Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Gupta
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interest:
- Bioinformatics and Computational biology, Algorithms, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence
Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Gupta
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering – IIT Roorkee, Roorkee (2014)
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering– HBTU Kanpur, (Erstwhile affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow) (2009)
- B.E. in Computer Science Engineering – Dr. K. N. Modi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar (U.P) (2005)
Administrative Experience
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R. Niyogi and M. Misra, “A New Adjacent Pair 2D Graphical Representation of DNA Sequences,” Journal of Biological Systems, vol. 21 (3), pp.1-15, 2013, World Scientific.[SCI, IF=0.73, ISSN(online):1793-6470, UGC CARE List no. 4981,]
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R. Niyogi and M. Misra, “An alignment-free method to find similarity among protein sequences via the general form of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition,” SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, vol. 24 (7), pp. 597-609, 2013, Taylor and Francis. [SCIE indexed, IF=2.287, ISSN: 1062-936X Online ISSN: 1029-046X, UGC CARE List no. 8560, 10.1080/1062936X.2013.773378].
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R. Niyogi and M. Misra, “A 2D graphical representation of protein sequence and their similarity analysis with probabilistic method,” MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., vol. 72 (2), pp. 519-532, 2014. [SCI Indexed, IF=2.126, ISSN:0340-6253, UGC CARE List no.6668,].
- Syed Asma Andrabi, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Similarity Analysis of DNA Sequences Using BWT Technique,” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064, vol. 4(5) pp.2456-2459, 2015.
- Abdullahi Haruna Adam, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Ahmed Baita Garko, “Knowledge discovery approach to repair a textual attributes in data mining,” International Journal of Science Technology and Management, ISSN: 2394-1537, vol. 4(9), pp.67-72, 2015.
- Shalu Bhati, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Missing Data Imputation for Medical Database: Review”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 6 (4), pp. 754-758 [ISSN: 2277 128X], 2016.
- Harshit Tandon, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Enhancement in DBSCAN using SIFT Technique,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering vol. 6 (4), pp. 935-941, ISSN: 2277 128X, 2016.
- Himanshu Sharma, Ashish Kumar, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A Comparative Review of Various Energy Efficient DSR Routing Protocols in MANET,” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 38 (1), pp.5-14, 2016. [ISSN: 2231-2803, IF=2.71],
- Temitope B. Salau, Manoj K. Gupta, Abdulkadir Ibrahim, “Data Preservation and Breach Detection in Social Network,” International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 3 (5), pp. 144-151, ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968, 2016.
- Sarthak Yadav, Manoj Kr. Gupta, and Ankur Singh Bist, “Prediction of Ubiquitination Sites Using UbiNets”, Advances in Fuzzy Systems, Hindwai, vol. 2018, pp.1-10, 2018. [Scopus, E-ISSN: 1687711X, DOI:].
- Kanica Sachdeva and Manoj Kr Gupta, “A Comprehensive Review of Feature Based Methods for Drug Target Interaction Prediction,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Article, vol. 93, pp.1-19. 2019. [DOI:, SCI Indexed, IF:2.89, ISSN: 1532-0464, UGC CARE List no.4987].
- Payal Maken, Abhishek Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A Study on Various Techniques Involved in Gender Prediction System: A Comprehensive Review,” Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol. 19 (1), pp.51-73, 2019 [DOI: 10.2478/cait-2019-0015, Scopus, IF=0.88, ISSN: 1314-4081].
- Duraksha Ali, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Deadline Sensitive Lease Scheduling Using Hungarian Genetic Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.12, pp.7-15, 2019. [DOI:, ISSN:2347-2693, UGC J.NO. 63193, H-index=12, IF=3].
- Kanica Sachdeva and Manoj Kr Gupta, “A Comprehensive Review of the Computational Techniques for the Prediction of Drug Side Effects” Journal of Drug Development Research, Wiley Online Library, Vol. 81 (4), pp. 1-21, 2020.[DOI=, SCI, IF=1.742, ISSN:1098-2299, h-index=54, citescore=2.43, UGC CARE List no.2660].
- Kshatrapal Singh, Ashish Kumar & Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Modified k-string in composition vector method for DNA sequence comparison based on maximum entropy principle”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 23(1), pp.31-41, 2020. [ DOI: 1080/09720502.2020.1721649. Online ISSN: 2169-012X, 0972-0502, SCOPUS, Citescore=0.54, IF=0.58].
- Tanzeela Javid, Manoj Kumar Gupta and Abhishek Gupta, “A Hybrid-Security Model for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Data Mining”, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 34(6), pp 3602-3614, 2022. [doi:, ISSN: 1319-1578, SCOPUS, SCI CiteScore:8, IF=13.98, UGC CARE List no.5576].
