Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 29th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 29th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Associate Professor
01991-285524, Extn.: 2288
School of Biotechnology
Educational Qualification
  • Postdoctoral Research fellow at UTSW Medical Center in Dallas, TX, USA (November 2009-Dec. 2102)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate /Senior Research Tech. at Washington University School of Medicine, Louis, MO, USA. (April 2008-Nov 2009)
  • Ph.D., All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, India (2004-2009)

Mentor-Prof. Rima Dada. Title “Mitochondrial genome and Y-chromosome role in male infertility”. Date of Submission 11/4/2008, Date of Defense-14/2/2009

  • MSc. (Human Genetics), Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar, Punjab, India (2001-2003)
  • B.Sc. (Biology) Jammu University, Jammu and Kashmir, India (1998-2001)
Course Plan
Teaching Experience
  • Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology, SMVDU, Katra

  • Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, SMVDU, Katra

Administrative Experience
  • President-Board of cultural activites (BCA)
  • Start up coordinator-Institute Innovation council
  • Member-Research Review Committee, SMVDU
  • Member-DST FIST Committee for SMVDU
  • Co-coordinator DBT-PG Programme
  • Nodal officer-MHRD-MGNCRE for SMVDU
  • Member Secretary-Institute Ethics and Research Board (2021-24)
  • Member Secretary, School Research Committee (2020-21)
  • Convenor Biosafety Committee-SoBT-SMVDU-Katra
  • Member-External Expert-Biosafety Committee-Central University of Jammu
  • Member Secretary, School Research Committee (2018-19) (2020-21)
  • Vice-President, Board of Cultural Activities, SMVDU
  • Member of Nanotechnology Center-SMVDU, Katra
  • Bureau Chief-CRAB (Cancer Research and Analysis Bureau) Matrika, Jammu and Kashmir
  • Member Board of Studies, School of Biotechnology
  • Coordinator-GATE entrance Committee
Research Experience

18 Years research experience

Research Projects

A) Research Projects

S. No

Title of Project

Type of Grant


Funding Agency





Trans Disciplinary Hub

Skill Research Centre

Co-Investigator and Co-Ordinator





To study the genetic patterns among different cancers in Jammu and Kashmir population India.

Research Project

Principal Investigator





The genetics and epigenetics of infertility in humans by functional interrogation in animal models- a multi institutional study

Research Project

Principal Investigator

ICMR- Govt. of India




Approved, sanction pending


Centre for Advanced Research-CAR (ICMR)-A multi–Institutional Project

Centre/ Research Project

Principal Investigator and Co-Ordinator

ICMR- Govt. of India




Molecular characterization of non-small cell lung carcinoma in patients from Jammu and Kashmir

Research Project

Principal Investigator

DST-Govt. of India




Genetic perspective of DNA Damage in breast cancer

Research Project

Principal Investigator





Micro-RNA’s in Breast Cancer patients

Research Project

Principal Co-Investigator





S. No

Title of Project

Type of Grant


Funding Agency












S. No

Title of Project

Type of Grant


Funding Agency





Brainstorming on congenital disorders and still birth








International Conference









Brainstorming Meeting on “Maternal and Child Health”







