Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 10th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 10th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26




Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-149 NEW
[ Application Format ]
Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in SoPC25/01/2025
Advertisement for temporary position of Research Associate and Intern Programmer under RP-12610/01/2025
Provisionally Short Listed and Not Shortlisted Candidate for the position of one JRF under RP-14403/12/2024
Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates For The Post Of Manager SMVDU-TBIC03/12/2024
List of candidates who has been applied for JRF (RP-144) 02/12/2024
Shortlisted Candidates For The Post Of Manager SMVDU-TBIC29/11/2024
Applications Invited for the Position of Manager at SMVDU-TBIC [Other Related Information] [Online Application Closed] 30/10/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-146 30/10/2024
Advertisement for position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under RP-144 30/10/2024
Shortlisted candidates for Contractual Positions under UGC funded Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) at SMVDU27/08/2024
Interview Notice and List of Shortlisted Candidates (RP149) 05/08/2024
Interview Notice and List of Shortlisted Candidates (RP-150)05/08/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-14825/07/2024
Call for nominations for the position of Professor “BHARTI ARIAAN CHAIR, SMVD UNIVERSITY”, for research and development work in the field of Wireless Communication [Nomination Form] 24/07/2024
2nd Call – Advertisement for Contractual Positions under UGC funded Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) at SMVDU 11/07/2024
Call for nominations for the position of Professor “BHARTI ARIAAN CHAIR, SMVD UNIVERSITY”, for research and development work in the field of Wireless Communication [Nomination Form] 24/06/2024
Walk-in-Interviews for the post of Laboratory Assistant at School of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering & SecuritySupervisor at SMVDU. [Important Notice]24/06/2024
Advertisement for contractual position under UGC MMTTC-SMVDU 05/06/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-150 [Download Application Form]05/06/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-149 [Download Application Form]05/06/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-148 [Download Application Form]05/06/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant under RP-146 [Download Application Form]05/06/2024
Call for nominations for the position of Professor “BHARTI ARIAAN CHAIR, SMVD UNIVERSITY”, for research and development work in the field of Wireless Communication [Nomination Form] 30/05/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF)/ Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under RP-14529/04/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF)/ Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under RP-14529/04/2024
Advertisement for the Position of Assistant Professors on a Visiting Basis (Temporary & Contractual) in the School of Economics16/02/2024
Advertisement for the Position of Assistant Professors on a Visiting Basis (Temporary & Contractual) in the School of Architecture and Landscape Design (SoALD)01/02/2024
Advertisement for the Position of Assistant Professors on a Visiting Basis (Temporary & Contractual) in the School of Languages & Literature29/01/2024
Advertisement for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under RP-14323/01/2024
Advertisement for JRF position under the Research Project funded by SERB, DST, GoI
[List of candidates applied for JRF (RP-144)]
[Provisionally Short Listed and Not Shortlisted Candidate for the position of one JRF under RP-144]
Advertisement for JRF Position to work on a sponsored research project funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)18/12/2023
Advertisement for recruitment of staff under the Research Project RP-12701/12/2023
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for recruitment of Research Associate and Field Investigator under RP-14206/11/2023
Advertisement: Walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor in School of Business on 04/10/2023 at 10 a.m.
