Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 15th Mar, 2025
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SMVDU jubilant on Independence Day

16082017 independance

SMVDU Katra: The 71st Independence Day was observed at Shri Mata vaishno Devi University with great fanfare and gaiety. The day begaaan with arrival of the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sanjeev Jain for Guard of Honour at Inaugural Plaza who unfurled the national flag at 10am. In his address he emphasized the importance of the heritage of the freedom struggle and the contemporary challenges to the freedom today. He stressed upon the greater responsibility of academic institutions as the high political and social ideals of social justice, empowerment, employment, eradication of poverty etc. cannot be achieved without empowerment of the youth through knowledge, skill development, and technical education for solving social problems. And, for all these the greater onus lies on the academic institutions. Without relevant and usable knowledge the problems of a society cannot be solved merely through slogans and propagandas. Teachers and students have greater responsibility to shape the future of our civilization.

The Board of Cultural Activities presented a cultural show in the Matrika Auditorium. Ankit, Avani and Amit presented speech and poetry, Manav, Vaibhav, Shikha, Ansul, Abhishek, Sanchit and Nitish presented cultural performances, Theater Club presented a mime, Viklap and family kids also presented their cultural items. Registrar Prof. V. K. Bhat, Dean Faculty of Management Prof. D. Mukhopadhyaya, Dean of Students Dr. Yugal Khajuria, Dean Academic Affairs Dr. Sumeet Gupta, and Heads of the Departments, faculty, staff, all family members and kids of Vikalp were present. The show ended with a vote of thanks by Vice President BCA Dr. Rakesh Kumar. Event was coordinated by Mr. Gaurav Jamwal, Mr. Opinder Sidhu, Vivek Soni, Anshul, Khushboo Julfi, Mangalam Bharat, Vaibhav, Abhishek Mahajan and Arjun Singh Thakur. In the afternoon, ‘Border’ movie was displayed in the auditorioum and the show was managed by Anand Bharti and Sameer Sengar.

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