Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 6th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 6th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation

DQA (Directorate of Quality Assurance)

Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA)

Notifications/Guidelines of DQA

Notification regarding organizing of various events under PM-USHA during FY 2024-25
[ Format ]
Notification--International Conference on “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals; Prospects and Challenges for India (SUSTIND)
[ Format ]
Notification regarding organizing of Workshop at SoEM09/01/2025
Best Practices of the University 2023-2424/12/2024
Internal Green Audit Report 2022-23
National-- Embracing Behavioral Skills for Workplace Effectiveness
[ Format ]
National Online ATAL FDP on Green Hydrogen Generation Opportunities and Challenges in India
[ Format ]
Philosophy of the Vedas and the Vedic Roots of Indian Culture
[ Format ]
Orientation of Student from the External Experts
[ Format ]
Orientation of Student from the External Experts
[ Format ]
Low and Medium Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Process Heat Applications
[ Format ]
Organizing one day campaign on Prevention of sexual harassments of students in HEI29/11/2024
Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women and Students in Higher Educational Institution
[ Format ]
Management Conclave "Sambandh-2025"
[ Format ]
National Conference on “8th National Geo Research Scholars Meet”
[ Addendum ]
[ Format ]
Notification Regarding National Workshop at SoME
[ Format ]
Cohosting First International Conference on Advance Materials for Sustainable Future
[ Format ]
Measuring the Economic Impact of Pilgrimage at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Temple, Katra
Notification--Hindi Pakhwada 2024
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National Webinar on “Overview of Conventional and Sustainable Energy- An Environmental Approach” & “Improvement on Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic- Nano fluid Approach”
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Notification: 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Bioscience and Chemical Technology Cum Workshop on Skills in Biosciences
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Notification: Empowering Climate Action: Strategies for a Sustainable Future.
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Constitution of Committee for Internal Academic & Administrative Audit of SoCE & SoALD and Internal Administrative Audit of Department(s)/ Section(s)12/07/2024
Notification regarding conduct of Training Programmes for Non Teaching Officer and Staff members during the FY 2024-2512/07/2024
Notification: Organizing of National Short-Term Training Programme on "Mathematical Methods" at SOM, SMVDU.
[ Format for Report ]
Notification: Organizing of Short-Term Training Program on "Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing" at SoME, SMVDU.
[ Format for Report ]
Notification for organizing of Expert Lecture at SoALD
Notification: Organizing of Workshop on "E-Waste Awareness and Recycling" at SoALD, SMVDU
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Notification regarding allocation of funds for organizing of Workshops/Seminars/FDC at SMVD University in F.Y 2024-25
Notification--Workshop on VHDL and FPGA Hands on Training
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of National Workshop on Green Certified Building Materials of SoALD, SMVDU
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Notification-Constitution of Coordination Committee and Sub-Committee(s) for NBA19/04/2024
Corrigendum-MATLAB Hands On Workshop15/04/2024
Corrigendum: FDP on Research Methodology with Focus on Hands-on Experience of Econometric Modeling with E Views18/03/2024
Notification: Organizing of Workshop on Sanger Sequencing Technique for Scholars & Students of HEls of J&K at SMVDU15/03/2024
Corrigendum: Organizing of 03 nos. of Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization by MMTTC-SMVDU13/03/2024
Notification: Organizing of Entrepreneurship Conclave at SMVDU
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Notification: FDP on Research Methodology with Focus on Hands-on Experience of Econometric Modeling with E Views
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Notification: Geotech Talks: Navigating the Depths of Engineering Innovation
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Notification: One-Week Refresher Training Course for IFS Officers
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Notification--Workshop on Curriculum Development
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Notification-Curriculum Workshop for NEP syllabus orientation
