Stating an example how positive and fruitful interaction between Governors and Vice-Chancellors could produce wonders, President Ram NathKovind onTuesday reminded his recent visit in the month of April to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra at the two-day Conference of Governors here. Incidentally, the President was speaking on how universities with positive energies can achieve...Read More
SMVDU 7th June, 18: Prof. DeepshikhaKotwal, Head, Department of English, Central University Jammu, delivered lectures on Intrinsic relationship between the writer and the writing during a two-week Summer School-cum-FDP wef 28 May-08 June, 2018 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra. She began with introducing what writing is and why do writers feel the unsatiable...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 05 June, 18. With a pledge to save the environment and conserve it for future generation, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th June 2018. On this occasion, a plantation task was organized near the Basohli Hostel. Students, faculty and staff members enthusiastically planted 30 saplings...Read More
SMVDU Katra, 05thJune,18: Prof. Veerendra K. Mishra, Associate Professor, Dept. of English and Modern European Languages, BansthaliVidyapeeth, delivered lectures on ‘Theorizing Theory &Practising Praxis’ during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra. In his lectures, he discussed about the significance of theoretical underpinnings...Read More
Katra, 05 June ‘18. Mr. Ram Krishan, DST INSPIRE Fellow and Research Scholar, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra attended the 33rd Annual Conference of The Ramanujan Mathematical Society (ACRMS- 2018) at Delhi University, Delhi wef 1–3 June, 2018 sponsored by Ramanujan Mathematical Society, NBHM, DRDO. During the conference, Mr. Ram Krishan...Read More
Katra, 02 June ‘18. A two-day National Seminar on “Socio-Cultural Impact of Adi Shankaracharya: A Historical Perspective” jointly organized by Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi, and School of Philosophy & Culture (SoPC) from 01 June to 02 June 2018 concluded at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra. The Chief Guest of...Read More
SMVDU, Katra, 1stJune, 18. A Two Day National Seminar on “Socio-Cultural Impact of Adi Shankaracharya: A Historical Perspective” jointly organized by Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi, in collaboration with the School of Philosophy & Culture (SoPC) from 01 June to 02 June 2018 begins at SMVD University. The Chief Guest of the...Read More
SMVDU, Katra, 30thMay,18. Mr. Biswajit Mishra and Mr. Sudhakar Kumar have been shortlisted for admission into Master of Technology, IIT Bombay. Mr. Mishra and Mr. Kumar have been offered admissions into the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Systems and Control Engineering respectively. It is a matter of immense pleasure that both...Read More
SMVDU, Katra 30th May, 18: Dr. Rajnish Mishra, Professor of Linguistics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi delivered lectures on Literature as a Discourse of Knowledge during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, SMVD University. In his lectures, he discussed about the various aspects of the nature and structure of...Read More
SMVDU,Katra29th May, 18: Prof. N.D.R. Chandra, Ex Vice Chancellor of Bastar University, Jagdalpur and Professor of English at Nagaland Central University delivered two lectures on New Criticism as well as Cyber Literature during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, SMVD University. In the former lecture, he threw light on...Read More