- Rakhi Vatsal, Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Motor Imagery and Mental Task Classification Algorithms in Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol. 7(17), 2020. pp. 2437-2443.[ISSN- 2394-5125, doi: 31838/jcr.07.17.301, SCOPUS].
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “An Approach Based on Neural Learning for Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer”, Journal of Natural Remedies, Vol. 21, No. 3(S1), pp. 110-118, 2020.[ ISSN: 2320-3358 (e), SCOPUS]
- Tanzeela Javid, Manoj K. Gupta, and Abhishek Gupta, “Securing Privacy In Data Mining: A Survey of Techniques”, Journal of Natural Remedies, Vol. 21, No. 3(S1), pp. 119-127, 2020. [ISSN: 2320-3358 (e), SCOPUS][Presented]
- Kanica Sachdev, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A hybrid ensemble‐based technique for predicting drug–target interactions,” Chemical Biology & Drug Design, Vol. 96, Issue 6, December 2020, Pages 1447-1455 [, Online ISSN:1747-0285, Impact factor:2.548, SCI, UGC CARE List no.1835]
- Sharma, Deepika and Vashishtha, Ashutosh and Gupta, Manoj Kumar, Review of Credit Risk and Credit Scoring Models Based on Computing Paradigms in Financial Institutions (May 7, 2020). Journal of Credit Risk, Vol. 17, No. 3, Available at SSRN: [ISSN:1744-6619 (print) 1755-9723 (online), IF:0.226, Scopus, SSI, CiteScore: 0.17,pp. 1-16].
- Arjun Puri, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Improved Hybrid Bag-Boost Ensemble With K-Means-SMOTE–ENN Technique for Handling Noisy Class Imbalanced Data”, The Computer Journal, Vol. 65, pp. 124–138 06 May 2021 [ISSN:0010-4620, 10.1093/comjnl/bxab039 IF:1.07, SCI, UGC CARE List no.2237]
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj K Gupta, Computational Prediction of Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Using Ensemble-Based Classification Algorithm, The Computer Journal, Vol. 65(6) 1527–1539, June 2022 2021, [, ISSN 0010-4620, IF:1.07, SCI, UGC CARE List no.2237].
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A comprehensive data level investigation of cancer diagnosis on imbalanced data”, Computational Intelligence,Vol 38 (1), pp. 156-186, 05 May 2021(Feb 22) [Online ISSN:1467-8640,, IF:1.196, SCI, Wiley, UGC CARE List no.2237].
- Surbhi Gupta, and Manoj K. Gupta. “Computational Model for Prediction of Malignant Mesothelioma Diagnosis.” The Computer Journal, Vol. 66, , pp. 86–100, Jan 2023, (SCI Indexed) ISSN 0010-4620 IF:1.07, UGC CARE List no.2237, DOI:
- Arjun Puri, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Knowledge discovery from noisy imbalanced and incomplete binary class data”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 181, 1 November 2021, [ISSN:0957-4174, SCI, IF: 8.5, Cite Score:12.7, /10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115179, UGC CARE List no.3210].
- Surbhi Gupta, and Manoj K. Gupta, “A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting Breast Cancer Survivability”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 16 November 2021, vol. 29 pp, 2959–2975 (SCI, ISSN: 1886-1784 IF- 7.33, 10.1007/s11831-021-09679-3).
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta and Rakesh Kumar, A Novel Multi-Neural Ensemble Approach for Cancer Diagnosis, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis, vol. 36, pp.1-36, 24 Dec 2021.[IF=1.58, SCIE, Online ISSN: 1087-6545, doi: 10.1080/08839514.2021.2018182]
- Harnain Kour & Manoj K. Gupta, “An hybrid deep learning approach for depression prediction from user tweets using feature-rich CNN and bi-directional LSTM”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 81(17):pp.1-37 Mar 2022 [SCIE, ISSN: 1573-7721, IF: 2.517].
- Sachdev, Kanica, and Manoj K. Gupta. “CIAE: Class Imbalance Aware Ensemble Framework to Predict Drug Side Effects.” International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, (2021). [SCOPUS, ISSN online1755-0661, CiteScore 2020: 0.5, DOI: 10.1504/IJMEI.2021.10041984]
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Shabaz, “Deep learning techniques for cancer classification using microarray gene expression data”, Frontiers in Physiology, Sec. Computational Physiology and Medicine, 13 pp.1, Oct 2022 [SCIE, Scopus IF= 4.0, Cite Score=6, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.952709, ISSN 1664-042X].
- Harnain Kour & Manoj K. Gupta, “Predicting the language of depression from multivariate twitter data using a feature-rich hybrid deep learning model,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol 34(1) 22 July 2022 [SCIE, Scopus IF=1.83, e7224. ISSN: 1532-0634].
