SMVDU Katra, 19thAug, 18. Mr. Roy Keshav Sharma, a 3rd year student of B.Tech, Computer Science Engineering, studying at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra has been selected for the Young Hero Award by the prestigious Youth Service America (YSA). The American agency reported that they are impressed by Mr. Roy’s passion for empowering...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 18 Aug, ’18: The School of Languages & Literature, a leading and research oriented department of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, conducted its Doctoral Student Research Committee (DSRC) meeting on 18 August 2018 for the current semester. Prof. Nagendra Kumar of IIT, Roorkee was present as the external expert member, including supervisors, co-supervisors...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 16thAug,18. Mr. Deepak Sharma, a staff member of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra has been declared qualified for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Electrical Engineering by National Institute of Technology, (NIT) Srinagar (J&K). He worked on the research topic,...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 10 August 2018. Following the Rig Vedic hymn stating ‘let the knowledge come from all directions’, the School of Physics at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, organised two expert talks by IIT professors, namely Prof. P. C. Deshmukh and Prof. Prabhakar Singh of IIT, Tirupati & IIT, BHU respectively. Prof. Deshmukh, in his...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 10thAugust,18. Dr. Balbir Singh, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra was awarded fellow membership of Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), Kolkata, which is the largest Indian multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers. Earlier, Dr. Singh had served the Indian Air Force (IAF) for sixteen years, prior...Read More
SMVDU-Katra, 7th August, 2018 Mr. Roy Keshav Sharma, a 3rd year student of B.Tech CSE, has been selected for JagritiYatra, supported by Schneider Electric Foundation. He has also been rewarded with a sponsorship for the same. Notably, JagritiYatra is an annual train journey that takes highly motivated young Indians and a few young people from...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 05 August 2018. Kanica Sachdev, research scholar of the School of CSEat Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra, has qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) and State Eligibility Test (SET) 2018 in Computer Science and Applications. The SMVDU students register themselves for SWAYAM/NPTEL courses every semester to acquire knowledge from esteemed professors of...Read More
SMVDU Katra6thAugust 2018. Teemed with ethical teaching and integrating the sanctity of human values, the SMVDU has been nurturing young Human Resource for the service of Indian society and world at large while the focus is on the pursuit of education, scholarship and research, and its application to the society at highest international levels of...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 3rdAugust 2018. An institution is recognized by the quality of education imparted and eventually the achievements of its students. Likewise, bringing laurels to the respective university by reaching zenith installs in them as well as in the institution a sense of pride. The syllabus of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University is designed in...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 3rdAugust 2018. On the second last day of the induction program at SMVDU, Mrs. NeethaGilganchi, an accomplished soft skills trainer, addressed the newly admitted B. Tech students of various streams. She was introduced by Dr. Anil Tewari, Head, School of Philosophy & Culture, to the students. Mrs. Gilganchi interacted on an inspiring theme...Read More