Dr. Sunanda
Associate Professor & Head of School
sunanda.gupta@smvdu.ac.in ;
01991-285524 Extn.: 2309
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. in Computer Science – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Specialization: Algorithm Optimization , Nature Inspired Algorithms
- MCA – University of Jammu
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2020–Present)
Assistant Professor- Stage III, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2017–2020)
Assistant Professor- Stage II, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2012–2017)
Assistant Professor- Stage I, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2005–2012)
Courses Taught (Even Semester 2024-25)
- Kour, Navleen, Sunanda Gupta, and Sakshi Arora. “A vision-based hybrid ensemble learning approach for classification of gait disorders.” Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024): 1-48.
- Kour, Navleen, Sunanda Gupta, and Sakshi Arora. “Sensor technology with gait as a diagnostic tool for assessment of Parkinson’s disease: a survey.” Multimedia Tools and Applications 82.7 (2023): 10211-10247. ISSN 1573-7721 [SCIE IF: 2.577]
- Bakshi, A., & Gupta, S. (2022). Face Anti-Spoofing System using Motion and Similarity Feature Elimination under Spoof Attacks. INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 19(5), 747-758. ISSN : 16833198, IF: 0.967 [SCIE]
- S. Kumar, S. Gupta, and S. Arora, “Research Trends in Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems: A Review”, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 157761-157779, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3129775. ISSN: 2169-3536 IF: 3.476 [SCI-E] IF: 3.367
- Kumar, Satish, Gupta, Sunanda, and Arora, Sakshi. ‘A Comparative Simulation of Normalization Methods for Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems Using KDD Cup’99 Dataset’. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 42 (2022) (IOS Press) 1 Jan. 2022: 1749 – 1766. DOI:10.3233/JIFS-211191 ISSN: 1875- 8967 [SCI-E] IF:1.737
- Kour, N., Gupta, S., & Arora, S. A vision‐based clinical analysis for classification of knee osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease and normal gait with severity based on k‐nearest neighbour. Expert Systems 2022, 39.6, e12955 ISSN: 0266-4720. [SCI-E] IF:2.812
- Bakshi, A., & Gupta, S. (2022). An efficient face anti-spoofing and detection model using image quality assessment parameters. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(24), 35047-35068. ISSN 1573-7721 [SCIE IF: 2.577]
- Bakshi, Aditya, Sunanda Gupta, Akhil Gupta, Sudeep Tanwar, and Kuei‐Fang Hsiao. “3T‐FASDM: Linear discriminant analysis‐based three‐tier face anti‐spoofing detection model using support vector machine.” International Journal of Communication Systems. Wiley, 2020, vol 33, issue 12 https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.4441 ISSN:1099-1131 IF : 1.882 [SCI-E ]
- Kour, Navleen, Sunanda Gupta, and Sakshi Arora. “A Survey of Knee Osteoarthritis Assessment Based on Gait.” Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering: Vol 28, 345-385, 2021 ISSN: 1134-3060 , IF: 8.967 [SCI].
- Kour, Navleen, Sunanda, and Sakshi Arora. “Computer-Vision Based Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease via Gait: A Survey.” IEEE Access 7 (2019): 156620-156645 ISSN: 2169-3536 IF: 3.476 [ SCI] .
- Sharma Cheena, Sunanda,” Survey on Smart Healthcare: An application of IoT”, International Journal on emerging technologies, 330-333 8(1), 2017. ISSN: 0975-8364 [UGC care list No: 212]
- Sunanda, Arora Sakshi, “ A Review of Data Mining Issues in Cloud Environment”, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences”, Vol.No. 6, 320- 325, (2017) (ISSN: 23198133). [UGC care list No: 44720] IF: 6.723
- Boosting Simulated Annealing With Fitness Landscape Parameters for Better Optimality. International Journal of Computing, 14(2), 107-112, 2015 (h-index: 8) ISSN: 2312-5381.
- Arora Sakshi & Sunanda, “Genetic K-Means Clustering for Route Discovery in MultiCastNeyworks”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 10 (4), 49-56 (2017) ISSN: 0974-5572.
- Arora Sakshi & Sunanda, “Virtual Machine Availability and Load Balancing in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 10 (4), 183-190 (2017) ISSN: 0974-5572 .