Scientific Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights







Journal Publications


  1. Audesh Bhat; Sonali Bhan; Aindrila Kabiraj; Raj K. Pandita; Keneth S. Ramos; Sandhik Nandi; Shreya Sopori; Parthas S. Sarkar; Arti Dhar; Shruti Pandita; Rakesh Kumar; Chandrima Das; John A. Tainer: A predictive chromatin architecture nexus regulates transcription and DNA damage repair Journal of Biological Chemistry 2025: Accepted Impact Factor 4.0
  2. Minerva Sharma Sonali Verma, Rajeshwer Singh Jamwal, Ziy Tufail, Vanshika Bhagat, Sonia Nagyal, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Bhanu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Gresh Chander, Audesh Bhat, Rakesh Kumar: Exome sequencing identifies ADGRG4 G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Gene as a novel cancer biomarker in ovarian cancer patients from North India. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 2024 Mar;38(3):e23672. Impact Factor 3.6
  3. Kavinay Kavinay, Shreya Sopori, , Sonali Bhan, Shreya Saxena, Medha Medha, Rakesh Kumar, Arti Dhar- Audesh Bhat, -CLOCK Gene 3’UTR and Exon 9 Polymorphisms show a Strong Association with Essential Hypertension in a North Indian Population-BMC Medical Genomics. 2024  17:289 Impact factor 2.5
  4. Pandita, Monika, Shoket Heena, KumarRakesh,  Bairwa Narendra: Genetic interaction between F-box encoding UCC1 and RRM3 regulates growth rate, cell size, and stress tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology. 2024 Dec e70059 Impact Factor 3.6
  5. Anshu Yadav, Jitender Phogat, Manoj Yadav, Aarti Bhardwaj, Ritu Yadav, Manisha Nada, Manish Bhati, Supreme Goel, Rahul Thakar, Rakesh Kumar,Mukesh Tanwar Association of Interleukin-6 gene polymorphism with its serum levels in Indian age-related macular degeneration patients. Molecular Vision 2024 (Accepted) Impact factor 2.2
  6. Mudasir Kumar, Sadaf Baba, Hana Sadida, Sara Marzooqi, Jaykumar Jerobin, Faisal Altemani, Naseh Algehainy, Mohammad Alanazi, Rakesh Kumar, Ammira Al-Shabeeb Akil, Muzafar Macha, Rashid Mir, and Abdul-Badi Abou-Samra Ajaz, Bhat,. Extracellular vesicles as tools and targets in therapy for diseases Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2024. 9(27) Impact factor 39.2
  7. Khalid Bashir Mir, Souneek Chakraborty, Tanzeeba Amin, Aviral Kumar, Abdul Rouf War, Yedukondalu Nalli, Rakesh Kumar, Lekha Dinesh Kumar, Asif Ali, Anindya Goswami Canonical DDR activation by EMT inducing agent 5-Fluorouracil is modulated by a cannabinoid based combinatorial approach via inducing autophagy and suppression of vimentin expression 2024-116126 Biochemical Pharmacology Impact factor 5.3
  8. Rasool Bhat, Itty Sethi, Hana Q. Sadida, Bilal Rah, Rashid Mir, Naseh Algehainy, Ibrahim Altedlawi albalawi, Tariq Masoodi, Gowtham Kumar Subbaraj, Farrukh Jamal, Mayank Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Muzafar A. Macha, Ammira S. Alshabeeb Akil, Ajaz A. Bhat*, Cancer Cell Plasticity: From Cellular, molecular, and Genetic Mechanisms to Tumor Heterogeneity and Drug Resistance Cancer Metastatis Reviews 2024 (Accepted) Impact factor 9.2
  9. Minerva Sharma, Bhawani Sharma, Rajeshwer Singh Jamwal, Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar Role of genetics, environmental, and lifestyle factors responsible for infertility− A review Fertility Science and Research 2023, 10 (3) 131-138
  10. Gunjan Dagar, Rakesh Kumar,Kamlesh Yadav, Mayank Singh, Tej K. Pandita.Ubiquitination and deubiquitination: Implications on cancer therapy- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 20231866, 4, 194979 Impact Factor 6.304
  11. Gunjan Dagar; Ashna Gupta; Tariq Masoodi; Sabah Nisar; Maysolun Merhi; Sheema Hashem; Ravi Chauhan; Manisha Dagar; Sameer Mirza; Puneet Bagga; Rakesh Kumar; Ammira S. Al-Shabeeb Akil; Muzafar A.Macha; Mohammad Haris; Shahab Uddin; Mayank Singh; Ajaz Bhat Harnessing the Potential of CAR-T Cell Therapy: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions in Hematological and Solid Tumor Treatments. Journal of Translational Medicine 2023 21 (1) 449 Impact Factor 8.8
  12. Asif AminAsif LoneUmer Majeed WaniFaizah FarooqRuchi ShahRakesh KumarRaies A. Qadri Ala307Thr variation modulates FSHR structure and impairs its binding affinity for FSH: Implications in polycystic ovarian syndrome 2023 Cell Biochemistry and function 2023 41(6) 633-641 Impact Factor 3.9
  13. Rasool Bhat, Rajeshwar Jamwal, Itty Sethi, Amrita Bhat, Ruchi Shah,Sonali Verma, Minerva Sharma, Hana Q. Sadida, Sara K. Al-Marzooqi,Tariq Masoodi, Sameer Mirza,Mohammad Haris,Muzafar A. Macha,Ammira S. Alshabeeb Akil, Ajaz A. Bhat*,Rakesh Kumar* Associations Between Telomere Attrition, Genetic Variants in Telomere Maintenance Genes, and Non-Small Cell LungCancerRisk in the Jammu and Kashmir Population of North India BMC Cancer 2023 23 (1)874 2023* Equal Corresponding author. Impact Factor 4.4
  14. Minerva Sharma, Amrita Bhat, Rajeshwer Singh Jamwal, Bhawani Sharma, Gresh Chander, Ruchi Shah, Sonali Verma, Taruna Arora, Audesh Bhat Rakesh Kumar. Cisplatin-based combination therapy for cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023 (Accepted) UGC S.No. 171 Impact Factor 1.331
  15. Poonam MehtaArijit ChakrabortySyed Waseem AndrabiBhawani SharmaRakesh KumarL V K S BhaskarSingh Rajender.  COVID-19 vaccination does not affect male sexual functions ReprodBiol Endocrinol. 2023 Jan 13;21(1):3 Impact Factor 4.982
  16. Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, Amrita Bhat, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Ajay Wakhloo, Vikas Heer, Gresh Chander, Audesh Bhat, Rakesh Kumar: Genetic analysis of polymorphism rs10937405 of TP63 gene in breast and ovarian cancer patients of North Indian Cohort. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023 Jan-Mar;19(2):214-217 UGC S.No. 171 Impact Factor 1.331
  17. Bhat, A.; Ghatage, T.; Bhan, S.; Lahane, G.P.; Dhar, A.; Kumar, R.; Pandita, R.K.; Bhat, K.M.; Ramos, K.S.; Pandita, T.K. Role of Transposable Elements in Genome Stability: Implications for Health and Disease. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 7802 Impact Factor 6.274
  18. Gh Rasool Bhat, Itty Sethi, Bilal Rah, Rakesh Kumar, Dil Afroze: Innovative In-silco approaches for characterization of Genes and proteins-Frontiers in Genetics 2022 13:865182 Impact Factor 4.772
  19. Minerva, Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar: Role of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors in the progression of PCOS: A-ReviewJournal of Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine J Reprod Healthc Med 2022;3:3
  20. Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar: Computational Prediction of Cancer Diagnosis: A Multi-Neural Ensemble Approach-Applied Artificial intelligence E-print (2021) UGC S.No. 3152 Impact Factor 2.777
