Er. Sparsh Sharma, Research Scholar, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SMVDU and a Cyber Security enthusiast, gave a 1-day Invited Guest Lecture on various topics related to ‘Mobile Hacking and Mobile Forensics’at Sher-e-Kashmir Police Academy Udhampur yesterday. In his invited lecture he gave practical demonstrations on mobile hacking and showed how easy it is for a hacker to gain access to a mobile phone. Countermeasures to prevent mobile hacking and other mobile related scams were also discussed.
Topics like Investigation of Spoof Calls, SMS, Breaking Android and Computer Passwords, Recovery of Deleted data from mobile phones, VPN and Tracking, Mobile phone tracking based on OS was also covered. Er. Sparsh Sharma is pursuing his Ph.D. from SMVDU Katra under the supervision of Dr. Ajay Kaul, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SMVDU.