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Notification --Curriculum Development Workshop
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Notification: Organizing of Sambandh-Management Conclave-2024 at SoB, SMVDU
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Corrigendum: Organizing of National Conference on "Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences- 2024" at SoM, SMVDU29/02/2024
Notification: Organizing of Anti Drug Campaign at SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of Workshop on DGPS and Integration with GIS at SoCE, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of One Week FDP on Green Manufacturing at SoME, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of Curriculum Development workshop on FYUGP in SoE
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Notification: Organizing of Course Development Workshop for BBA (Honours) FYUGP at SoB
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Notification: Organizing of Curriculum Development Workshop at SoBT, SMVDU
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Addendum: Organizing of National Workshop on Curriculum Planning and Course Design at SOME, SMVDU20/02/2024
Notification: Organizing Workshop on Curriculum Development for FYUGP at SoP, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of Two Days Workshop on Virtual Lab in coordination with IIT-Roorkee at SoECE, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of National Conference on "Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences-2024" at SoM, SMVDU
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of National Workshop on Curriculum Planning and Course Design at SOME, SMVDU
[ Format for event details ]
Notification for FDP on Machine Learning for Business Intelligence
Notificarion regarding Seminar on Sustainable Building Materials at SoALD23/01/2024
Notification: Organizing of 03 nos. of on-line Training program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization by MMTTC-SMVDU
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Regarding allocation of funds for organizing of Workshops/Seminars/Conferences University in F.Y. 2023-2409/11/2023
Notification: Organizing of Workshop on "Arduino For Physics Experiments" at SoP, SMVDU
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of Training Program on Foundational Training: MS Word, MS Excel and Email Basics
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of National Conference on Literature, Culture, and Society: Humanities in the 21st Century
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Notification: Organizing of International Conference on Advancements in Engineering Sciences
[ Format for event details ]
Internal Green Audit Report (Year 2021-2022)20/12/2023
Notification: Organizing of Workshop titled "Boot Art Studio"
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Re-Constitution of Committees of Directorate of Quality Assurance at SMVDU08/12/2023
Notification: Organizing of One day Hands on Workshop on Aeromodelling at SoME13/12/2023
Notification: Organizing of Quiz Programme on "Brainiac Challenge: A General Knowledge Quiz for Students"
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Reconstitution of Directorate of Quality Assurance at SMVDU05/12/2023
Notification: Organizing of Workshop of "Research Methodology and Current Research Trends" at SoLL, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of Training Programme on "Cyber Crime and Safety" at SoECE, SMVDU
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Notification: Organizing of ICT Based Online Training Programme on "Materials Characterization Techniques" at SoP, SMVDU
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of Faculty Development Programme on "Hands on: Low Voltage and Low Power Analog VLSI Design" at SoECE, SMVDU
[ Final FDP Brochure 17-11-2023 ]
Notification: Electric Vehicle Dynamics and Design Calculations
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Green Building: Sustainable Business for Cleaner and Greener Environment
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Notification: MATLAB Hands On Workshop
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of Expert Lecture on "Engineering in Medicine" at SoME, SMVDU
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Notification-- Expert Talk on Floating Solar Photo Voltaic and Landslides
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing One Day Awareness Campaign on Women's Rights and Domestic Violence
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Notification: Celebration of World Students Day