  21. Rajeshwer Singh Jamwal, Nikita Mahajan, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Bhanu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Minerva Sharma, Sonali Verma, Divya Bakshi, Rahul Sharma, Deepak Abrol, Rakesh Kumar. Audesh Bhat, REV3L gene variants rs1002481, rs462779, and rs465646 lead to increased susceptibility towards non-small cell lung cancer in the population of Jammu and Kashmir Cancer Epidemiology 2021, 75-102047 UGC S.No. 6472 Impact Factor 2.89 #co-corresponding Author
  22. Rasool Bhat, Itty Sethi, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma,Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Muddasser Nazir,Khursheed A Dar, Deepak Abrol, Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar: Evaluation of the genetic variants using MassARRAY in non-small cell lung cancer among North Indians. Scientific Reports (Nature) 11291 (2021) (e-Print)-  Impact Factor-4.996
  23. Shashank Hambarde, Chi-Lin Tsai, Raj K. Pandita, Albino Bacolla, Anirban Maitra, Vijay Charaka, Clayton R. Hunt, Rakesh Kumar, Oliver Limbo, Remy Le Meur, Walter J. Chazin, Susan Tsutakawa, Paul Russell, Tej K. Pandita and John A. Tainer. EXO5-DNA Structure and BLM Interactions Control DNA Resection for Replication Restart.Molecular Cell (2021) 81, 1-18 UGC S.No. 4874 UGC S.No. 4893 Impact Factor 19.328
  24. Bhanu Sharma, Shabab Angurana, Sonali Verma, Divya Bakshi, Ghulam Bhat, Asif Amin, Rajeshwer Jamwal, Raies Qadri, Amrita Bhat Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar-Genetic association of ARID5B with the risk of colorectal cancer within J&K, India: A prelude study: Genes and Genetics Systems (In Press)- Impact factor 0.917
  25. Bhanu Sharma, Sonali Verma, Divya Bakshi, Ghulam Bhat, Asif Amin, Rajeshwer Jamwal, Raies Qadri, Shabab Angurana, Amrita Bhat Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar- Genetic Analysis of colorectal carcinoma using high throughput SNP genotyping technique within the population of Jammu and Kashmir. Molecular Biology Reports (2021) 48 (8), 5889-5895 Impact factor 742
  26. Minerva, Ruchi Shah, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Gresh Chander, Gh Rasool Bhat, Namrata Thapa, Audesh Bhat, Ajay W Wakhloo, Ashraf Ganie, Rakesh Kumar. Role of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors in the progression of PCOS: A Review- Journal of Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine May 2021 (In Press)-Impact Factor..
  27. Amrita Bhat, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, Monika Pandita, Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Jyotsna Suri, Deepak Abrol, Rahul Sharma, Shabab Angurana, Rakesh Kumar: Genetic variant rs10937405 of TP63 with Leukemia risk from Northern India population Submitted in 2021-African Journal of health sciences (2021) 21:3-1243-1249. UGC S.No. 1621 Impact factor 923.
  28. Amrita, Bhat, Gh Bhat, Sonali Verma, Bhanu Sharma, Divya Bakshi, Deepak Abrol, Supinder Singh, Raies Qadri, Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar: Analysis of Seventeen genetic variants in association with Leukemia within North Indian population using mass ARRAY Sequenom J Biochem Mol Toxicol. May 2021 e-22792- Impact Factor 606
  29. Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Deepak Abrol, Rahul Sharma, Samantha Vashnavi, Rakesh Kumar. ANKLE-1 as new hotspot mutation for Breast cancer in Indian population and has a role in DNA Damage and repair in mammalian cells 2021- Genet. 11:609758. Impact factor 3.647
  30. Monika Pandita, Heena Shoket, Aayushi Rakwal, Shreya Wazir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Narendra Bairwa, Glyoxylate pathway regulator UCC1 and La-motif encoding SRO9 genes interact genetically to regulate stress response and apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2021 Apr 2:e22781. doi: 10.1002/jbt.22781- Impact Factor 606
  31. Sabah Nisar, Parvaiz Yousuf, Tariq Masoodi, Nissar Ahmad Wani, Sheema Hashem, Mayank Singh, Geetanjali Sageena, Deepika Mishra, Rakesh Kumar, Mohammad Haris, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, Muzafar A. Macha. Chemokine-Cytokine Networks in the Head and Neck Tumor Microenvironment. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4584. 10.3390/ijms22094584- Impact factor 5.923
  32. Namrata Thapa, Sonali Verma, Gresh Chander, Amrita Bhat, Deepika Bhushan Raina, Shrutika Kachroo, Ruchi Shah, Rakesh Kumar. The Psychological Impact on Infertile Women – A Review. 2021 Journal of Reproductive Healthcare and Medicine 2021;2:10.- Impact factor
  33. Bhanu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Rajeshwar Singh, Sonali Verma, Amrita Bhat, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Divya Bakshi, Supinder Singh, Shabab Angurana, Audesh Bhat, Samantha Vaishnavi and Rakesh Kumar. Evaluation of Newly Identified IKZF1 Loci in Colorectal cancer-2021 J Can Res Ther-2021; XX; XX-XX (e-Print) UGC S.No. 171 Impact factor 1.326
  34. Deepika Bhushan Raina, Sonali Verma, Namrata Thapa, Gresh Chander, Shrutika Kachroo, Ruchi Shah and Rakesh Kumar Esophageal Cancer and Genetic Analysis Using High Throughput mass ARRAY technique-2020-A Review Oncol Clin Res 2(1): 92-94
  35. Sonali Verma, Varun Sharma, Indu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Amrita Bhat, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Divya Bakshi, Ashna Nagpal, Bhanu Sharma, Deepak Abrol, Rahul Sharma, Audesh Bhat, Rakesh Kumar Association Analysis of Cancer Susceptibility Variants in Ovarian Cancer Patients- Scientific Reports (Nature) 2020 Dec 3;10(1):21101. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76491-7. Impact factor 4.996
  36. Amrita Bhat, Deepak Abrol, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Ruchi Shah, Sonali Verma, Divya Bakshi,Bhanu Sharma, Supinder Singh, Rakesh Raina, Rakesh Kumar. The Genetic variant rs2301721 of HOXA7 associated risk for Leukemia in Jammu region of North Indian Population- 2020 Polymorphism, 5, 68-76. Impact factor
  37. Divya Bakshi; Ashna Nagpal, Varun Sharma, Indu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Bhanu Sharma, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Deepak Abrol, Rahul Sharma, Samantha Vashnavi, Rakesh Kumar. MassARRAY-based single nucleotide polymorphism analysis in breast cancer of North Indian Population. 2020-BMC Cancer- Sep 7;20(1):861.UGC S.No. 5269 Impact factor 4.638
  38. Itty Sethi, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Rakesh Kumar, Ekta Rai, Swarkar Sharma; Dual Labeled Fluorescence Probe Based qPCR Assay to Measure the Telomere Length Gene, 145178 Gene 2020- 145178- Impact Factor 2.9
  39. Ashna Nagpal, Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Sandeep Kaul, and Rakesh Kumar. Genetic polymorphism of hOGG1 ser326cys and its association with breast cancer in North Indian Population. Indian J Cancer. 2020 Apr-Jun;57(2):187-189. UGC S.No. 74 Impact Factor:1.22