- Gupta, S., &Garg, M. L. (2013). Binary trie coding scheme: an intelligent genetic algorithm avoiding premature convergence. International journal of computer mathematics, 90(5), 881-902. ISSN: 0020-7160 IF : 1.75 [SCI]
- Gupta, Sunanda., and Garg,M.L. “An Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on Adaptive Repair Operator for Solving the Knapsack Problem.” Journal of Computer Science 5.8 (2009): 544-547 (SJR: 0.3) ISSN: 1549 -3636 IF 0.94
- Presented paper titled “A Comprehensive Review of Recent Advances in Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms with Optimization Techniques and Feature Selection (45-52)” in the International Conference on Computer Science, Cyber Security and Information Technology, CCIT-2023
- Presented paper titled “A Naïve Performance Metric Parameter for Intrusion Detection System Model” during 6th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing Organized by Central University of Jammu organized by Central University of Jammu from 26.10.23- 27.10.23
- Presented paper titled “Heart Disease Prediction and Severity Level Classification: A Machine Learning Approach with Feature Selection Techniques” in the fourteenth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, held at IIT Delhi during 6th-8th July 2023.
- Presented paper titled “Face Misclassification Detection Using Facial Landmark Features” at 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Cyber Security (IC4S-2021) from 30h to 31st October 2021.
- Presented paper titled, “Comprehensive Review on CNN based Malware Code Detection with Hybrid Optimization Algorithm” in the International conference on Fourth industrial revolution based technology and practices”, Quantum university, Roorkee , india 26th march -27th march 2021.
- Presented paper titled “A Computer Vision Based Approach Towards Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis and Parkinsons Disease via GAIT Analysis” at 6th International Conference on Recent Trends & Advancement in Engineering and Technology from 17th to 18th January 2020.
- Presented paper titled “A Taxonomy on Biometric Security and its Applications” in the international conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies held in I.T. S College, Ghaziabad on 7th-8th November, 2020.
- Presented paper titled “ A Survey of Gait Analysis Techniques for Identification of Parkinson’s Disease”, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Computational Intelligence (ICMSCI-2020) (21-22 December 2020)
- Presented paper titled “Sentiment Analysis of Tweets and Customer Reviews: A Survey of Techniques” , AICTE sponsored International Conference on Computational Methods in Science & Technology held on 11th to 12th June 2020 at Chandigarh Engineering College (page No. 145-148) published in journal of Natural Remedies.
- Swarm Intelligence Based Nature Inspired Metaheuristics Used for Selecting Features in Opinion Mining – International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC 2020).
- “Light Fidelity: Next Generation Wireless Networks – A Survey”, 2nd International Conference on Smart Systems & Inventive Technology (ICSSITX 2019) organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College 27th -29th Nov. 2019, Tirunelveli, India.
- “A Survey on the State of Art Approaches Used in Intrusion Detection System” , (165-176), International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, 28th -29th Sep.2017
- “Enhanced Genetic Algorithm with Memory Scheme for Vehicle Routing Problem “,3rd International Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Engineering and Technology 2016 (17-18 November).
- “Secure Energy Efficient e-Health Monitoring System “,3rd International Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Engineering and Technology 2016 (17-18 November).
- “Cloud for Data Mining: Issues and Challenges”, International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, 18th -19th March, 2016
- “Making Governments Digital India Mission Workable by Ensuring Security of a Wireless Network in a Mobile Adhoc Network Environment”, National Seminar on Economics of Make in India, September 2015.
- “An Archive Enhanced Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing Problem” , International conference on computer and communication technology, MNIT Allahabad, September 25th -27th 2015.
- “Mobile Agent Based Approaches for Fault Tolerance” 2nd National Conference on Emerging
Principles & Practices of Computer Science & Information Technology (EPCSIT’09) 4th Sept -5th Sept 2009.
- “Role of IT in Developing Countries” National Conference on India and Other Emerging Economies (BRIC) – A Comparative study” held on October 24,2007.
- “Correlating Information Technology and National Development in Indian Context” at National Conference on India and Other Emerging Economies – A Comparative study” held on October 24,2007.
- “Effect of Different Topologies on PageRank” at IETE Conference in collaboration with Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University 2006.
- “Computer Simulation and Queues” at Indian Science Congress hosted by Nirma University 2005 .
- “Study of queues through computer simulation” at Ist JK Science Congress, University of Jammu 7-9 February, 2005.
