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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Week Long TEQIP–III Sponsored FDP Begins at SMVDU

13022018 newsfdp

SMVDU Katra 12th Feb. 2018: A Week-Long Faculty Development Program on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-2018) was inaugurated today at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra. The program scheduled from 12 to 16 February is aimed at highlighting the various fundamentals of Sustainability and its role in the present industrial scenario. The program is being coordinated by Dr. Ankush Anand, Assoc. Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Anand briefed all the participants about the need of sustainability in design and manufacturing environment. Dr. Anand also thanked the Vice Chancellor Prof. Sanjeev Jain for his constant encouragement to organize such programs in the University.

Experts from IIT’s, IIITDM, etc. have been invited to deliver lectures on new trends in the area of sustainable design and manufacturing. 37 Faculty members from various disciplines of Engineering, Science and, Technology from various parts of the country have registered for the program, which is sponsored by TEQIP–III (Technical Education Quality Improvement Program) at the University. Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. V. Verma was the chief guest at the occasion. Prof. Verma spoke about the importance of organizing such courses which will keep the faculty abreast with the latest developments in the field of sustainability in Design and Manufacturing. Head, School of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Balbir Singh also spoke on the occasion.

Prof. Vinay Sharma, Head, Production Engineering Department, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra delivered the Introductory Lecture on “Sustainable Development through Lean and Six Sigma Tools”. During the inaugural ceremony, Faculty, Staff and Research Scholars of the School were present. The proceedings of the event were carried out by Er. Mir Irfan-Ul-Haq, Asst. Prof., SME. Er. Rajiv Kumar, Asst. Prof., SME proposed the vote of thanks.

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