  1. Rasool Bhat, Sonali Verma, Amrita Bhat, Ruchi Shah, Itty Sethi, Khursheed A. Dar, Deepak Abrol, Audesh Bhat, Rakesh Raina, Rakesh Kumar; Genetic variant rs2494938 of LRFN2gene is associated with non-small cell lung cancer risk in North-Indian population 3Biotech;2020 (10)-410 UGC S.No. 299 Impact Factor 2.40
  2. Ruchi Shah, Varun Sharma, Amrita Bhat, Hemender Singh, Indu Sharma, Sonali Verma, Gh Rasool Bhat, Bhanu Sharma, Divya Bakshi, Rakesh Kumar and Nazir Ahmed Dar: MassARRAY analysis of twelve cancer related SNPs in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the population of Jammu and Kashmir-India. BMC Cancer, 2020 Jun 1;20(1):497. UGC S.No. 5269 Impact factor 4.638
  3. Ruchi Shah, Puja G. Khaitan, Tej K. Pandita, Adnan Rafiq Deepak Abrol, Jyotsna Suri, Sandeep Kaul, Rakesh Kumar and Swarkar Sharma; Gastric cancer in Jammu and Kashmir India:A Review of Genetic Perspectives J Can Res Ther. 2020- UGC S.No. 171 Impact Factor:1.9
  4. Souneek Chakraborty, Mir Khalid, Rakesh Kumar, Debasis Nayak, Anindya Goswami Integration of EMT and cellular survival instincts in reprogramming of programmed cell death to anastasis Cancer Metastasis Reviews(2020) Jun;39(2):553-566- Impact factor 264
  5. Sonali Verma, Divya Bakshi, Varun Sharma, Indu Sharma, Ruchi Shah, Bhanu Sharma, Amrita Bhat, G.R Bhat, Ajay Wakhloo, Jyotsna Suri, Sandeep Kaul, Vijeshwar Verma, Rakesh Kumar: Profiling of Newly Identified Genetic Variants at 7p15.3 and 6p21.1 in Ovarian and Breast cancer females of Jammu and Kashmir: A First Report; in International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 148 (1), 118-122 Jan 2020- UGC S.No. 5231 Impact factor 3.56
  6. Souneek Chakraborty, Aviral Kumar, Mir Faheem, Archana Katoch, Anmol Kumar Vijay Jamwal, Debasis Nayak, Aparna Golani, Reyaz Rasool, Mr. Syed Ahmad, Mr. Jedy Jose, Rakesh Kumar, Sumit Gandhi, Lekha Kumar Anandiya Goswami. Vimentin activation in early apoptotic cancer cells errands survival pathways during DNA damage inducer CPT treatment in colon carcinoma model. Nature Cell death and Disease (2019) 10:467- Impact factor 469
  7. Siddharth ManvatiKailash Chandra MangalharaPonnuswamy KalaiarasanRupali ChopraGaurav AgarwalRakesh Kumar,Sunil Kumar SainiMonika KaushikAnkita AroraUsha KumariRameshwar Nath Koul BamezaiPawan Kumar Dhar(2019): miR-145 supports cancer cell survival and shows association with DDR genes, methylation pattern, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Cancer Cell International (2019) 19: 230- Impact factor 6.429
  8. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Itty Sethi, Ruchi Shah, Varun Sharma, Khursheed A Dar, Deepak Abrol, Subiya Kaneez, Sandeep Kaul, Ramesh Ganju, Rakesh Kumar. Association of newly identified genetic variant rs2853677 of TERT with Non-small cell lung cancer and Leukemia in population of Jammu and Kashmir, India. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:493- UGC S.No. 5269 Impact factor 4.638
  9. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Itty Sethi, Ruchi Shah, Varun Sharma, Minerva, Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Sandeep Koul, Deepak Abrol, Audesh Bhat, Rakesh Kumar. Genetic variant rs10937405 of TP63 and susceptibility to lung cancer risk in North-Indian population. Journal of Genetics (2019) 98:59- UGC S.No. 191Impact Factor: 1.508
  10. Amrita Bhat, Ruchi Shah, Sonali Verma, Gh.Rasool Bhat, Varun Sharma, Indu Sharma, Monika Pandita, Divya Bakshi, Bhanu Sharma, Kohsheen Kamal, Jyotsna Suri, Deepak Abrol, Rahul Sharma, Rakesh Kumar; Association of ARID5B and IKZF1 variants with Leukemia from Northern India. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, 2019 Mar;23(3):176-179- Impact factor 1.736
  11. Sonali Verma, Varun Sharma, Ashna Nagpal, Amrita Bhat, G.R Bhat, Ruchi Shah, Ajay Wakhloo, Jyotsna Suri, Deepak Abrol, Sandeep Koul, Audesh Bhat, Vijeshwar Verma, Rakesh Kumar. DNA base excision repair (BER) genes variants rs25487 (XRCC1) and rs1052133 (hOGG1) With susceptibility to ovarian cancer in the population of Jammu Region- India. J Cancer Res Ther. 15 (6), 1270-1275. Oct-Dec 2019- UGC S.No. 171 Impact factor 1.331
  12. Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, Gh. Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Rima Dada, Rakesh Kumar. A familial case of 13:22 Chromosomal translocations in a family with reproductive failure. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics 21 (2), l 73-78. (2018)- UGC S.No. 4571 Impact factor 0.81
  13. Ruchi Shah, Sonali Verma, Ghulam Rasool Bhat, Amrita Bhat, Rima Dada, Rakesh Kumar. Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 7 Associated with recurrent ICSI Failure-A case report. Indian Journal of genetics and plant breeding 78 (4): 515-518 (2018)- Impact factor 0.5
  14. Sethi IBhat GRSingh VKumar R,Bhanwer AJBamezai RNSharma SRai E. Role of telomeres and associated maintenance genes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. Diabetes Res Clin Pract.2016 Dec;122:92-100– Impact factor 5.6
  15. Helen Sadik, Nguyen Nguyen, Gyorffy Balazs, Rakesh Kumar, Mohammad Hedayati, Sunju Park, Hardik Panday, Theodore DeWeese, Nilay Shah, Tej K. Pandita, Saraswati Sukumar. HOXC10 links proliferation, transcription, and DNA repair to promote chemotherapy resistance. Cancer Research 2016 Aug 1;76(15):4443-56 – UGC S.No. 6502 Impact factor- 13.312
  16. Michael Torres, Raj K. Pandita, Ozlem Kulak, Rakesh Kumar, Etienne Formstecher, Yingming Zhao, Lawrence Lum, Tej K. Pandita, and Michael White. Exocyst Interaction Network Reveals a Role for Sec8 in Suppression of Genomic Instability and Regulation of Histone-Modifying Proteins ATF2 and RNF20. Molecular and Cellular Biology (2015 Nov;35(21):3633-45) – UGC S.NO. 4893 Impact factor 5.069
  17. Rakesh Kumar, Arun Gupta, Mayank Singh, Clayton Hunt, Tej Pandita. Role of chromatin modification and DNA damage response. Frontiers in Oncology 2013 Jan 22;2:214– Impact factor 5.738
  18. Singh M*, Hunt CR*, Pandita RK*,  Kumar R*, Yang CR, Horikoshi N, Gupta A, Jessie Jeffery, Pandita S, Qin Yang, Khanna KK, Howard J Worman,  Shay JW, Micheal D Story and Pandita TK. Lamin A dependent cyclin D1 is essential for replication stalled fork resolution independent of DSB repair. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2013 Mar;33(6):1210-22 *Equal AuthorsUGC S.No. 4893 Impact factor 5.069
  19. Arun Gupta, Clayton R Hunt, Raj K. Pandita, Juhee Pea, Komal Komal, Mayank Singh, Jerry W. Shay, Rakesh Kumar, Walter N. Hittelman, Chandan Guha, Thomas Ludwig and Tej K. Pandita. Targeted deletion of males absent on the first (mMof) in T-cells blocks their differentiation and has a bystander effect on B-cell genomic instability. Mutagenesis (2013) May;28(3):263-70- Impact factor 2.954
  20. Justin L. Sparks, Rakesh Kumar, Mayank Singh, Tej K. Pandita, Peter M. Burgers. Human Exonuclease 5 is a novel sliding exonuclease required for UV and interstrand crosslink repair. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012 Dec 14;287(51):42773-83)- Impact factor 5.486
  21. Mirza S, Katafiasz BJ, Kumar R, Wang J, Mohini S, Jain S, Gurumurthy CB, Pandita TK, Dave BJ, Band H, Band V. Alteration/deficiency in activation-3 (Ada3) plays a critical role in maintaining genomic stability. Cell Cycle. 2012 Nov 15;11(22):4266-74. Impact factor 5.173
  22. Sang Bum Kim, Raj K. Pandita, Ugur Eskiocak, Peter Ly, Aadil Kaisani, Rakesh Kumar, Crystal Ornelius, Woodring E. Wright, Tej K. Pandita and Jerry W. Shay. Targeting of Nrf2 enhances DNA double-strand break repair and protects colonic epithelial cells after irradiation Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (PNAS) 2012 Oct 23; Impact Factor 11.205