[Download Application Form]
Advertisement: For the position of Field Assistant under the Research Project RP-136
[Application Form]
Advertisement: For the position of Research Associate, Intern Programmer, Office Assistant and Office Helper under the Research Project RP-12602/12/2022
Advertisement: Call for nomination/applications for selection of Vice Chancellor, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra (J&K)
[Application Form] [Nomination Form]
Advertisement: For the position of Research Assistant and Field Investigator under the Research Project RP-13807/09/2022
Advertisement: For the position of Project Fellow under the Research Project RP-13901/06/2022
Advertisement: For the position of Research Assistant and Field Investigator under the Research Project RP-138
Advertisement: For the position of Project Fellow under the Research Project RP-139
Advertisement of Hostel caretaker and Helper/Cook
[Terms and Conditions] [Application Form]
Interview notice for the position of Assistant Professor in School of Mathematics(purely on adhoc and contractual basis)
Advertisement: Walk- in-interview for the position of Research Associate (RP-134)
Extension Notice: Faculty Advertisement
Corrigendum w.r.t. Advertisement for recruitment of Intern Programmer, Office Assistant, Junior Research Fellow and Office Helper under RP-126
List of provisionally Short-Listed candidate(s) eligible to appear in Interview and Not Short-Listed candidate(s), who have applied for the position of Assistant Professor in School of Mathematics(purely on adhoc and contractual basis)
Faculty Advertisement: Extension Notice
Advertisement for recruitment of Intern Programmer, Office Assistant, Office Helper and Junior Research Fellow under RP-126
Advertisement and Application Form for Field Assistant under RP-136
Advertisement for Field Assistant under JKSTIC funded project by Walk in Written Test cum interview
Application Form
Corrigendum: Faculty Recruitment
SMVD University invites Applications from Well Qualified and Experienced candidates for various
[Application Form]
[AICTE API Format for Associate Professor]
[AICTE API Format for Professor]
[UGC API Format or Associate Professor and Professor]
Advertisement for Contractual Appointment of Assistant Professor in School of Mathematics [Application Form]
Notice: List of candidate selected for the position of “Deputy Medical Officer (contractual)”
Notice w.r.t List of candidate selected for the position of Draftsman
Walk-In-Interview for the position of Deputy Medical Officer (Contractual)
Advertisement w.r.t. temporary position of Research Associate under the Research Project RP-134
Advertisement – Walk-In-Interview for Draftsman
Advertisement: Walk-in-Interview for Office Assistant under RP-106 [Application Form]
Corrigendum : List of candidate(s) selected for the position of Assistant Professor in School of Architecture and Landscape Design [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
ADDENDUM – List of candidates selected for the position of Assistant Professor – Philosophy in SoP&C on Contractual basis
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor- English in School of Languages & Literature [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor- Chemistry in School of Biotechnology [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in School of Electrical Engineering [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in School of Business [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor Philosophy in SoPC [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice: Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk In Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in Architecture [purely on adhoc and contractual basis]
Notice: Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk In Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in Physics [purely on adhoc and Contractual basis]
Notice – Merit list of candidates who appeared in the Walk In Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering [purely on adhoc and Contractual basis]
Cancellation of Advertisement Notice – Walk-in-INterview
Walk-in-Interview for Assistant Professors in various Schools and Executive Engineer(Civil)
[Application Form]
Notice for list of candidates selected for the position of Deputy Medical Officer
Shortlisted candidates for conducting the interview for the post of Project Fellow under Research Project (RP-130)
Addendum to the Walk-in-Interview for the position of Deputy Meducal Officer (Contractual)
Walk-in-Interview for well qualified and experienced candidate for the position of DEPUTY MEDICALOFFICER (Contractual) at Medical Aid Centre
Advertisement for recruitment of Office Assistantfor ICMR-Center forAdvance Research in Reproductive Health (CAR)
Recruitment for Intern Programmer under “Setting up of High-end computing AI and Deep Learning Lab” RP-126
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: Requires well qualified and experienced candidates purely on temporary & contractual basis for the position of Draftsman
Direct Walk in Interview for the Position of Field Investigator Project Title : Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation of Central Sponsored Scheme “Sub- Mission on Agriculture Extension” (SMAE-ATMA) (CP21/37) at School of Business
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Research Assistant
Advertisement for the post of Project fellow (Project No.RP-130)
Walk-In-Interview Cancellation Notice: Recruitment of Contractual Positions in Project RP-127
Recruitment for RA, SRF, Office Assistant and Office Helper
Walk-in-Interview for the positions of Assistant Manager, Assistant, and Office Helper
