment of Human Resource Development Centre(HRDC) at SMVDU03/03/2016Download
Notification for Policy for applying for employment outside the university11/02/2016Download
Notification pertaining Review of the Eligibility Creiteria of Student Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme(SMMSS)15/02/2016Download
Notification for Change in the Regulations Governing Purchase and Management of Stores at SMVDU22/01/2016Download
Regulations Governing Purchases and Management of Stores22/01/2016Download
Notification for Change in terms of compensation to Junior Assistants on their initial appointment-Download
Notification for Modification in the Mission Statement of the University22/01/2016Download
Notification for ENT facilities at MAC19/01/2016Download
Circular for Medicines to be dispensed free of cost by MAC19/01/2016Download
Order for Blacklisting of M/s Medox Biotech India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai06/01/2016Download
Order pertaining to blacklisting of M/s Khera Instruments Pvt. Ltd.01/12/2015Download
Notification for Re-appointment as Director I/C, SCE04/11/2015Download
Notification regarding Re-appointment as Dean, Faculty of Sciences05/10/2015Download
Notification regarding Re-appointment as Director, School of Philosophy and Culture05/10/2015Download
Corrigendum for Modification in the Constitution of Anti-Ragging Squad (Group-B) for visiting Girls Students Hostels11/09/2015Download
Notification for Appointment as Dean, Faculty of Management16/09/2015Download
Notification for Appointment as I/C Dean of Students11/07/2015Download
Notification for Change in Ordinances governing, "Recruitment Procedcures and Conditions of Service of University Employees"31/08/2015Download
Notification pertaining to Re-constitution of GSCASH27/08/2015Download
Notification for Pension Portability for Senior Level Faculty (Professors)31/08/2015Download
Notification for Contractual Appointment of Faculty at Professor Level31/08/2015Download
Corrigendum: Modification in the Constitution of Anti-Ragging Squads for visiting Girls Hostels Students21/08/2015Download
Circular of Applying for employment outside the university during probation22/07/2015Download
Notification for Setting up of Anti-ragging Control Room at SMVDU for 2015-1607/07/2015Download
Notification for Appointment as Director I/C, School of Physics03/07/2015Download
Notification for Appointment as Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences03/07/2015Download
Circular : Proper maintenance of Office Records01/07/2015Download
Notification regarding amendments in the rules governing SMMSS27/02/2012Download
Notification for appointment of Ar. Aditya Kumar Singh as Director SALD15/06/2015Download
Circular for attending Orientation/Refresher courses02/06/2015Download
Notification for Appointment of wardens / joint wardens for Girls Hostel27/05/2015Download
Notification for Constitution of Admission Committee(s)06/05/2015Download
Notification for creation of School of Economics13/05/2015Download
Notification for faculty members for all internal Conferences/Seminars/Workshops05/05/2015Download
Notification for Vacation Schedule for the faculty members08/05/2015Download
Notification for the Reduction of Annual Fee of Ph.D. Program for the Faculty/Staff26/03/2015Download
Notification for Change in Statutes owing to the Constitution of "Student Affairs Council" Chapter 34 Chapter 3511/03/2015Download
Notification for the Norms for Payment of Honorarium to Visiting Faculty02/03/2015Download
Notification for Adoption of Revised Guideline for Grant of Study Leave27/02/2015Download
Notification for Additional Security Deposit on the University Assistantship Recipient Full-Time Research Scholars20/02/2015Download
Notification for Renaming of B.Tech.(IBT) as B.Tech.(BT) and modification in the Admission Procedure20/02/2015Download
Notification for late registration for semester Jan-May, 201506/02/2015Download
Circular pertaining to workshop titled "wellness @ Work Workshop"09/01/2015Download
Circular w.r.t. the Medical Reimbursement Rules of SMVDUSB14/11/2014Download
Notification for change in Regulations Governing Stock verification18/10/2014Download
Circular notifying Working Days and Holidays in October 201415/10/2014Download
Notification of the 2nd Amendment to UGC 2010 Guidelines15/10/2014Download
Notification pertaining to term of extension of GSCASH08/10/2014Download
Notification regarding delegation of financial powers06/10/2014Download
Notification pertaining Appointments of I/c DOS, ADOS, Wardens & Joint Wardens19/09/2014Download
Circular for Faculty, Staff & Students for the Installation of Erba Chem 7, Semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer19/09/2014Download
Notification for Award of Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science18/09/2014Download
Notification pertaining to Provisional Academic Calendar for Academic Session 2014-1508/09/2014Download
Notification pertaining to Professional Development Assistance03/06/2014Download
Notification pertaining to Sponsoring students to various events in India13/03/2014Download
Notification pertaining to term of extension of GSCASH26/08/2014Download
Notification Regarding Holiday on Janamashtami14/08/2014Download
Notification for the constitution of Anti Ragging Squad : Session 2014-1507/08/2014Download
Notification for award of Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology01/07/2014Download
Notification for Award of Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science25/07/2014Download
Notification for Award of Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science10/07/2014Download
Circular with respect to Medical Reimbursement Rules22/07/2014Download
Notification for the constitution of Anti Ragging Committee22/07/2014Download