  23. Rakesh Kumar, Clayton Hunt, Arun Gupta, Suraj Nannepaga, Raj Pandita, Jerry Shay, Robert Bachoo, Thomas Ludwig, Dennis Burns, Tej Pandita. Purkinje Cell Specific mMof Deletion Results in an Ataxia-Telangiectasia-Like Neurological Phenotype Including Backward Walking in Mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 2011 108(9):3636-41 Impact Factor 11.205
  24. Manika P. Bhadra, Nobuo Horikoshi, Sreerangam NCVL Pushpavallipvalli, Arpita Sarkar, Indra Bag, Anita Krishan, John C. Lucchesi, Rakesh Kumar, Qin Yang, Raj K. Pandita, Mayank Singh, Utpal Bhadra, Joel C. Eisenberg and Tej K. Pandita. The Role of MOF in the Ionizing Radiation Response is conserved in Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosoma 2012 Feb;121(1):79-90. UGC S.No. 7316 Impact Factor 2.919
  25. Manoj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Mukesh Tanwar, Supriyo Ghose, Jasbir Kaur and Rima Dada. Cytogenetic and clinical assessment of a family with Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS). Case Rep Med;2011:708450- Impact factor 0.72
  26. Han Liu, Shugaku Takeda, Rakesh Kumar, Todd D. Westergard, Eric J. Brown, Tej Pandita, Emily H.-Y. Cheng1 and James J.-D. Hsieh. Phosphorylation of MLL by ATR is required for the Execution of Mammalian S Phase Checkpoint Response. Nature, 2010 16;467(7313):343-6. Impact Factor 69.504
  27. Girdhar G. Sharma*, Sairie So*, Arun Gupta*, Rakesh Kumar*, Christelle Cayrou, Nikita Avvakumov, Utpal Bhardra, Raj K. Pandita, David J Chen, Jacques Cote and Tej K. Pandita. MOF and histone H4 acetylation at lysine16 are critical for DNA damage response. Molecular Cell Biology (14):3582-95 (2010)* Equal Authors. UGC S.NO. 4893 Impact Factor 8.185
  28. Bolderson E, Tomimatsu N, Richard DJ, Boucher D, Kumar R, Pandita TK, Burma S, Khanna KK. Phosphorylation of Exo1 modulates homologous recombination repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Res. (6):1821-31 (2010) Impact Factor-19.16
  29. Yongjiang Li, Emma Bolderson, Rakesh Kumar, Parameswary A Muniandy, Yutong Xue, Derek Richard, Michael Seidman, Tej K. Pandita, Kum Kum Khanna, and Weidong Wang. hSSB1 and hSSB2 Form Similar Multi-Protein Complexes that Participate in DNA Damage Response. J Biol Chem. 28:23525-31(2009). Impact Factor-5.486
  30. Arun Gupta, Qin Yang, Raj K. Pandita, Clayton R. Hunt, Tao Xiang, Sandeep Misri, Sicong Zeng, Julia Pagan, Jessei Kelley, Janusz Puc, Rakesh Kumar, Zhihui Feng, Simon N. Powell, Audesh Bhat, Tomoko Yaguchi, Renu Wadhwa, Sunil C. Kaul, Ramon Parsons, Kum Kum Khanna and Tej K. Pandita. Cell cycle checkpoint defects contribute to genomic instability in PTEN deficient cells independent of DNA repair. Cell Cycle 8:1-13; (2009). Impact Factor-5.173
  31. Desai A, Jha O, Iyer V, Dada R, Kumar R, Tandon N. Reversible hypogonadism in Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Fertil Steril.92:e13-5 (2009). Impact Factor 7.329
  32. Dada R, Kumar R, Kiran Kucheria. A 2-year-old baby with Down’s Syndrome, cryptorchidism and testicular tumour. European Journal of medical genetics 49:265-268 (2006). Impact Factor 2.465
  33. Kumar R, Venkatesh S, Kumar M, Tanwar M, Shamsi MB, Kumar R, Gupta NP, Sharma  RK,  Talwar  P,  Dada    Oxidative stress and sperm mitochondrial DNA mutation in idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermic men. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 46:172-7(2009). UGC S.No. 72 Impact Factor 1.476
  34. Tanwar M, Kumar R, Gadia R, Goyal  A,  Kumar  M,  Singh  G,  Dada  T,  Dada    Rieger  syndrome  with  multiple  chromosome  breaks  and  chromosome  4  deletion.  BMJ Case Reports (2009) 2009:bcr06.2008.0297- Impact factor 0.48
  35. Shamsi MB, Kumar R, Bhatt A, Bamezai RN, Kumar R, Gupta NP, Das TK, Dada R. Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in etiopathogenesis of male infertility. Indian J Urol. 24:150-4(2008). UGC S.No. 129 Impact Factor- 0.957
  36. Shamsi MB, Kumar R, Dada R. Evaluation of nuclear DNA damage in human spermatozoa in men opting for assisted reproduction. IJMR.127:115-23(2008). Impact Factor-5.274
  37. Kumar R, Tanwar M, Ammini AC, Kumar R, Gupta NP, Sharma RK, Dada R. Robertsonian translocation and their role in pathogenesis of recurrent in vitro fertilization failure. Medical Science Monitor 14:617-20 (2008). Impact Factor- 3.386
  38. Misri S, Pandita S, Kumar R, Pandita TK. Telomeres, histone code, and DNA damage response. Cytogenet Genome Research.;122(3-4):297-307 (2008). Impact Factor-1.941
  39. Dada R, Kumar R, Kumar R, Sharma R K, Gupta NP, Gupta S K, Sidhu T, Kucheria K. AZF deletion in varicocele cases with oligospermia. IJMS ;61:505-510 (2007). UGC S.No. 102 Impact Factor-0.133
  40. Dada R, Kumar R, Shamsi M B, R Kumar, Sharma R K, Gupta NP, K Kucheria. High incidence of Yq microdeletions in semen is better parameter than blood DNA. Asian J Androl.;9:720-2 (2007). Impact Factor-3.285
  41. Kumar R, Bhat A, Bamezai RN, Shamsi MB, Kumar R, Gupta NP, Ammini AC, Aron M, Sharma RK, Dada R. Necessity of nuclear and mitochondrial genome analysis prior to assisted reproductive techniques/intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 44:437-42 (2007). UGC S.No. 72 Impact Factor 1.918
  42. Dada R, Kumar R, Ahmad M E, Kumar R, Sharma RS, Gupta NP, Mitra A, Gupta SK, Kucheria K. Klinefelter Syndrome: Clinical Implications of Expanding Phenotype. Indian Journal of Practicing Doctors 3: 01-02 (2007). Impact Factor—
  43. Shamsi M B, T Mukesh, Dada R, Kumar R, Kumar R, Sharma R.K. and Kucheria K. Mosaic Status of Lymphocytes in Infertile Men with Klinefelter Syndrome Int J Hum Genet, 2:133-136 (2007)- UGC S.No. 148 Impact factor-0.205
  44. Dada R, Kumar R, Shamsi M B, Varshney A, Snighdha J, Singh H, Sharma R K Epimutations and genetic aberration adversely affect ART outcome-Journal of endocrinology and reproduction 1: 49-51 (2007). Impact Factor- –4.669
  45. Rima Dada, Kumar R, M Bilal Shamsi, Sarabpreet Singh, Col R K Sharma. Implications of Cytogenetic Abnormalities and Azoospermia Factor Microdeletions in Assisted Procreation Journal of Reproduction & Contraception 18:1-6 (2007)- Impact factor –3.051
  46. Kumar R, Dada R, Kucheria K -Gene tests outline risks for infertile couples. Nature News India, 9/2005.
  47. Kumar R, Shamsi M B, Singh S, Kumar R, Kucheria K, Gupta N P, Dada R. Genetics and Reproductive Failure in Infertile Men with Severe Testiculopathy. Indian Journal of Practising Doctors 3:11-12 (2006).
  48. Dada R, Kumar R, Shamsi M B, Mohd Idiris Gaznavi, Tanwar M, Tomar D, Kumar R, Kucheria K, Sharma R K, Gupta S K, N P Gupta. Sperm AZF microdeletion screening and assisted reproduction. Journal of post graduate medical education, training and research. 1-4, (2006). Impact Factor —
  49. Kumar R, Shamsi M B, Mohd Idiris Gaznavi, M Jena, Kucheria K, Kumar R, Sharma R K, Dada R. Structural chromosomal anomalies and their association with reproductive failure Obs & Gynae Today, 3:152-154 (2006). Impact Factor –1.226
  50. Dada R, Kumar R, Kumar R, Gupta NP, Kucheria K. Germ cell AZF deletion screening ideal prior to ART Obs & Gynae Today,1: 626 -627 (2006). Impact Factor –1.226
  51. Kumar R, Dada R, Kiran Kucheria Importance of genetic analysis prior to ICSI. Obs & Gynae Today 11:8,461-463, (2006). Impact Factor –1.226
  52. Kumar R, Kucheria K, Dada R Occupational environmental factors and male infertility Embryo Talk. 1: 86-99 (2006).
  53. Dada R, Kumar R, Jena M, Kucheria K, Chromosomal aberrations and its association with reproductive failure. J. Anat.Soc.India 51: 77 (2005). Impact Factor-2.921

