SMVDU Katra: Dr. (Ar.) Ajay Vinodia, Associate Professor, School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Bhopal and Adjunct Professor at Department of Architecture and Landscape Design SMVDU was invited to deliver expert talk for students and faculty of the department. Dr. Ajay Vinodia delivered the special talk on the topic “Urban Informality”. In his expert talk,...Read More
aaAr. Anoop Sharma- Asst. Professor of the department of Architecture presented his Research proposal about the ‘A pilgrimage town as an Impetus for the Urban development in surrounding Fringes- Potentials & Proposals’ in prestigious International Annual conference “ SPACES & FLOWS” held at Historic and reputed University of Pennsylvania-USA from 10th-11th Nov-2016. Conference saw rigorous...Read More
Dr. V. K. Dogra, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture & Landscape Design, SMVDU, attended International conference on “Alternative & Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture and Urbanism (AREQ) held in POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA BARCELONA-TECH at Barcelona, Spain from 1st to 3rd February 2017. He presented his research paper titled “Potential Alternate Energy Resources for Sustainability: A...Read More
A Sustainable House Model for sub-tropical climate was presented in the form of Research Paper entitled ‘Building a Green Home Using Local Resources and Sustainable Technology in Jammu Region – A Case Study’ at the International Conference organized by IEREK from 1st Feb-3rd Feb’2017 at Universitat Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. IEREK is an international institution...Read More
An international institute IEREK-that is concerned with the exchange of knowledge and enhancing research through organizing and managing conferences in all fields of knowledge. Abhimanyu Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture & Landscape Design ,Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University presented a research paper titled “Rejuvenating A Space into World Class Environment Through Conservation and Energy...Read More