Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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JNTU Prof. T. Satya Savitri delivers Expert lecture at SMVDU

20022018 ProfTSatya

A guest lecture and faculty interaction of Prof. T. Satya Savitri , Head, ECE, JNTU College of engineering Hyderabad, under the TEQIP-III Program was organized at SoECE, SMVDU.

Prof Satya Savitri discussed the fundamentals of Digital Image Processing and presented a detailed presentation and apprised the audience about the areas in the field of Digital Image Processing. The presentation was very elaborative in nature and student, faculty and the staff members of SoECE and SoCSE attended the lecture. She discussed about the new field of digital forensic which is becoming a major area of research and motivated the audience to pursue this area. The lecture was followed by interaction and discussion with the faculty of ECE. Mr Ashish Suri, AP SoECE discussed how the students of SoECE can be placed in the companies which visit JNTU regularly and how the students of SMVDU can get summer internship with the companies which have MoU with JNTU. Prof. Savitri expressed willingness for JNTU and SMVDU collaboration to promote the research, academic & placement activities. Prof Satya Savitri interacted with the students & staff and appreciated about the infrastructure and the research output of the school. Dr. Sumeet Gupta, Dean Academic affair presented the memento and the vote of thanks was presented by Dr Amit Kant Pandit,I/c HoD SoECE .

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