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Notification: Organizing of Two Days Hand on Workshop on Equipment of RP-127
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of National Workshop on Art of Happiness.
[ Format for event details ]
Notification: Organizing of Expert Lecture on "Energy Sector: A Brief Overview and Emerging Employment Opportunities" at SMVDU.18/09/2023
Notification regarding Organizing of Workshop on "Celebration of Engineers Day 2023"
[ Format for event details ]
Notification regarding Guest Lecture and Book Exhibition on “Swami Vivekananda's Speech Anniversary at World’s Parliament of Religions"
[ Format for event details ]
Notification regarding National Workshop on “Product Design and Development: Current trends"
[ Format for event details ]
Notification - Organizing One Day Workshop on Getting Started with Technology and Placement Scenario by SoECE.
[ Format for event details ]
Notification - Organzing Expert Lecture by Prof. Ashok De. [ Format ]04/08/2023
Notification - Organzing one day Quality Circle Convention by QCFI -Delhi chapter at SMVDU [ Format ]04/07/2023
Notification - Teaching to Transformation for Faculty members of SMVDU [ Format ]06/06/2023
Notification of National Seminar on Smart Materials Current Scenario and Future Prospects [ Format ]22/05/2023
Notification of Visiting Faculty Lecture on Proteomic and Metabolomic Reprogramming in Wheat by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi in Two Year Field Trial [ Format ]22/05/2023
Notification of Training Programme on Cyber Jaagrookta [ Format ]22/05/2023
Notification - National Workshop Electric Vehicles [ Format ]18/05/2023
Notification: Organizing of National Workshop on Encourge Yourself to Write and Publish at SoALD, SMVDU [ Format ]01/05/2023
Notification-- Career Opportunities after B. Arch. [ Format ]27/04/2023
Notification-- National Seminar on Essentials of Product Development [ Format ]20/04/2023
Notification- Getting Started with Technology [ Format ]19/04/2023
Notification--National Seminar on Youth 20 Talks [ Format ]18/04/2023
Notification-- National Workshop on Sahaja Yoga [ Format ]18/04/2023
Notification-Green Hydrogen Generation: Research Issues and Opportunities [ Format ]18/04/2023
Notification for Organizing National Webinar on E-resources for Research Academic Writing, Research skills [ Format ]28/03/2023
Notification: Organizing Workshop on Hands on Training of VLSI Design using Cadence Software [ Format ]16/03/2023
Notification -- Current Industrial Scenario Opportunities and Challenges [ Format ]13/03/2023
Notification-International FDP on VLSI Design and Fabrication in the Scenario of Industry 5.0 [ Format ]10/03/2023
Notification - organizing National Workshop on Azure Open Source Summit [ Format ]10/03/2023
Notification - Celebration of World Water Day 2023 [ Format ]10/03/2023
Notification-- Workshop on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies [ Format ]02/03/2023
Notification-National Seminar on Hydrogen Management in a Nuclear Reactor Containment [ Format ]02/03/2023
Notification: Organizing MATLAB Workshop [ Format ]27/02/2023
National Seminar on Mentorship Support Regarding Patent Filling and Startup [ Format ]23/02/2023
Notification - Organizing Awareness and Outreach Programme by EPFO [ Format ]21/02/2023
Notification: Organizing National Training Programme on ISO 210021:2018 Lead Auditor Program [ Format ]20/02/2023
Notification Organizing Workshop on Virtual Lab by IIT Roorkee15/02/2023
Notification-Organizing International Conference on Precarious Lives, Vulnerability and Violence in Indian Public Sphere [ Format ]09/02/2023
Notification: Regarding Management Development Programme on Efficient Decision Making: Processes and Practices [ Format ]03/02/2023
Notification: Organizing Quiz Competition on Emerging Business Scenario in India [ Format ]02/02/2023
Notification: Organizing seminar on Feasibility Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy System [ Format ]02/02/2023
Notification: Organizing Entrepreneurship Skills, Attitude and Behaviour Development [ Format ]02/02/2023
Notification: Organizing webinar on Financial Education [ Format ]30/01/2023
Notification regarding reconstitution of Directorate of Quality Assurance04/01/2023
Reconstitution of Committees of DQA14/12/2022
Notification: Organizing Training Programme on Conduct Rules05/12/2022
Notification: Organizing Guest Lecture on Image Management [ Format ]07/11/2022
Notification: Organizing National Seminar on Critical Appraisal and Evaluation of Dogri Novel [ Format ]04/11/2022
Notificaton: Organizing Workshop on AR and AZURE DEV DAYS [ Format for Report ]14/10/2022
Notification: Organizing National Seminar on "Smart Engineering For a Better World" [ Format for Report ]15/10/2022