- Khajuria Rakshit, Sunanda, Singh Sidharth, “Ä Survey of Existing Leaf Disease Detection Techniques using Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, Vol 59, Issue 1, 52-62,2018 ISSN : 2347 – 8578 .
- Revdikar Laxmikant, Mittal Ayush, Sharma Anuj, Sunanda, “A Naïve Breadth First Search Approach Incorporating Parallel Processing Technique For Optimal Network Traversal”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol (5), 5, 2016. (ISSN: 2319-5940)
- Gupta, Sunanda., and Garg,M.L. “GA implementation of the multi dimensional knapsack problem using compressed binary tries.” Advances in Computational Research 1.2 (2009), pp. 43-46. ISSN: 0975–3273 (IF: 0.476)
- Sudesh Kumar, Sakshi Arora, Sunanda, “Light-Fidelity: Next Generation Wireless Networks- A Survey, Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT) IEEE Xplore digital library, pages: 668-671, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSIT46314.2019.8987757 ISSN: 978-1-7281-2119-2 [Scopus].
- Security in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering”, Vol.No. 5, 280-285 (2016) (ISSN: 2319-8346).
- Sunanda, Arora, S. (2015, September). An Archive Enhanced Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing Problem. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology 2015 (pp. 147-151). ACM. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3552-2
Ph.D. Students Supervised – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Supervised 3 Ph.D. candidates in AI, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics and Digital Image Processing.
- Ms. Navleen Kour (17DCS014) “A Vision Based Approach for classification of Abnormal and Normal Gait using Effective Learning Models”, Feb 2023 complete
- o Mr. Aditya Bakshi (15DCS001) “A Secure Face Recognition System with Spoofing Detection Using Image Quality Assessment Parameters” , March 2022
- Mr. Satish Kumar (16DCS005) “ A Hybrid Feature Selection Approach For Network Intrusion Detection with Classifier Optimization Based on Bacterial Foraging”, Nov 2023 Completed
Master’s Thesis Advisor – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Mentored 7 Master’s students.
- Arshi Kumari, 19MMS004, “Detection of Malicious Code Variant Based on CNN Algorithm”.
- Nupur Bali, 18MMS018 “Sentiment Analysis Using Hybrid Firefly and Cuckoo Search Optimization for Efficient Feature Selection”.
- Priyanka Gupta 17MMS015, “Suicidal Tendency on Social Media”.
- Rakshit Khajuria 16MMS005, “Leaf Disease Detection Using Artificial Neural Network”.
- Cheena Sharma 15MMS015, “Enhancing Security of IoT Healthcare Using Secure CoAP”.
Conferences/Courses Organized
- Program coordinator for conducting Heckathon entitled “SMVDU CodeAthon” under the research project RP-124 entitled “Entrepreneurship Programme for students of Jammu Division Colleges” w.e.f 16.11.22 to 19.11.22
- Co-Convenor for Entrepreneurship Development Program (23.8.22 to 30.8.22) and Business Plan Competition (1.12.22) and Essay writing competition under the research project RP-124, sponsored by Higher Education Department J&K.
- Co-organizing Secretary for One Day Workshop on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act 2013” 0n 31.5.2022 at SMVDU.
- Co-convener in 7 Days Entrepreneurship Development Program and Business Plan Competition, sponsored by Higher Education Department J&K from 7th March 2022 to 14th March 2022.
- Coordinator in One day workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security” organized by Faculty Development Centre SMVDU, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Scheme (PMMMNMTT), 14th January 2022.
- Co-Coordinator in One day workshop on “ Plagiarism Practices Strategies and Tools” organized by Faculty Development Centre SMVDU, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Scheme (PMMMNMTT), 20th September 2021.
- Coordinator for the workshop on C and C++ organised by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, funded by PMMMNMTT, MHRD Govt. of India, held at SMVDU on 15h February 2020.
- Co Convenor for the workshop on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security , organized at SMVDU (TEQIP III funded) from 25.9.2019 to 26.9.2019.
- Coordinator for Python Workshop organized by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) , IIT Bombay , funded by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMNMTT) held at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Kakriyal, Katra J&K, India on 25th May 2019.
- Co convenor in National conference on Information Technology and Business Analytics.
