Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 10th Mar, 2025
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National Workshop on 3D Printing Inaugurated at SMVDU

13092019 3dPrinting

SMVDU Katra, September 2019. A TEQIP-III sponsored national workshop on 3D Printing for New Product Development was inaugurated today at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU). The workshop was organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, SMVDU, with an objective to disseminate knowledge of 3D printing and its role in the new product development for various engineering equipment. The workshop was attended by around ninety participants across the country, as informed by the convenors, Ankush Raina and Mir Irfan Ul Haq. Padma Shri Prof. R.K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU presided over the inaugural function as the Chief Guest. In his inaugural speech, Prof. Sinha stressed on the need of holding such workshops on new technological developments regularly in the university. Prof. E.Muthuswamy (Dean, FoE, SMVDU), Dr. R.K. Mishra (Head, SME, SMVDU), Prof I.K. Pandita, Dr. Ankush Anand and Dr. Sanjay Mohan Sharma, Organizing Secretaries of the workshop, were also present in the function. The invited speakers Dr. Niraj Sinha of IIT Kanpur and Dr. G. Balaganeshan of IIT Jammu shared their knowledge and experiences about 3D Printing and its applications particularly in automotive, aerospace and medical fields. A comprehensive hand-on training was also imparted to the participants during the lab sessions by Mr. Prabakar from Atharva 3D Printing and Dr. M.Javaid from JMI New Delhi. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sinha, applauded the efforts put in by the organizing team, and welcomed all the guests to university.

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