SMVDU Katra, 21stSept.,18. Mr. Rohit Kumar Maurya, an alumnus (2011-15) of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, is visiting MIT Cambridge, USA. Mr. Maurya is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Thermal and Fluids Engineering from IIT Bombay. As a Tata Fellow, he is currently working on an agricultural project, titled“Energy Efficient Jaggery Maker”, which is aimed to enhance the efficiency of Indian jaggery industry and make it more profitable. This project is funded by Tata Centre for Technology and Design, IIT Bombay. As a part of the Tata Fellowship, he will be visiting MIT Tata Centre, Cambridge, USA, a sister organization of TCTD, IITB, for 2 weeks from 25 September, 2018 onwards. The objective of this visit is to understand the approach and methodology used by researchers at MIT for any particular social problem. In this series, he will be attending MIT Tata Centre’s Symposium and Workshops, visiting labs and research centres along with meetings with social entrepreneurs. He has also served as Junior Research Fellow at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, BARC Mumbai and had worked in the broad area of agriculture for his major project. He understands that there is a huge gap between available technology and existing problems which motivates him to steer his work in the agricultural field as he himself comes from an agrarian background. Dr. Sanjeev Jain, the Vice-Chancellor, SMVDU congratulated Mr. Maurya, and wished him a bright future ahead.