SMVDU Katra, 26thNov. 2018. A TEQIP-III Sponsored one-week hands-on training on “Open Source Software Linux (Ubuntu) &LibreOffice” (26-30 November, 2018)started at ShriMata VaishnoDevi University (SMVDU), Katra. Thistraining program is organized in collaboration with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial, NMEICT, (MHRD). The key objective of the hands-on training is to encourage the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in academic and industry sector. In this context, in the first phase of this program, the non-teaching staffs of SMVD University would get trained. Mr. Vipin K.Gupta, Director, U-Net Solutions & U-Net LabsPrivate Ltd.,delivered the expert lectureonhands-on training during one-week program. Dr. Sachin K. Gupta, Assistant Professor, SoECE& Central Co-ordinator, Spoken Tutorial Project, SMVDU stressed that the conduction of this program is possible with the support of Ms. HajraBano, Training Coordinator (J&K), Spoken Tutorial Project, NMEICT, MHRD, IIT Bombay and Dr. SumeetGupta, Associate Dean (AcademicAffairs) &TEQIP-III Co-ordinator, SMVDU. Dr. Gupta thanked, Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Vice-Chancellor SMVDU for his constant motivation and valuable support.