SMVDU Katra, 22stNov. 2018. Dr. Sharada M. Potukuchi, a Plant Scientist & Faculty, Biotechnology, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra presented her research in the international conference organised in Paris, France. During her keynote address on “Medicinal Plant Biotechnology in India”, Dr. Potukuchi focused on the therapeutic compounds derived from herbs that are major part of medical prescriptions worldwide. The organisers, namely the Allied Academy, recognised the research potential of Dr. Potukuchi, and invited her for the event. The faculty member also presented results of her recent work, carried out along with her doctoral candidate, Ms. Savita Sharma, through an oral presentation on “Annual Variation in the Production of Boeravinone B in Different Plant Parts of BoerhaaviadiffusaL. – A Medicinally Important Herb“. Notably, the conference was attended by plant researchers from leading universities and research institutionsworldwide, including US, Europe, Middle East, South Asia, and South America. Dr. Sanjeev Jain, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU believed that academicinteraction would help strengthen international collaborations and joint research projects so much so to elevate the research aptitude in SMVDU. Dr. Sharadaexpressed her gratitude to Dr. Sanjeev Jain for providing her with this opportunity to share her expertise with researchers from allied fields of plant sciences and natural medicine.