Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 12th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 12th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26

SMVDU Presents its Diversity Management Case at NUEPA

SMVDU Katra: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University presented its case of diversity of students, faculty and staff in the national level 5 days orientation-cum-workshop on Management of Diversity and Equity in Universities and Colleges organized by National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi, held from 10th -14th July. The workshop was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of NUEPA Prof. N. V. Varghese, a noted educationist and researcher. In this workshop various eminent educationist like Prof. K. Ramachandran, Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan, Prof. Najma Akhtar were the resource persons. The workshop aimed at orienting and training the faculty members from different universities on the issues of diversity of students on the campuses in terms of region, culture, economic and social backgrounds, categories and gender. Through thorough debates upon the cases of discrimination, social exclusion, marginalization, and personal problems faced by students such as depression, handling failures and maintaining academic interest, the representatives from around 38 universities were trained the best practices of equity management and necessary care for the weak students. The Equal Opportunity Cells established in all universities and colleges under the guidelines of UGC have the primary responsibility to run special programs like remedial classes for weak students, counseling, skill development, managing diversity and inclusivity trough equal representation in statutory bodies, gender justice, women safety and capacity building etc.

Dr. V. K. Tripathi, Head Dept. of Philosophy & Culture, was nominated by the Vice Chancellor, SMVDU Prof. Sanjeev Jain to present the best practices initiated by university in the workshop. The best practices like remedial classes, identification of week students through screening and mid-term assessments, special care for weak students, and keeping the same in the university benchmarks for faculty and departments were much appreciated by people from different universities across the country. It may be noted that SMVDU has students from around 22 States of India, from far South as Kerala, far North-East as Assam and from the interiors of Kargil too. Gender-wise diversity at SMVDU is also excellent, there are around more than 45% female students and their ratio is consistently increasing as the university provides best environment for their safety and development and have provisioned special rewards for meritorious girl students. Merit-cum-means fellowships are also a milestone in this regard. Its Technology and Business Incubation Center (TBIC) encourages students’ innovative ideas. Occasional training on pursuit of hobbies and interest based skills like film-making, theater workshops are also organized. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) makes best efforts for students’ equity, welfare, student-faculty interaction, capacity building etc. SMVDU stands among the leading institutions which promotes diversity and social justice through positive measures.

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