92.   Dada R, Kumar R, Jena M, Kiran Kucheria, Klinefelters Syndrome and its variants J. Anat. Soc.India 51, 222 (2005). Impact Factor-2.921

Conference Publications



  1. Gh Rasool Bhat, Itty Sethi, Amrita Bhat, Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, Deepak Abrol, Rakesh Kumar. Identification of XRCC1 variant rs25487 involved in DNA repair pathway as a risk factor for Lung cancer in J&K population. (Accepted in International Journal of Advance research in science and Engineering, ISSN(O) :2319-8354, ISSN(P): 2319-8346) (2018)- Impact21
  2. V Sundararajan, Kumar R, MB Shamsi, M Tanwar, M Kumar, D Pathak, R Kumar, N P Gupta, S Mukherjee, N Malhotra, TK Das, P Talwar, R K Sharma, and R Dada. Mitochondrial ATPase Gene Mutations Associated with Low Antioxidant Levels in Idiopathic Asthenozoospermic Indian Men. Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics;13: 263-272 (2007).
  3. M Tanwar, V Sundararajan, MB Shamsi, M Kumar, D Pathak, Kumar R, Kumar R, NP Gupta, P Talwar, RK Sharma and R Dada. Infertility-Yq Micro-deletions and Implications in Assisted procreation. Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics;13: 273-287 (2007).
  4. Dada R, Kumar R, R S Sharma, Kiran Kucheria. Assisted reproduction and genetics Perspectives in Cytology and   Genetics, 12:493-495 (2006).
  5. Dada R, Kumar R, AC Ammini, Kiran Kucheria. Hematological malignancy and Klinefelters syndrome. Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics 2:497-499 (2006).
Book/Chapters Written
  1. Amrita Bhat Ruchi Shah, Minerva, Kanak Mahajan, Rakesh Kumar: Role of genetic and epigenetic variants in Recurrent pregnancy loss-2025 Immunogenetics: A Molecular and Clinical Overview, Vol. 3 ; 9780443136177 
  2. Amrita Bhat Ruchi Shah, Minerva, Kanak Mahajan, Rakesh Kumar: The current status and future trends in immunotoxicogenomics-Elsevier
  1. Ruchi Shah, Amrita Bhat, Raies Qadri, Rakesh Kumar-Immunogenetic mechanisms in the treatment of cancer- Clinical Applications of Immunogenetics Elsevier (In Press) ISBN 9780323902502
  2. Amrita Bhat, Ruchi Shah and Rakesh Kumar: Alternative Splicing Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Potential in Cancers CRC Press Taylor and Francis group (In press)
  3. Sonali Verma, Gresh Chander, Deepika Bhushan Raina, Ruchi Shah and Rakesh Kumar- Evolution of Cancer Therapies- Modern Cancer Therapies and Traditional Medicine: An Integrative Approach to Combat Cancers2021, 1-23 ISBN (Online): 978-981-4998-66-6. Bentham Science Publishers Limited, Singapore
  4. Gresh Chander, Sonali Verma, Ruchi Shah, and Rakesh Kumar- Conservation of Biodiversity and Freshwater Ecosystems- Biodiversity of Freshwater Ecosystems Threats, Protection, and ManagementApple academic Press-Hard ISBN:9781774910023, 2021
  5. Venkatesh, Kumar R., D. Pathak, M.B. Shamsi, M. Tanwar, R. Deecaraman and R. Dada. Role of Environment, Occupational Exposure, LifeStyle and Diet on Free Radical Induced Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Reproductive Failure. Environmental & Occupational Exposures 78-101(2010)- Publisher:Daya Publishing House (July 6, 2010) ISBN-10: 9788170356462, ISBN-13: 978-8170356462
Research Supervision

Supervision (PhD/MSc/B.Tech)

Ph.D. Research Supervision:


S. No.

Name of the Student (s)

Registration Year and Status (Full Time/Part-time)

Title of the Topic

Co-Supervisors (If any)


Present Position


Dr. Ashna


08/2013 PT

Genetic perspective of DNA Damage in breast cancer






Dr. Sonali Verma

8/14 FT

Genetic Analysis of Ovarian Cancer Patients in       Jammu and Kashmir Population

Prof. V. Verma



Scientist-GMC Jammu


Dr. Amrita Bhat

8/14 FT

Advanced molecular analysis of Leukemia in North Indian population.




Scientist-Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi


Dr. Gh. Rasool Bhat

8/14 FT

Genetic Characterisation of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma in Patients from Jammu and Kashmir




Post-doctoral Fellow,

Department of Genetics, University of Virginia, USA


Dr. Divya Bakshi

8/15 FT

Genetic Characterization of DNA Damage In Breast Tumorigenesis


Dr. Samantha Vashnavi.



Lecturer (Contract)

Degree college for women, University of Jammu


Ms. Monika Pandita

8/14 FT

Genome stability regulators, F-Box motif encoding gene

Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Assistant Professor (Contract)

Institute of Human genetics,

University of Jammu


Ms. Bhanu Sharma

8/15 FT

Genetic analysis of colorectal carcinoma

Dr. Samantha Vashnavi.



Senior Resident

AIIMS, Jammu


Ms. Minerva

19DBT006 FT

Genetic and Epigenetic Characterization of Ovarian Carcinoma


In progress



Mr. Rajeshwar Singh Jamwal


Characterisation of dna damage associated genes in non-small cell lung cancer


In progress



Mr. Bhawani Sharma


Genetic characterisation of Male Infertility in Jammu & Kashmir


In progress



Mrs. Pushpa Oraon


A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of Emotional intelligence training module versus Progressive relaxation technique and their association to academic performance among nursing students in selected nursing colleges of Punjab


In progress

Assoc. Professor




Title of the Project

Name of the students with

Name of the supervisor/Co-Supervisor



entry No.







Entry No.











Genetic mutation in genes CALR and JAK2V617F which are responsible for Myeloproliferative Disorders


Sakshi Raina



Dr. Samantha Vaishnavi

Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Genetic mutation in genes CALR and JAK2V617F which are responsible for Myeloproliferative Disorders


Ankita Sharma


Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Effect of Pig amniotic fluid as serum substitute in -vitrification solutions and maturation medium on meiotic maturation of dog oocytes

Aman Sharma




Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Dr. B. Samba Siva Rao (CCMB) Hyderabad


Characterization of XRCC1 gene in leukemia patients from Jammu and Kashmir population



Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Genetic polymorphism in Base excision repair gene XRCC1 G>A Codon 399(Arg.Gln) in lung cancer patients from ethnic population of J&K -A pilot study

Urvashi Sangotra






Dr. Rakesh Kumar




DNA damage and repair (XRCC1) mutation codon 399Arg.GLn in ovarian cancer patients of Jammu and Kashmir -A pilot study

Sonia Choudhary


Dr. Rakesh Kumar



DNA damage and repair (XRCC1) mutation codon 399Arg.GLn in ovarian cancer patients of Jammu and Kashmir -A pilot study

Nayan Tiwari


Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Clinical strains of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Ms. Pehu Kohli




Dr. Deepak K Saini/ Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Variations in response




Supervisor: Dr. Deepak K Saini

Dr. Sharada Potukuchi


regulator interactions due to prevalent mutations found in Clinical strains of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Ms. Upasana


IISc, Bangalore













Dr. Rakesh






















Underlying genetic mechanism of Ataxia telangiectasia.

Shilpa Raina




Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Arvind Yadav


Genetic polymorphism in nucleotide excision repair gene ERCC2/XPD A>C Codon 751 (Lyn-Gln) and its role in susceptibility to lung cancer patients from ethnic population of J&K A-PILOT STUDY






Dr. Rakesh Kumar





Role of Myeloproliferative disorders

Shivam Shukla





Dr. Rakesh Kumar



XRCC1 in Breast Cancer


Ishan Tiwari


Dr. Samantha Vaishnavi

Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Genetic screening of ALS patients from Jammu region





Dr. Rakesh Kumar






Telomere length variation and its role in ling cancer.




Dr. Rakesh Kumar






Gene expression analysis of PdtaS and PdtaR of two component system in Smegmatis

Kosheen Kamal


Dr. Rakesh Kumar



GTP effect on Human and

Ms. Ananya


Dr. Alka Gupta

Dr. Rakesh


Rice Translin protein



Bhabha Atomic Research






Centre, Bombay



Characterisation of alpha

Ms. Dhanishta


Dr. Swasti Raychaudhuri

Dr. Rakesh


synuclein aggregates



CCMB, Hyderabad









Isolation and Cloning of

Ms. Vishali


Dr Rachna Agarwal, Bhabha

Dr. Rakesh


outer membrane protein in Synecosystis PCC 6803 and its protein characterization”



Atomic Research Center,



























Bromodomain protein 4(BRD4) Isoforms Regulation by FUS in HeLa Cells.