- Remote Center coordinator and workshop coordinator for Two days FDP on “Saptahaant Shikshak Prashikshan”on Introduction to Machine Learning conducted from “16th Dec -17th Dec. 2017, organized by IIT kharagpur with SMVDU as Remote Centre. (Sponsored by TQIP III)
- Workshop Coordinator for AICTE Approved FDP on Foundation Program in ICT for Education from March 8,2018 to April 12, 2018, organized by IIT Bombay & SMVDU Katra as Remote centre.
- Workshop Coordinator for Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process (Re-run of FDP201x offered in 2017) from May 3rd to 30th, 2018 organized by IIT Bombay & SMVDU Katra as Remote centre.
Resource person in the Higher Education Department, J&K (U.T) sponsored “Entrepreneurship Development Program “ conducted at SMVDU campus during 10th -19th October 2023. Delivered a lecture on “Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Business Opportunities” on 17.10.23.
Resource person for training programme at Officers training institute, Gole Gujral J&K Bank, delivered a lecture on the topic Internal Complaints (Sexual harassment at workplace – sensitization and awareness ; Understanding of POSH Act 2013) dated 21.10.23
Resource person in the Higher Education Department, J&K (U.T) sponsored “Entrepreneurship Development Program “ conducted at SMVDU campus during 23rd August -30th August 2022. Delivered a lecture on “Frugal Innovations” on 30.12.22.
Resource person for training programme at Officers training institute, Gole Gujral J&K Bank, delivered a lecture on the topic Internal Complaints (Sexual harassment at workplace – sensitization and awareness ; Understanding of POSH Act 2013) dated 19.5.23
Resource person in the Higher Education Department, J&K (U.T) sponsored “Entrepreneurship Development Program “ conducted at SMVDU campus during 7th -14th March 2022. Delivered a lecture on “Frugal Innovations” on 14.3.22.
Conducted a training program on (topic) “Applied Productivity Tools in MS Word” for 2 hrs at Govt. Degree College Marh J&K on 25th Aug 2021.
Conducted a training program on (topic) “Business Presentations in Powerpoint” for 2 hrs at Govt. Degree College Thannamandi J&K on 16th Aug 2021.
Conducted a training program on (topic) “Advanced Microsoft Office” for 1 hr at Govt. Degree College Thannamandi J&K on 12th Aug 2021.
Conducted a training program on (topic) “Microsoft word : Basic and Advanced” for 1 hr at Govt. Degree College Thannamandi J&K on 13th Aug 2021.
Delivered a Lecture on Fundamentals of C to final year students of G.C.E.T on 13th Sep. 2019 from the perspective of campus placement.
Delivered a lecture on “Conditional Formatting & Data Validation for the Executive Training Program ‘Advance Computer Skills for Effective performance’ Executive Development Program towards capacity Building of the employees of SMVDSB: 9th September 2019 to 13th September 2019.
Delivered a lecture on “Conditional Formatting & Data Validation for the program ‘Advance Computer Skills for Effective performance’ Executive Development Program towards capacity Building of the employees of SMVDSB: 29th July 2019 to 2nd August 2019.
Delivered a lecture on Nature Inspired Algorithms in a Two Week Winter School for faculty from Engineering Streams, 16th Feb 2019 to 1st March 2019.
Delivered a lecture on “Practical Session: Integrating MS Excel and MS word for administrative workflow II’ for the program ‘Basic Computer Skills for Effective performance’Executive Development Program towards capacity Building of the employees of SMVDSB: 4th February 2019 to 8th February 2019.
Delivered a guest lecture on “Metaheuristics and its Applicability”, on 13th March 2017 at Model Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jammu.
Delivered a lecture on the topic “Virus, Worms, Trojans, Antivirus and Firewalls”, during a 5 day workshop on “Cyber Crime” organized by Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy, 2008.
Administrative Responsibilities
- Head of the School, Computer Science & Engineering. (Jan 2025- Present).
- Member of the Core Committee constituted for preparing course structure and course curriculum of B.Tech. (Mathematics and Computing) Program.
- Member of committee constituted by Directorate of Quality Assurance at SMVDU.
- Member of the committee constituted for screening/shortlisting of application forms for the position of Assistant Professor.
- Member, Qulaity Circle for Academic Affairs Section SMVDU.
- Member, Internal Complaint Committee, SMVDU.
- Coordinator, Examination wing.
- Warden Girls Shivalik Hostel, SMVD University, 2013- 2015.
Profile Last updated: January 20, 2025