Project Associate |
01/10/2020 to 20/03/2021 |
05 Month |
MANIT, Bhopal |
S. No. |
Title of Paper |
Authors |
ISBN/ISSN Number |
Name of Journal |
Page No. Volume Issue No. & Year |
1. |
“ Effect of Accelerated Curing on Concrete with Fly Ash and Glass Powder” |
Md. Tamreen Raza and S.S. Kushwaha |
ISSN:0303-6286 |
Tierarztiliche praxis |
Vol. 42, Issue 7, July 2022 |
2. |
“Investigation of Concrete Blocks with different Aggregate and Mixed Aggregate Size to withstand Under Local Compresion” |
Shahadat Husain, S.S. Kushwaha |
ISSN: 1934-7197 |
Jouranl of Engineeering, Computing and Architecture |
Vol. 11, Issue 12, Dec. 2021 |
3. |
“Mixed Aggregate Effect in Local Compression of Concrete” |
Shahadat Husain, S.S. Kushwaha |
ISSN: 1934-7197 |
Jouranl of Engineeering, Computing and Architecture |
Vol. 11, Issue 12, Dec. 2021 |
4. |
“Geotechnical Properties and Strength Characterization of Bauxite Residue” |
D. Kishan, S.S. Kushwaha, N. Dindorkar |
ISSN: 0976-6316 |
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) |
Vol. 8, Issue 7, July 2017, PP. 346-357 |
5. |
“Prediction of Reservoir Induced Seismicity by Analytical Hierarchy Process and Regression Analysis” |
Unnikrishnan Sreenivasan, D Kishan, S.K. Saritha, S.S. Khushwaha | |
Journal of Current World Environment 2320-8031 |
Vol. 11(2), PP. 577-583 (2016) |
6. |
“Effect of Skirt Size and Pile Spacing on Bearing Capacity of Skrited Foundation in Granular Soil” |
S.S. Kushwaha, N. Dindorkar |
P-ISSN: 2348-6406 |
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development [IJAERD] |
Vol. 1 (7), 2014, PP. 1-8 |
7. |
“Strength and phyochemical characteristics of fly ash stabilized expansive soil for highway embankment” |
S.S. Kushwaha D. Kishan, N. Dindorkar |
ISSN 2277-3878 |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (Scopus Indexed)
Volume-8 Issue-2, PP. 616-623 July 2019 |
8. |
“Evolution of the geotechnical properties of fly ash stabilized silty soil activated by graphene oxide (GO)” |
A. Pateriya, S.S. Kushwaha D. Kishan |
ISSN 2277-3878 |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (Scopus Indexed)
Volume-8 Issue-2, PP. 4732-4737 July 2019 |
S. No. |
Title of Paper |
Authors |
ISBN/ISSN Number |
International/National Conference |
Year |
1. |
‘Evaluate the Environmental Impact of Fly Ash and Bio Enzyme Treated Black Cotton Soil to Allay the Leaching Problem” |
S.S. Kushwaha D. Kishan, N. Dindorkar
Accepted |
4th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials, and Sustainable Engineering, 2023 (Springer) |
2023 |
2. |
“Evaluation of Pile Spacing and Skirt Size on Bearing Capacity of Skirted Foundation on Uniform Sand Deposit” |
S.S. Kushwaha, N. Dindorkar, L. Narayan |
Accepted |
2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Environment, 2023 (Elsevier) |
2023 |
3. |
“Stabilization of Red Mud using Lime and Gypsum to Its Possible Use as Construction Material of Highway Embankment” |
S.S. Kushwaha, D. Kishan, S.K. Gupta |
Accepted |
2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Environment, 2023 (Elsevier) |
2023 |
4. |
“Geo-environmental Impact of Bauxite Residue Stabilized with Fly Ash and Gypsum to Mitigate the Leaching Problem” |
D. Kishan, S.S. Kushwaha, N. Dindorkar
978-3-030-01929-7 |
Geo-MEast 2018: International Congress and Exhibition on geotechnical, geo-synthetics and infrastructures. Springer 2018 |
Volume 44 July 2018, pp. 44-56 |
5. |
“Stabilization of expansive soil using eko soil enzyme for highway embankment” |
S.S. Kushwaha D. Kishan, N. Dindorkar
8th International conference on material testing and Characterization, Elsevier |
Volume 5 (9), Part 3, pp. 19667-19779 March 2018 |
6. |
“Stabilization of Red mud using eko soil enzyme for highway embankment” |
S.S. Kushwaha D. Kishan, M. S. Chauhan and S. Khetawath
8th International conference on material testing and Characterization, Elsevier |
Volume 5 (9), Part 3, pp. 20500-20512 March 2018 |
7. |