Effect of BRD4 Overexpression on alternative splicing of mini gene CD44 in HeLA cells

Priyanka Anand



Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai

Dr. Rakesh Kumar


The polyphosphate kinase (PPK) from the filamentous cyano bacterium Anabaena PCC 7120: Isolation , over expression and purification.

2.cloning over expression and characterization of Metal binding Domain (MBD) of PIB-Type ATPase in Chryseo bacterium sp. Strain PMSZPI

 Diksha Devi




Dr. Celin Acharya

Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai


Dr Rakesh Kumar


REV3L gene variants rs1002481, rs462779, and

rs465646 lead to increased susceptibility towards

non- small cell lung cancer in the population of

Jammu and Kashmir

Ms. Nikita Mahajan




Dr. Arvind Kumar Yadav

Dr. Rakesh Kumar


REV3L gene variants rs1002481, rs462779, and

rs465646 lead to increased susceptibility towards

non- small cell lung cancer in the population of

Jammu and Kashmir

Mr. Rajeshwar Singh



Dr. Rakesh Kumar





Screening of exonic Variation of DNAH11 gene in

ovarian cancer

Ms. Parul Pandita &

Ms. Garima Slathia




Dr. Rakesh Kumar



Genetic analysis of rs462779 and rs11153292 of

rev3l in leukemia patients from J&K region.

Ms. Anandita Malhotra





Dr. Rakesh Kumar





Genetic analysis of rs462779 and rs11153292 of

rev3l in leukemia patients from J&K region.

Ms. Hinan


Dr. Arvind Kumar Yadav

Dr. Rakesh Kumar



“Potential role of PI3KCA gene and variant rs2699887 towards

increasing the susceptibility of NSCLC in the Jammu and Kashmir


Ms. Sabra Praveen




Dr. Rakesh Kumar


To Investigate the Association Between Luteinizing hormone/ Choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) gene polymorphisms and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Ms. Preetika





Dr. Rakesh Kumar


To Investigate the Association Between Luteinizing hormone/ Choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) gene polymorphisms and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Ms. Meenakshi Thakur




Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Investigation of correlation between gene variant rs1056836(CYP1B1) and Non-Small Cell Lung cancer incidence in Jammu and Kashmir based population

Mr. Shubham Gupta


Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Dr. Waheeta Hopper, M.Sc., PhD.

 (Professor., Department of Biotechnology, SRM IST


To Evaluate the Association of Genetic Variant rs2242652 of TERT with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Jammu and Kashmir Population.

Ms. Mehak Slathia






To evaluate the role of ADGRG4 (rs5930932) and magec3 (rs176036) with ovarian cancer in the population of Jammu and Kashmir

Ms. Ziya Tufail







to evaluate the role of ADGRG4 (rs5930932) and magec3 (rs176036) with ovarian cancer in the population of Jammu and Kashmir

Ms. Vanshika Bhagat





“To elucidate the genetic reason of polycystic ovarian syndrome among female population of jammu and kashmir”

Kritika sharma







“To elucidate the genetic reason of polycystic ovarian syndrome among female population of jammu and kashmir








“To elucidate the genetic reason of polycystic ovarian syndrome among female population of jammu and kashmir

Pallvi sharma







To Evaluate the Association of Genetic Variant rs4135385 of CTNNB1

with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Jammu and Kashmir Population.”

Mr. Shubhash Chandra Chaurashiya





Genomic Exploration of Male Infertility: Investigating

H2BFWT In Jammu & Kashmir Population”

 Mr. Shahid Khurshid





Genetic analysis of CYP11B2 gene (rs1799998) in PCOD females of Jammu and Kashmir.








Conferences/Courses Organized
  1. Organizing Secretary- World Congress on Reproduction Health with Emphasis on Reproductive Cancers, Infertility and Assisted Reproduction & 30th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF-2020), 14-16th Feb 2020
  2. Co-Convenor-International Conference on Applied Biology (ICAB 2019)
  3. Organized- National Workshop on “Trends in Genomics and Proteomics” on 29th March 2019.
  4. Organized-One day Brain Storming Session of Maternal and Child Health, sponsored by JKDST on 12th March 2019.
  5. Organized Two-day workshop on “Diagnostic Cytogenetics” 26-27th Feb. 2018, SMVDU
  6. Organized Two-day workshop on “Scientific Drawings for Biological Specimens” 20th and 21st Feb, 2018, SMVDU
  7. Co-organized two-day Crab-e-Con Thirtya held at Hotel Fortune Sep 9th and 10th 2017.
  8. Organizing Committee-JK Medical science Congress, SKICC, Srinagar (10-13th May 2017)
  9. Co-convener-Two days National Symposium on “Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery” on 30th and 31st March 2017 SMVDU, Katra
  10. Organizer-One day National Workshop on “Scientific innovation and intellectual property rights” sponsored by Jammu and Kashmir science technology and innovation council on 27th March 2017 at SMVDU, Katra.
  11. Organizer-One day National Workshop on “Bio-molecular Visualization and Drug Discovery” sponsored by DBT, Govt. of India” on 17th March 2017 at SMVDU, Katra.
  12. Organizing Committee Member-National Science Day 28th Feb 2017, SMVDU, Katra
  13. Co-organized and Organizing secretary of ONE day Crab-e-Con DWITYA held at Hotel Fortune Sep 3rd 2016.
  14. Organizer- Two days workshop on “Genomics, Proteomics and System Biology” on 10th and 11th March 2016
  15. Organizer- Two days advance workshop on “Applications of Flow Cytometry in Biomedical Research” was held in SMVDU from 18th -19th Feb 2016
  16. Co-organized and Organizing secretary of two-day Crab-e-Con held at Hotel Fortune 24th-25th October 2015.
  17. Organized workshop on modern developments and applications in imaging techniques date- May 26-27, 2015.
  18. Organized and attended-Bioinformatics workshop -“Bioinformatics –approaches in OMICS Era” 10-11th March 2015