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor on temporary & contractual basis in School of Languages & Literature
[Application Form]
Walk in Interview for the post of Research Associate and Field Investigator
Walk-in-Interview for temporary and contractual basis for the post of Assistant Professor in various Schools
[Application Form]
Walk-in-Interview for well qualified and experienced candidates purely on temporary & contractual basis for the post of Assistant Professor in School of Energy Management
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for JRF position in DRDO funded project
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview(Online Mode) for JPF position in NMHS funded project
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for JRF position in DRDO funded project
Advertisement for Field Investigator under ICSSR funded project
[Detailed Advertisement]
Advertisement: Recruitment for the post of Draftsman
[Detailed Advertisement]
[Application Form]
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in School of Languages & Literature[English]
[Detailed Advertisement]
Advertisement for JRF/SRF/RA Positions
[Detailed Advertisement]
Advertisement for recruitment of staff under ICSSR funded Project
[Detailed Advertisement]
Advertisement for call for nominations/applications for selection of Vice Chancellor, SMVD University
[Detailed Advertisement] [Application Form: Application Form]
[Nomination Form]
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for JRF position in DRDO funded project
[Detailed Advertisement]
Advertisement for recruitment of staff under ICSSR funded Project Project Title "India’s Financial Inclusion-Determinants and Impediments"
Advertisement for recruitment of staff for ICMR- Center for Advance Research in Reproductive Health (CAR)
[Detailed Advertisement]
[Application Form]
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Research Associate and Traineeship in DBT-Sponsored Project on Bioinformatics
[Detailed Advertisement]
Notifications regarding recruitment rules for faculty members06/06/2024


Faculty Recruitment

Important Information Date
List of Candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology Download
List of Provisionally Eligible / Non Eligible candidates for the post of Associate Professor at School of Biotechnology Download
List of Candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering Download
List of Provisionally Eligible & Not eligible candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor at School of Computer Science and Engineering Download
List of Candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Associate Professor, School of Mathematics Download
Latest List of Eligible and Provisionally eligible candidates for the post of Associate Professor, School of Mechanical EngineeringDownload
List of Provisionally Eligible & Not eligible candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor at School of Mathematics Download
List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Associate Professor at School of PhysicsDownload
List of Provisionally Eligible & Not eligible candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor at School of PhysicsDownload
List of Provisionally Eligible & Not eligible candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor at School of EconomicsDownload
List of Provisionally Eligible and not Eligible Candidates at School of languages and LiteratureDownload
List of Provisionally Eligible Candidate for the post of Professor at School of languages and Literature (English)Download
Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of "Professor"
School of Electrical EngineeringDownload
School of Civil EngineeringDownload
Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of "Associate Professor"
School of Electrical EngineeringDownload
School of Civil EngineeringDownload
List of Shortlisted candidates for "Presentation and interview" for the post of Assistant Professor based on the Entrance Test held on 8th July 2024 at SMVDU Katra
School of Computer Science and EngineeringDownload
School of Civil EngineeringDownload
School of Electrical EngineeringDownload
School of EconomicsDownload
School of Languages and LiteratureDownload
School of MathematicsDownload
School of Mechanical EngineeringDownload
School of PhysicsDownload
Answer Keys of Entrance Test held on 8th July 2024 at SMVDU Katra for the post of Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science and EngineeringDownload
School of Civil EngineeringDownload
School of Electrical EngineeringDownload
School of EconomicsDownload
School of Languages and LiteratureDownload
School of MathematicsDownload
School of Mechanical EngineeringDownload
School of PhysicsDownload
Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of "Assistant Professor"
School of Mechanical EngineeringDownload
School of PhysicsDownload
School of Languages and LiteratureDownload
School of Computer Science and EngineeringDownload
School of Electronics and Communication EngineeringDownload
School of Civil EngineeringDownload
School of Electrical EngineeringDownload
School of EconomicsDownload
School of MathematicsDownload
School of Architecture and Landscape DesignDownload
Advertisement: For Faculty Recruitment No: SMVDU/Adm/Estt.-FA/ Rect.Adv/1 of 2023/1252 , Start Date: 15/09/2023
Detailed Notice Regarding Faculty Recruitment at SMVDU 07/06/2024
Extension Notice for submission of hard copy of application form (Last Date:- 31/10/2023)
Notice regarding recruitment notice issued vide SMVDU/Adm/Estt.-FA/ Rect.Adv/1 of 2023/1252, date 14/09/2023
Notifications regarding recruitment rules for faculty members06/06/2024


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