“Stabilization of Red Mud by Lime and Gypsum and Investigating Its Possible Use in Geo-environmental Engineering” |
S.S. Kushwaha, D. Kishan
9780784480144 |
Proceedings of Geo-chicago 2016: sustainable geo-environmental systems, Published by ASCE |
GSP 271 pp. 978-988 August 2016 |
8. |
“Evaluate the Environmental Impact of Red Mud Utilization and Explore the Means to Allay the Leaching Problem” |
S.S. Kushwaha, D. Kishan |
NCWES Proceeding |
2nd two day national conference on water, environment & society (NCWES -2015) Hyderabad, India. |
July 2015 |
S. No. |
Title of Book |
Authors |
ISBN/ISSN Number |
Name of Journal |
Page No. Volume Issue No. & Year |
1. |
“Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using Fly Ash and Bio-Enzyme” |
S.S. Kuwasha, Kishan Dharavath, Nitin Dindorkar |
ISBN: 978-620-5-49346-5 |
Lambert Academic Publication |
October 2022 |
Master’s Thesis Advisor
S. No. |
Scholar Name |
Title of Dissertation |
Date |
1. |
Md. Shahadat Husain |
“Investigation of Concrete Blocks with different Aggregate and Mixed Aggregate Size to withstand Under Local Compression” |
15/10/2022 |
2. |
Md. Tamreen Raza |
“Effect of Accelerated Curing on Concrete with Fly Ash and Glass Powder” |
12/12/2022 |
3. |
Dilip Kumar |
“A Case Study on Rectification of Shift and Tilt of Well Foundation” |
20/04/2023 |
4. |
Shashi Shekhar Kumar |
“Utilization of Bauxite Residue in Self Compacting Concrete and Evaluate Rheological Behaviour and Mechanical Characteristics” |
08/01/2024 |
S. No. |
Types of Membership |
Membership Number |
Year of Membership |
Country |
1. |
Indian Geotechnical Society |
Life Member |
LM-5024 |
2021 |
India |
S. No. |
University/Institute |
Title |
Date |
1. |
RGPV, Bhopal |
“Application of Geotextile in civil engineering” |
04/03/2022 |
2. |
RNTU, Bhopal (ITDPR AGU-Civil) |
“Geoenvironmental Engineering: Scope and Application” |
14/07/2023 |
S. No |
Particulars |
Client |
Duration |
1. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Utility mapping of energy decapitators of Indira Sagar Dam using GPR surveying”, in surveying and preparing reports. |
M/s NHDC, Bhopal |
2015 |
2. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Soil investigation for multistoried building at Avadhpuri Bhopal, using SPT test” in testing and preparing of reports of different types of soil profile. |
M/s M.P. Housing Board, Bhopal |
2015 |
3. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Soil investigation for oil tanks, multistoried building at Sagar, Jabalpur, and Ashoknagar sites using SPT and and Open Pit test” in testing and preparing of reports of different types of soil profile. |
M/s Indian Oil Corporation, Bhopal, M.P. |
2016 |
4. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Study of index and engineering properties of Expansive soil and Red mud, using Eko Soil Enzyme”, in testing and preparing of reports of different types of soils. |
M/s Norwood Hall Pvt. Ltd., Australia |
2016 – 18 |
5. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Soil investigation for G+2 building at Harising Gour University, using Plate Load Test, Sagar M.P.”, in testing and preparing of reports of different types of soils. |
M/s CPWD, Sagar M.P. |
2018 |
6. |
Assist with Dr. D. Kishan in “Soil investigation and water exploration using electrical resistivity method at AIIMS Bhopal”, in testing and preparing of reports. |
M/s CPWD, Bhopal M.P. |
2018 |
7. |
Assist with Dr. S.P.S. Rajput in “Soil investigation for multistoried building at TT Nagar Bhopal, using SPT test”, in preparing reports of different types of soil profile. |
M/s SMART CITY, Bhopal M.P. |
2018 |
8. |
Co- Investigator with Dr. D. Kishan in “Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Construction of National Information Center (NIC) Data Collection Center Bhopal (M.P.)” |
M/s CPWD, Bhopal |
2021 |
9. |
Co- Investigator with Dr. D. Kishan in “Structural Stability of Municipal Council Building Pipariya, M.P.” |
M/s Municipal Council Pipariya,M.P. |
2021 |