SMVDU Katra: School of Mathematics of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University organized “Mathematics for Engineers” on 28 February, which is celebrated as National Science Day. A competition on the mathematical ability of engineering students was conducted. Students from various Institutes from Jammu participated in the competition. Ashutosh Trivedi and Ashish Dagar from Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu, won 1st and 2nd prize respectively. Third prize was shared between Sivam Kumar and Aman Agarwal from IIT Jammu and SMVDU respectively. In the prize distribution ceremony, Dr A. K. Das, Head, School of Mathematics and Convener of the event, explained the importance of Mathematics in other branches of Science and Engineering. Prof V. K. Bhat, Dean, Faculty of Science congratulated the prize winners and spoke on the application of Mathematics in Engineering. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Kuldeep Raj, coordinator of the event. Dr Sandeep Bhougal, Dr Rakesh Kumar, Dr Surender Singh and Dr Sandeep Sharma were also present during the event.