SMVDU Katra: Dept. of Philosophy & Culture Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, upon conducting a survey on more than a thousand students, confirms the role of values in opening up and development of different faculties of human mind, its thinking and reflection ability. It may be noted that on the initiative of the Vice Chancellor...Read More
SMVDU Katra: Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, on inspiration of Vice Chancellor Dr. Sanjeev Jain, took a path-breaking initiative of training all faculty members of SMVDU for working on Moodle – an open source learning platform. The training took place for last two weeks, holding five rigorous sessions with faculty. Dr. Naveen Kumar Gondhi...Read More
SMVDU Katra: A one day News Writing Workshop was organized by Literary Club under the aegis of Board for Cultural Activities on April 26, 2017. In the workshop Dr. Anurag Kumar, Coordinator Literary Club & Assistant Professor, Department of Languages & Literature delivered lecture on the fundamentals of news report writing. Workshop was attended by...Read More
SMVDU Katra: As Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is to visit SMVD University in the first week of May, Vice Chancellor Dr. Sanjeev Jain chaired a review meeting with all Heads of the Dept., Deans of various Faculties and Training and Placement Cell. The visit is to take place to re-accredit the University for Students’ Placements....Read More
SMVDU Katra: Board for Sports Activities (BSA) of SMVD University organized Kit distribution ceremony for its Inter-Hostel tournament players. Kits were distributed to the finalists of various games like Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table-Tennis, Cricket, Football etc. The kits were distributed by Sh. Ashok Sharma Director Sports, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra who was...Read More
SMVDU successfully organizes Inter- Hostel volleyball tournament. On the final day of the tournament Trikuta and Vindhyachal Hostel boys were face to face in the final match. Trikuta Hostel team was led by Jayant Kumar and Vindhyachal Hostel team by Swapnil Kumar. It was a thriller as Vindhyachal Hostel team was leading the game with...Read More
SMVDU Katra: The Department of Biotechnology, SMVDU has organized weekly seminar schedule wherein Emeritus Scientist and Professor from National Chemical Laboratory Pune, Prof. Mukund V. Deshpande, delivered talk on “Recent Trends in Microbiology” on 26th April. The seminar was attended by the faculty, research scholars and students of the Department as well as the University....Read More
Professor K.K. Biswas ,from Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIIT Delhi, visited the department of Computer Science & Engineering SMVDU, for FDP and Lecture series starting from 18th April, 2017. Prof. Biswas delivered lectures on the topics of Machine learning including topics of current research areas in the field such as Naïve Bayes, Support...Read More
Department of Science & Technology, GoI has appointed Dr. Sunil Kumar Wanchoo, Department of Physics, SMVD University as a member of the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) for a period of three years. IRIS is an initiative under public private partnership between Department of Science & Technology, GoI, Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd and Indo-US Science...Read More