Katra: Er. Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), has been declared qualified for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the Mechanical Engineering. Er. Irfan has carried out his research work in the field of self-lubricating lightweight materials under the supervision of Dr. Ankush Anand, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, SMVDU, on the topic “Evaluation of Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Novel Alumunium 7075 Alloy Composites”. Er. Irfan has contributed several journal papers in SCI/SCIE and SCOPUS indexed Journals, and has also attended many national and international conferences. Pertinently Er. Irfan was awarded DST SERB Travel Grant for presenting his research work at STLE 2019, USA.