SMVDU Katra: Sehar Shakeel Raina, research scholar of School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Viashno Devi University attended 3 days International Conference in conjunction with 14th Biennial Conference of Industrial and Applied Mathematics jointly organized by Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. During the conference Sehar presented a research paper entitled “On -Normality and -Normality in Relative Topology”. She was awarded with the fellowship from International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics for attending this conference. It is worth mentioning that Sehar Shakeel Raina is an INSPIRE fellow and pursuing her Ph.D. under Dr. A. K. Das, Head School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University. Prof. Sanjeev Jain congratulated Sehar Shakeel Raina.