Notification: Organizing workshop on Application of Drones in Civil Engineering [ Format for Report ]26/08/2022
Notification of training programme on Capacity Building Programme for Secretarial Assistance18/08/2022
Notification-Organzing one day Quality Circle Convention by QCFI -Delhi in SMVDU [ Format for Report ]16/08/2022
Notification of Organizing Four Week Training Programme on Enrichment of Administrative Skills/Methods [ Format for Report ]06/05/2022
Notification for Organizing National Seminar on Personal Finance Management [ Format for Report ]13/05/2022
Notification: Organizing National Seminar on Employability and Self-Employment Programme [ Format for Report ]11/04/2022
Notification: Organizing National Training Program on Team Work Competencies for High Performances and Disaster Management for IFS officers [ Format for Report ]07/04/2022
Notification: Organizing webinar on "SMART IoT Devices: Future and Chanllenges" [ Format for Report ]17/03/2022
Notification: Organizing Heritage Walk to Krimchi Temples Udhampur [ Format for Report ]07/03/2022
Notification organizing seminar on Water Day02/03/2022
Notification of one day conclave on International Mother Language Day "Matribhasha Diwas" [ Format ]11/02/2022
Notification: Organizing one week webinar on Life and work of Srinivasa Ramanujan [ Format ]11/02/2022
Notification w.r.t Organizing Online Session on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and IPR [ Format ]22/12/2021
Notification for Organizing Webinar on Industrial Safety under Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav03/11/2021
Notification of International Tribology Research Symposium 2021 on Theme: Tribology for Sustainability and Reliability [ Format ]17/09/2021
Notification: Organizing "Hindi Pakhwada 2021" by Hindi Cell [ Format ]14/09/2021
Notificaion: Organizing National Conference on "Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinary Humanities: Convergences, Interventions and Possibilities" [ Format ]06/09/2021
Notification: Organizing Five Day National Training Programme for IFS officers on Stress, Health and Life Style Management [ Format ]21/08/2021
Notification of Webinar on Smart Grid [ Format ]23/08/2021
Notification: Organizing Webinar on Solar Energy [ Format ]23/08/2021
Notification: Organizing Webinar on Quantum Computing [ Format ]23/08/2021
Notification of Webinar on Present and Future Prospects of Semiconductor Devices [ Format ]23/08/2021
Notification: Organizing Webinar on Multilevel Inverter [ Format ]23/08/2021
Notification: Organizing Regional Workshop on Open Roads w.e.f. 29th March till 4th April 2021 [ Format ]26/03/2021
Notification: Grant of permission(on ex-post facto basis) for organizing Webinar on Rheology on dated: 20th January 202121/01/2021
Notification: Organizing Three Days Online International Tribology Research Symposium (ITRS)04/09/2020
Notification: Grant of permission to organize One Week STC on Tribology for Sustainable Development09/07/2020
Notification of Webinar on Strategies for Leading the Change: Post COVID19 Pandemic Response of India03/07/2020
Notification of Establishing ICPR Study Circle at SoPC and Organizing monthly meetings for Philosophical Discussion03/07/2020
Notification of Organizing Indian Philosopher's Day03/07/2020
Notification of International Yoga Day 202003/07/2020
Notification of Webinar on Industry 4.0 with MATB Technology Pvt ltd.03/07/2020
Notification: Organizing Faculty Development Program on Student Induction19/03/2020
Notification of National Seminar on Strategies for Sustainable Performance in Public Enterprises25/02/2020
Notification for organizing One Day National Congress on Matribhasha Diwas (International Mother Language Day) on 24th February, 202025/02/2020
Notification: Re-constitution of Directorate of Quality Assurance20/02/2020
Notification: Organizing National Training Programme for IFS officer on Embedding Positivity at Workplace23/01/2020
Notification: Organizing National Training Programme for IFS officer on Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness23/01/2020
Notification: Organizing International Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Engineering and Technology(ICRTAET)09/01/2020
Notification for Benchmarks for Individual Faculty Members20/01/2017
Notification for Banchmarks for Departments20/01/2017
Notification for Formation of Quality Circles for Academic Departments & Administrative Departments/Sections06/03/2017
Notification for Prerequisites for different categories of cases in the form of checklists before its submission to Finance Wing and timelines for the disposal of cases by Finance Wing05/07/2016
Guidelines for Quality Circles-

