SMVDU Katra: As a part of its flagship mission towards skill development of final year B.Tech. Students, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, is organizing a five days Workshop on Ultrasonic Testing Level-II, in collaboration with MSME, Technology Development Centre, Agra. Dean Faculty of Engineering, Prof. V. Verma motivated students to develop professional skills to fetch better career prospects and self placement. Dr. Balbir Singh, Head, Department of Mechanical engineering, coordinator for this workshop highlighted the importance of Non destructive testing in industries. This certification will help students to start consultancy work as well as to facilities them to work in quality control and maintenance wings of power plants and mechanical based industries. Mr Chetan Somani, UT Level –III certified, resource person of MSME Agra is imparting theoretical and practical session to students, faculty and staff members of School.