Project Investigator/Coordinator: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Jha, Associate Professor-SoECE& Dean[R&D]
Established in 2017 with the collaboration of Intel, funded by DST-TBIC, Intel, and TEQIP-III
- Published research paper in many reputed journals of IEEE, Elsevier, Wiley and Springer. Overall, there are 7 transactions papers, 30 SCI’s which also include IEEE Letters and 5 patents. Golden feather for lab is MOST POPULAR IEEE journal paper entitled, “Survey of 5G network: Architecture and Emerging Technologies”.
- Three successful and informative workshops organized till date.
- 5-day workshop on IoT, 5-day workshop on SystemVue and two-day Hanson workshop (and Signal Generator) on signal analysis.
- The Lab is established with the vision of empowering a new world of embedded innovation and fast-track realization of Digital India initiatives & to aid in development of health-care, agriculture-based, vehicular-based applications to support the Indian start-ups and industries.
- Hardware: Signal Generator with capability of 6 GHz signal generation and Signal Analyzer (10 Hz-44 GHz) and is equipped with 5G testbed, NB-IoTtetbed, Intel-based IoT Kits and high configuration systems
- Software : System Vue, MATLAB (2017), NI-Lab Vue and Vector signal Analyzer (VSA).