SMVDU Katra, 17th Dec. 2018: A week-long Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Best Manufacturing Practices in Industries”, sponsored by TEQIP–III, in collaboration with JNTU Hyderabad was inaugurated today at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra from 17th to 21th December, 2018. The FDP, coordinated by Dr. Balbir Singh and Dr. Sanjay Mohan Sharma, faculty members, SMVDU, aimed at highlighting the various fundamentals of quality management, industrial safety, maintenance and industry 4.0 and. Dr. Singh briefed all the participants about the need of total quality management in the current industrial scenario. Further, the Coordinators thanked the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SMVDU, Prof. Sanjeev Jain, for his constant encouragement and support. Experts from IIT’s, NITs, BIS and industry would be invited to deliver lectures on new trends in the area of quality management. Around thirty faculty members and industry participants from various disciplines registered for the FDP. The Dean, Faculty of Engineering, SMVDU, Prof. V. Verma, graced the occasion as the chief guest where he spoke on the importance of organizing such courses which would keep the faculty members abreast with the latest developments in the field of manufacturing. The Head, School of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. R.K. Mishra, also spoke about the various aspects of manufacturing at the occasion. Mr. Dheeraj Arora (Senior Consultant, iMinds) and Prof. Pradeep Kumar of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT, Rourkee, were also present at the inaugural. The other senior faculty members, including Prof. I.K. Pandita, Dr. Ankush Anand and Dr. Y. Anand. Er. Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Asst. Prof., SME carried out the proceedings of the event and proposed the vote of thanks.