Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
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Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 11th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26

Faculty Member, SMVD University Contributed in National & International Webinars

Dr. Supran Kumar Sharma, Faculty, School of Business & Chief Coordinator Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University has participated in number of Webinars & Workshops as Expert & Resource person during this pandemic.

First in this list was, the complete one day expert session taken on the topic, “Qualitative Response Regression Modelling” in the research methodology one week workshop on ‘Qualitative Research Methods’ organised by Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Gurugram, NCR.

This is followed by his role as a one of the Panellists of in a panel discussion organised by Manipal University, Jaipur on the topic , “Covid 19 Relief Fund Not a Magic Wand” During the event, deliberation was focused on the features and the efforts of the government to smoothly revive the economy while using cascading, spillover effects.

Moreover he as a resource person in the panel has elaborated the significance of favourable accelerator and multiplier parameters in the better implementation of policies during this hard-hitting time.

While in another two-day international webinar on, “Covid-19 Fiscal Management Ways and Challenges Ahead” where Dr. B.P Veerabhadrappa, Vice Chancellor Kuvempu University, Karnataka was Chief Guest and attended the whole webinar, Dr Sharma given talk on the theme of the webinar. In this event other speaker were Dr. Nazrul Islam, Associate Professor, Dhaka school of Economics, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Professor N. R. Bhanumurthy, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi & Vice Chancellor designate, Bangalore Ambedkar School of Economics (BASE), Bangalore.

Further in a webinar on the topic, “Sectoral Outlook in India: Post Covid-19 Scenario” organized by Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana.

Dr. Sharma was Guest of Honour while speaking on the topic emphasized that sectoral compositions are going to have a paradigm shift with inculcation of digitalization, robotics, drone technology, web designing etc. He Stressed upon the revision of syllabi of management programs in the light of new normal emerging in the economy worldwide. Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor GJUS&ST was Chief Guest of the Webinar and spared time from his valuable time to attend the complete event.

Until recently Dr.Supran Kumar Sharma, School of Business, has acted as the resource person in International Webinar on, “To Re-Open or Not to Re-Open – The Covid19 Dilemma” where other resource persons were from Switzerland, Pakistan, New Zealand, Thailand.

In the deliberation the advantages and disadvantages of lockdown practices adopted and being adopted at the global level have been made. These type of activities by faculty of School of Business, SMVDU not only provide effective platform for better exposure and learning to the faculty members but also proves how dynamically the faculty members of the School are recognised and contributing towards the effective academic exercises and research works world-wide.

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