Ms Anshikka Jain, a student of B. Arch. (3rd Semester) published a Kindle book as Co-Editor along with Dr. Deepak Jain (Faculty, School of Business, SMVDU & Editor) titled Requirement to Know Policies and Procedures for Doing Business: A Road Map for Success on Amazon available at https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CPQ9YSSK. The ISBN No.: 978-93-6076-335-0 (13 Digit ISBN) & 93-6076-335-7 (10 Digit ISBN) are issued by Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India. The book records the policies and procedures required for Doing Business in India. India’s startup economy has been booming. The last decade has seen significant activity on multiple fronts including the founding of new startups, the amount of funding and the number of investment rounds, the influx of global investors and startups, the development of regulatory infrastructure, global mergers and acquisitions, and internationalization. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Startups will ensure an unprecedented wave of long-deserved growth, prosperity, and well-being that can serve the interests of the rest of the world as well as the spirit of New India.