Notification for setting up of Anti-ragging Control Room at SMVDU04/07/2014Download
Notification pertaining Black-Listing of M/S Kay Gee Traders,A-141, Kaluchak, Jammu16/06/2014Download
Notification for New Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) policy of SMVDU Click to download - Policy Document05/06/2014Download
Notification for the Revised Fee Structure for UG, PG & Ph.D. Programs05/06/2014Download
Notification for Registration fee and Faculty remuneration for Summer Course(s)05/06/2014Download
Notification for award of Ph.D. Degree in English28/04/2014Download
Notification for award of Ph.D. Degree in Mathematics28/04/2014Download
Notification regarding the modifications in Academic System, Rules & Regulations20/02/2014Download
Notification for opening up of EOI invited vide no. SMVDU/Fin/14/4610/02/2014Download
Office Order pertaining issuance/handing over of degrees after Convocation Ceremony04/02/2014Download
Notification for award of Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology31/01/2014Download
Notification for award of Ph.D. Degree in Management31/01/2014Download
Notification for the late fee after last date of registrations29/01/2014Download
Office Order for Sanction of Scholarships under SMMSS29/01/2014Download
Short-listing of the consultants for Architectural Consultancy to SMVDU-Download
Noification for admitting of Non-NET candidates to the Full Time Ph.D.27/11/2013Download
Notification for constitute of Convocation Committee25/11/2013Download
Notification for constitute Gender Sensitization Committee Against Sexual Harassment22/11/2013Download
Notification for admission to the Masters Programme in Sciences07/08/2013Download
Order: Students Eligible for SMMSS by SMMSS Monitoring Committee08/10/2013Download
Notification for Constitution of the Institutional Ethics Review Board(IERB)20/09/2013Download
Notification for deduction of CGPA for conversion to percentage07/08/2013Download
Notification for filling of 20 seats of B.Tech (Industrial Biotechnology)07/08/2013Download
Notification for Assistantship to the GATE qualified candidates to the full time M.Tech. programme07/08/2013Download
Notification for the grant of assistantship to the students joining Ph.D07/08/2013Download
Notification for the starting of the Certificate Courses in Foreign Languages07/08/2013Download
Notification for the merger of School of Biology & Chemistry with School of Biotechnology07/08/2013Download
Notification pertaining modifications to the Ordinances Governing Ph.D programme15/07/2013Download
Notification for successful Oral defense of Ph.D. thesis: Mr. Adarsh Kumar31/05/2013Download
Notification for successful Oral defense of Ph.D. thesis: Ms. Shallu Sehgal04/01/2013Download
Regulations Governing Purchases and Management of Stores-Download
Notification regarding College Rresearch Committee of COHSS07/12/2012Download
Notification regarding College Rresearch Committee of COSc.07/12/2012Download
Notification regarding College Rresearch Committee of COM07/12/2012Download
Notification regarding re-constitution of SMMSS Monitoring Committee07/12/2012Download
Notification regarding College Rresearch Committee of COE05/12/2012Download
Notification regarding award of Ph.D Degree in Energy Management12/09/2012Download
Notification regarding award of Ph.D Degree in Management12/09/2012Download
Notification regarding appointment of Nodal Officer of Anti-ragging committee,2012-13-Download
Notification regarding re-constitution of GSCASH15/06/2012Download
Office Order pertaining Provisional Certificate/Grade Sheets/Degree Certificates31/05/2012Download
Notification for allotment of residential accommodation at SMVDU[RULES]20/04/2012Download
Notification for partial modification to existing Leave Rules[Ext. Leave Rules]03/04/2012Download
Notification for organizing Tatva - 2012 from 12 - 13 april 201213/03/2012Download
Notification for rules governing continuation of Admission, Evaluation & Prevention of use of Unfair Means[rules]22/02/2012Download
Notification for signing of fresh MOU with IIIM27/02/2012Download
Notification for amendments in rules governing SMMSS27/02/2012Download
Notification for amendments in Ordinances Governing Ph.D programme [Ph.D Ordinance]27/02/2012Download
Notification for the recommendations of the Board of Studies of School of Architechture & Design23/02/2012Download
Office order for the award of SMMSS to the students23/02/2012Download
Notification for offering Ph.D programme in Chemistry and Chemical-Biology by School of Biology and Chemistry22/02/2012Download
Notification for inclusion of Four Scientists of rank "C" in the approved list of 32 Supervisors from IIIM22/02/2012Download
Notification for incorporating Rules Governing Child Adoption Leave in University Statutes22/02/2012Download
Notification to grant extra time to the disabled students22/02/2012Download
Notification for transfer of sanctioned faculty positions in School of Biochemistry to School of Biology & Chemistry22/02/2012Download
Notification for Exemption Mess Fee to Sem VII B.Arch Students22/02/2012Download
Notification for enhancement of honorarium for visiting faculty,experts etc.22/02/2012Download
Employees Provident Fund Regulations - 2008 [ Forms ]-Download
Notification regarding re-constitution of Academic Council of SMVDU25/08/2011Download
Notification regarding meeting of the T&P cell of College of Management (COM)16/08/2011Download
Office order pertaining to the constitution of Anti Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Squad16/07/2011Download
Notification for making up of Appeals Committee30/06/2011Download
Notification for the Fee Structure to be charged in Academic Session 2011-12.09/05/2011Download
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