Expert Talks
  1. Invited Lecture- UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), University of Kashmir89thGurudakshta Faculty Induction Programme on the 18th July 2024.
  2. Two extension lectures (in Online mode) in Chronological Genetic Updates 2024 Series-4 on 13th Feb 2024-MDU Rohtak
  3. Invited lecture- 8th International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2023). AIIMS, New Delhi 20-22ndDec 2023
  4. Invited Lecture-Sharda University-New Breast Cancer Hotspot Mutation of ANKLE1 and its direct role in DNA Damage and Repair in Mammalian Cells. International Conference on Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Applied Bioinformatics 27th – 29th April 2023 Venue: Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
  5. GP Talwar Gold Medal oration award-ISSRF 2023 (23-26th Feb 2023) Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Orrisa
  6. Invited lecture-Capacity building programme-18-19th August 22, University of Kashmir
  7. Invited Lecture-National Conference on Reproductive Health and disease 17th August 22, University of Kashmir
  8. Invited Lecture-Advances in Molecular diagnostics and precision Medicine (AMDP-2022) in association with Cancercon 2022-15th-17th September 2022-Anna University Chennai
  9. Invited Lecture-IFS-Paternal Genomics and recurrent Implantation Failure-6th August 2021-Webinar
  10. Invited Lecture-GDC Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir, “Inculcating scientific temper and innovation among young minds-Major Challenges ”9th June 21- Webinar
  11. Invited Lecture-School of Philosophy, SMVDU-“Plagiarism and Scientific Ethics”3rd June 21- Webinar
  12. Invited Lecture- Department of Genetics-MDU Rohtak-Characterization of novel genomic alterations in Cancer among Indian populations-23rd Feb 21. Webinar
  13. Invited Lecture-Carrier Point University, Hamirpur, HP Cancer How and Why? Dr. Rakesh Kumar World Cancer Day-4th Feb 2021 Webinar
  14. Invited Lecture- Mitochondrial Genome and Ultrastructural Defects in Male Infertility, Global Conference on Reproductive Health with Focus on Occupational, Environmental and Lifestyle Factors during 22nd-24th February 2019 at JNU Convention Center, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  15. Keynote Lecture- 5th-International Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICRTAET) to be held at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India from 25-26 October 2018. 
  16. Invited Lecture-Ayurveda and Human Health (SMVDU, Katra, 20th April 2018)
  17. Invited Lecture- National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Genomics & Metabolomics” on March 17-18th, 2017 at School of Biotechnology, Jammu University, Jammu.
  18. Invited Lecture-Refresher course on Life Sciences-HRDC Jammu University
  19. Invited lecture-Crab-e-Con held at Hotel Fortune 24th-25th October 2015
  20. Invited Lecture-J and K Science Congress-14-16th March 2015, Jammu University
  21. Invited lecture- International conference future and challenges on computational and integrated sciences, Nov. 7-8 14, Jalandhar, Punjab
  22. Invited Talk- MOF and histone H4 acetylation at lysine 16 are critical for DNA damage response and double-strand break repair-June 21, 2013,11:00 am. RCB, Gurgaon
  23. Invited lecture-37th Annual Conference of Environmental Society of India-KIIT University, Bubneshawar Odisha, 23-26th Feb. 2012
  24. Invited lecture-Prevention Genetics, Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA 6TH -8TH Feb 2012
  25. Poster presentation -Dallas Multiplex-day-3rd Feb. 2012
  26. Poster presentation-DNA Damage response symposium-May 14-15 2011. Toledo, Ohio, USA
  27. Poster presentation in Neuro-Texas Translational Health Symposium in Austin, Texas, 2nd April 2011
  28. Poster presentation in PDA symposium, Feb 10-16 2011, UTSW, Dallas, Texas, USA.
  29. Oral presentation in International free radical satellite meeting (Feb. 11-12, 2008, in New Delhi, India).
  30. Oral presentation in Andrology Society of India, held at National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi (Dec. 15-16, 2007).
  31. Oral presentation in Recent advances and challenges in reproductive health research, from 19-21, February, 2007 (ISSRF-07) organized by ICMR/NIRRH, New Delhi.
  32. Poster presentation in International Symposium on Human Genomics and Public Health / XXXI Annual Conference of Indian Society of Human Genetics, February 27-March 1, 2006 New Delhi.
International and National Exposure
  • Postdoctoral Research fellow at UTSW Medical Center in Dallas, TX, USA (November 2009-Dec. 2102)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate /Senior Research Tech. at Washington University School of Medicine, Louis, MO, USA. (April 2008-Nov 2009)
Honors & Recognitions Achieved

Awards & Honors:

  • GP Talwar Gold Medal Oration Award-ISSRF 2023/Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Orrisa 2023
  • Performance linked award by SMVDU for year 2018-2019
  • Most Outstanding poster presentation. First place in Neuro-Texas Translational health Symposium in Austin, Texas, 2nd April 2011
  • Young Scientist- Dr G. P. Talwar Gold Medal for Best oral presentation (ISSRF-07).
  • Best paper of the year by Andrology Society of India (Dec. 15-16, 2007).
  • Best oral presentation award in international free radical satellite meeting (Feb. 11-12, 2008 in New Delhi, India).
  • SRF fellowship from Indian Council of Medical Research (2006-2008).
  • Student Awards:

    1. CSIR-SRF Fellowship- Rajeshwar Singh Jamwal
    2. Third best Poster presentation award-Mr. Rajeshwar Singh Jamwal Crab-E-Con 2023
    3. Best Panel Discussion Award- Mr. Gh. Rasool Bhat at NEUROCON 2019 at MM continental Ambala on 18 November 2019.
    4. Gold Medal- Ms Amrita Bhat for outstanding poster presentation in cancer conference at Hotel Country Inn Jammu October 2019
    5. Atal Vani Partaker-Ms. Sonali Verma-Silver Medal, Crab-E-Con 2018.
    6. LBN Scroll of Honour- Mr. Gh Rasool Bhat for outstanding work in field of cancer genetics.-2016
    7. JBM Gold Medal-Mr. Gh. Rasool Bhat CRAB-e-CON 2015 at hotel Fortune inn Revera Jammu
    8. Young Scientist (Poster) Silver Medal- Gh.Rasool Bhat, Itty Sethi, Sonali Verma, Amrita Bhat, Swarkar Sharma, Khursheed A Dar, Deepak Abrol Rakesh Kumar “Polymorphism in DNA repair gene XRCC1 and its role in susceptibility to lung cancer risk in ethnic population of Jammu and Kashmir” 2ND Medical Science Congress 10th -13th May 2017
    9. Young Scientist (Oral) -Silver Medal Itty Sethi, G.R. Bhat, Varun Sharma, Ankit Mahajan, Gurvinder Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Vinod Singh, Manoj K Dhar, AJS Bhanwer, Swarkar Sharma, and Ekta Rai “Leukocyte telomere length, a marker of senescence is associated with type 2 diabetes” at 2ND Medical Science Congress 10th -13th May 2017
    10. 3rd Prize-IPR Quizophile Vandita Sharma, Rakesh Kumar
    11. 2nd Prize- IPR Quizophile Nipunta Tanoj, Rakesh Kumar
    12. First prize Sheetal Bhat, G.R. Bhat, Nipunta, Shilpa Raina, Sandeep Kaul, Rakesh Kumar Presented poster titled-’Genetic characterization of human pulmonary neoplasm and its effect on human health’ at Jammu University (12th JK Science Congress 2nd-5th March 2017)
    13. Awarded 2nd Best Poster Prize -Gh. Rasool Bhat, Sonali Verma, Amrita Bhat, Deepak Abrol, Khursheed A Dar, Rakesh Kumar “Effect of cigarette smoking in changing histopathology among lung cancer patients” At PathoCon 2017, GMC, Jammu on 22nd April 2017
    14. Scroll of HONOUR to my Student Mr. Gh. Rasool Bhat for his work on lung cancer under my supervision in Dwitya Crab-e-Con on lung cancer, 3rd September 2016
    15. Ist position (Poster) Sonali Verma, Amrita Bhat, G.R Bhat, Deepak Abrol, Jyostna Suri, Ajay Wakhloo, V. Verma, Rakesh Kumar “Replicative study of lung cancer (XRCC1 gene rs25487) in normal and ovarian cancer females from Jammu region” Dwitya Crab-e-Con on lung cancer, 3rd September 2016
    16. 3rd (Joint) Divya Bakshi and Rakesh Kumar-Breast cancer metastasis to lung cancer – Dwitya Crab-e-Con on lung cancer, 3rd September 2016
    17. JBM Gold medal for poster presentation at Crab-e-Con held at Hotel Fortune 24th-25th October 2015 (GR Bhat)
Profile Last updated: March 9, 2025
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