SMVDU: The students of 2nd year of the Bachelor of Architecture, a UG Degree programe running at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) have won second prize in the prestigious LIVE Fashion Show competition conducted by the Punjab Chapter of Indian Institute of Architects (the National Society of Indian Architects) during National Regional Conference (NRC) titled...Read More
SMVDU: Katra, Jammu and Kashmir – Two final-year students of architecture from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) made a remarkable presentation at the “International Conference on Religious Architecture” organized by the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Patna. The conference was held as part of the BCE-NIT Patna Centenary Year Celebration (1924-2024). Ms. Pradnya Jogdan presented...Read More
Ms. Anshikka Jain, a student of B. Arch. (4th Semester) published a Kindle book as Co-Editor titled Data Wars between Nations: A Threat for Mankind? on Amazon available at The ISBN No.: 978-93-6076-488-3 (13 Digit ISBN) are issued by Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government...Read More
Ms Anshikka Jain, a student of B. Arch. (3rd Semester) published a Kindle book as Co-Editor along with Dr. Deepak Jain (Faculty, School of Business, SMVDU & Editor) titled Requirement to Know Policies and Procedures for Doing Business: A Road Map for Success on Amazon available at The ISBN No.: 978-93-6076-335-0 (13 Digit ISBN) &...Read More
Shreya Gupta, a student of SoALD at SMVDU, won the World Architecture Community Award for her thesis project "The Third Place." The award was in the student category for the 44th cycle, and she was guided by Ar. Abhiney Gupta. The VC, Prof. Pragati Kumar, and Head, Ar. Aditya Kumar Singh, along with faculty members,...Read More
Anand Upadhayay, an Alumnus of SMVD University, secures a seat at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) for a Master’s in Architecture (M.Arch). He is one among 19 who got into the program, and the only one representing India. Anand passed out in 2016, and during his time at SMVDU, he brought laurels...Read More
Ar. Abhiney Gupta, Faculty of School of Architecture and Landscape Design (SoALD), Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), was awarded a certificate of merit for the outstanding contribution to Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) activities during the year 2021-22 by the IIA President, Ar. C.R. Raju in the recent annual convention – NATCON 2022, a...Read More
aaAr. Satyanshu Kumar, Assistant Professor of School of Architecture and Landscape Design (SoALD), Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, scored as one of among the toppers with Gold medal+ Elite certificate of NPTEL course on “Environmental Impact Assessment” conducted by IIT Roorkee. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool to assess the environmental, economic and...Read More
Taha Mughal, alumni of School of Architecture & Landscape Design, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), made it to the prestigious Harvard Graduate School of Design’s Master in Design (M.Des.) program (Narratives Domain) in 2022-23 session. He is the first SMVDU alumni to be admitted to the course, among 14 others worldwide. After completing his...Read More