SMVDU April, 5th: An extension lecture by Prof. Anita Singh, Professor at Banaras Hindi University (BHU), Varanasi, was organized by the School of Languages and Literature on 5th April 2018 where Prof. Singh gave an insightful lecture on Indian Feminism wrt to Post Modernism. At the end of the session, she interacted with the students who appreciated her deliberations and discussion. Incidentally, Prof. Singh was at SMVDU to conduct the PhD Viva Voce of Ms Simran Preet Kaur, Research Student of the School. The PhD Viva Voce of the Research student was well appreciated by Prof Singh and the in-house committee members as well as the research proves to be a valuable asset on the modeling of agency in Hindi Cinema. Dr. Vandana Sharma, supervisor of the respective research student was also present as a member of the committee. Dr Varun Kumar Tripathi, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences presented a token of appreciation to Prof Singh. Dr. Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi, Head, School of Languages and Literature congratulated Ms. Simran Preet Kaur and thanked Prof Singh for such a thought provoking conglomeration of thoughts.