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Prof. Kotwal, CU, Jammu addresses gender sensitisation at SMVDU

for news 31 7 18

SMVDU Katra, 31 July 2018. Dr. Deepshikha Kotwal, professor and head, at Central University, Jammu delivered a lecture on ‘Gender Sensitisation’ at the School of Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra. During her lecture, she picked up examples from English novels and literary theorists, focusing on gender sensitization theories which claim that modification of the behavior of teachers and parentstowards children can have a causal effect on gender equality. Notably, she said that gender sensitizing is about changing behavior and instilling empathy into the views that we hold about our own and the other genders. Further, Prof. Kotwal also got a chance to interact with B Tech students in the ongoing Induction Programme where she said that gender sensitization is one basic requirement for the normal development of an individual. Without being sensitive to the needs of a particular gender, an individual may refrain from understanding the opposite gender and in some acute cases even him or herself. The need for this sensitivity has been felt and realised through times immemorial and in almost all kinds of human existence, across the globe. The Coordinator, Dr. Amitabh V. Dwivedi, Head, School of Languages & Literature, thanked Prof. Kotwal for her words of wisdom, and Dr. Ranbir Kaur presented the vote of thanks.

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