Meetings of Coordinators

Minutes, of Meeting: IQAC Coordinators & Members of Sub-Committees22/03/2016Download
Minutes, 18th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators18/01/2018Download
Minutes, 17th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators23/10/2017Download
Minutes, 16th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators11/08/2017Download
Minutes, 15th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators08/06/2017Download
Minutes, 14th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators21/04/2017Download
Minutes, 13th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators21/03/2017Download
Minutes, 12th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators21/03/2017Download
Minutes, 11th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators09/12/2016Download
Minutes, 10th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators04/11/2016Download
Minutes, 9th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators25/10/2016Download
Minutes, 8th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators12/09/2016Download
Minutes, 7th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators09/09/2016Download
Minutes, 6th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators05/08/2016Download
Minutes, 5th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators17/02/2016Download
Minutes, 4th. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators01/12/2015Download
Minutes, 3rd. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators20/11/2015Download
Minutes, 2nd. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators27/10/2015Download
Minutes, 1st. Meeting: IQAC Coordinators08/09/2015Download

DQA Members List

S.No.RoleName & Designation
1.Chairperson: Vice Chancellor, SMVDU
Prof. (Dr.) Pragati Kumar,
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, SMVDU
2.Convener: Director, DQA (Ex-officio)Dr. Supran Kumar Sharma,
Professor, SoB & Director, DQA
3.Members (Ex-officio)
a) Deputy Director, DQADr. Surender Singh,
Assistant Professor, SoM
b) All Deansi) Dean, FoE
ii) Dean, FoS
iii) Dean, FoM
iv) Dean, FoH&SS
v) Dean, FoN
vi) Dean, Student Welfare
vii) Dean, Academic Affairs
viii) Dean, R&D
c) Registrar, SMVDUSh. Ajay Kumar Sharma, JKAS,
Registrar, SMVDU
d) CEO, SMVDSB (or his Nominee)Sh. Anshul Garg, IAS,
e) CEO, SMVDU-TBICDr. Ashutosh Vashishtha,
Professor, SoB
f) Training and Placement OfficerMr. Bablee Kumar Bhatia,
Training & Placement Officer
g) Faculty I/c Examination/Controller of ExaminationDr. Sumeet Gupta,
Associate Professor, SoECE &
Faculty I/c Examination
h) Finance Officer (or his nominee)Sh. Neeraj Gupta, JKAS
Finance Officer, SMVDU
i) Faculty I/c Central Library/LibrarianDr. Ratna Chandra,
Associate Professor, SoBT &
Faculty I/c Library
j) Chairperson of all DQA Committeesi) Chairperson of Administrative Affairs Committee
ii) Chairperson of Academic Affairs Committee
iii) Chairperson of Financial Affairs Committee
iv) Chairperson of Library Committee
v) Chairperson of Engineering Affairs Committee
k) Administrative Officer, SMVDU-
l) Chairperson, GSCASH/ICCDr. Sharda M. Potukuchi,
Associate Professor, SoBT &
Chairperson ICC
m) Alumni Coordinator, SMVDUDr. Yugal Khajuria,
Associate Professor, SoP &
Dean International & Alumni Affairs
n) General Secretary SAC/ BHM or nominated Student Representative (Two)i) General Secretary SAC
ii) General Secretary BHM
o) Eminent person(s) from Industry/ Profession/ Employers/ Institutioni) Taranvir Singh Gujral, MD, TV Super Filter Industries
ii) Mr. Rajesh Gupta, DGM J&K Bank, Zonal Office North II Udhampur
iii) Ms. Anisa Nabi, KAS (Alumni SMVDU)
4.Deputy Registrar/ Assistant Registrar, DQAMr. Samir Vohra, Deputy Registrar, DQA
Best Practices of the University06/02/2024Download
Online Student feedback26/08/2017Download
Calculation of Student feedback with example-Download
Best Practices: Professional Development Assistance (PDA)-Download
Best Practices: Students Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Program (SMMS)-Download
4.4.2 Procedures and Policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities-Download
7.3.1 Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust-Download

In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the DQA will become a part of the institution’s system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the DQA is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. For this, during the postaccreditation period, it will channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.

The work of the DQA is the first step towards internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement initiatives. Its success depends upon the sense of belongingness and participation it can inculcate in all the constituents of the institution. It will not be yet another hierarchical structure or a record-keeping exercise in the institution. It will be a facilitative and participative voluntary system/unit/organ of the institution. It has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality enhancement by working out planned interventionist strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality like the “Quality Circles” in industries.

Quality Policy

“Harnessing excellent academic environment infused with integrity, professionalism and human values for continuous intellectual & personal development through participative and transparent mechanism.”

DQA Meetings
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