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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Training Programme for IFS Officers concludes successfully

05022018 val1

SMVDU Katra: One-week National Level training programme for Indian Forest Service Officers on ‘Effective Decision Making’ at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University successfully concluded. Considering the relevance of problem solving and decision making as critical competencies for every executive officer, the programme aimed at providing a promoting hand to the officers to get an understanding and sensitization about the different aspects of problems, generation of creative solutions and then deciding of which solution most closely matches their needs. The programme was organized by School of Business, Faculty of Management, with the financial support from Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India. The event was national in character as IFS officers participating in this program were from 19 different States of India, including Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Rajasthan, J&K etc. Earlier, during the last day of the event, a brain storming session on ‘Improvement in the Working of Forests Department Need for Career Development through Training and Improvement of Skills’ was accomplished under the chairmanship of Dr. Suneesh Buxi, Deputy Inspector General (RT), Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, GoI, New Delhi.

The panelist emphasized the relevance, significance and criticality of such kind of training programmes and underlined on regular conduction of such kind of training programmes. During the valedictory ceremony, Sh. Ravi Kesar, PCCF, J&K and Chief Guest of the ceremony acknowledged the sincere efforts put by School of Business in organizing of such kind of training programmes. He was accompanied by Mr. Mohan Pant, PCCF (Wildlife) in the valedictory ceremony. Dr. Suneesh Buxi, DIG (RT), MoEF, GoI, New Delhi also emphasized on the essence of conduction of such kind of training programmes. During the function Prof.D.Mukopadhyay, Dean, Faculty of Management emphasized that with the successful completion of this training programme a new journey to learn and unlearn will be started for the officers. Earlier, Programme coordinator, Dr Jyoti Sharma while extending welcome to the chief guest of the programme mentioned the history of organization of such kind of training programme for IFS officers at SMVDU. Dr. Sanjeev Jain, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU, congratulated the School of Business for the successful organization of this programme. Head School of Business also spoken during the ceremony.

During this five days training programme, on fourth Day, a field visit to the Central Office and Spiritual Growth Center, SMVD Shrine Board, Katra was also made wherein Dr. M. Kumar Addl. CEO, SMVD Shrine Board apprised the officers regarding the administrative and managerial aspects of the shrine board and process of decision making at SMVDSB. The training programme has comprised of various interactive practical training sessions, role plays, lecture sessions,exercises,case study analysis, concept notes review/analysis by the enriched and experienced expert resource persons to highlight a variety of creative problems solving and decision making tools and techniques and to develop successful and effective and multiple solutions.

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