- Harnain Kour & Manoj K. Gupta, “Hybrid evolutionary intelligent network for sentiment analysis using Twitter data during COVID-19 pandemic”, Expert Systems, Wiley, Vol. 40, Oct 2023[SCIE, SCOPUS,, ISSN:1468-0394, IF=3.3].
- Kour, H., & Gupta, M. K. (2022). AI Assisted Attention Mechanism for Hybrid Neural Model to Assess Online Attitudes About COVID-19. Neural Processing Letters, 1-40. Dec 2022 [doi: 10.1007/s11063-022-11112-0, SCIE, SCOPUS, IF: 3.1, ISSN: 1573-773X]
- Ifrah Raoof and Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Domain independent shortterm calibration-based hybrid approach for motor imagery electroencephalograph classification: a comprehensive review. Multimedia Tools and Application, Springer, Vol. 83 Issue 3, pp. 9181 – 9226, June 2023 [SCIE, SCOPUS , IF: 3.6, ISSN: 1573-7721,
- Raoof, I., Gupta, M.K. A conditional input-based GAN for generating spatio-temporal motor imagery electroencephalograph data. Neural Comput & Application, Springer, Vol.35, pp.21841–21861 (22 Aug 2023).[SCIE, IF:5.6, ISSN: 1433-3058 ]
- Ifrah Raoof and Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Improving generalization of motor imagery electroencephalograph data using unsupervised clustering”. International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE). Vol 10, ISSN(Online) pp.2394-2320, Aug 2023. []
- Maken and A. Gupta, “2D-to-3D: A Review for Computational 3D Image Reconstruction from X-ray Images,” Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, pp.1-30, 2022. (SCIE, IF = 8.171).
- Maken, A. Gupta and M.K. Gupta, “A systematic review of the techniques for automatic segmentation of the human upper airway using volumetric Images”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. (SCIE, IF = 3.079).
- Manoj Kr Gupta, Mayank Dave, Archana Purwar, Simulation of Power Efficient Region Based Approach for Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg. And Technology (ICETET-2009), Co-sponsored by IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, USA, Nagpur, India, Dec 16-18, 2009, pp. 1104-1109. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-5250-7, Print ISSN: 2157-0477, Electronic ISSN: 2157-0485) [Presented]
- Manoj Kr Gupta, Dr. Mayank Dave, Simulation of Region Based Approach for Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Advance Computing (ICAC-09), Trichy, India, Aug 06-08, 2009. [Presented]
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, Rajdeep Niyogi and Manoj Misra, “A framework for Alignment-free methods to perform similarity analysis of biological sequence,” in The Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2013), IEEE, JIIT Noida, India, Aug 8-10, 2013, pp. 337 – 342, ISBN:978-1-4799-0190-6. [Presented]
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, Aniket Mittal, R.Niyogi and M. Misra, Parallelization of Composition Vector Method for Sequence Similarity Analysis, The 2013 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BIOCOMP’13), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 159-164, ISBN: 1-60132-234-8, July 2013.
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R.Niyogi and M. Misra, An experimental analysis of phylogenetic trees based on topological score, International Conference on Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA 2012), Springer, Visakhapatnam, India, January 5–7, 2012, pp. 237–244. (Online ISBN978-3-642-27443-5). [Presented]
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R.Niyogi and M. Misra, “A new alignment free method for similarity/dissimilarity analysis of protein sequences,” Third International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT- 2013), Springer, Banglore, India, Feb 18-20, 2013.
- Manoj Kumar Gupta, R.Niyogi and M. Misra, “Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on adjacent nucleotide pair representation,” International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, IEEE, Guntur, India, Feb 8-9, 2013. [Presented]
- Pritee Gupta, Yashpal Singh, Manoj Kr. Gupta, “Moving Object Detection Using Frame Difference, Background Subtraction and SOBS for Video Surveillance Application,” in 3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART-2014) at, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, pp. 151-156, Nov 22-23, 2014.
- Kanica Sachdev and Manoj Kr Gupta “Research Issues in Biological Data Mining: A Review”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (ICMLCI) -2017, SMVDU Katra, Sep 28-29, 2017.
- Arjun Puri and Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Review on Missing Value Imputation Techniques in Data Mining” International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (ICMLCI) -2017, SMVDU Katra, Sep 28-29, 2017.
- Sukanya, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A survey on different techniques for handling missing values in dataset” ICRTAET-2017, SMVDU Katra Nov 3-4, 2017.
- Kanica Sachdev and Manoj Kr Gupta, “A novel technique to predict drug target interaction using ensemble of SVM classifiers”, 5th International Conference on Recent Trend and Advancement in Engineering and Technology, SMVDU Katra, Oct 25-26, 2018
- Arjun Puri and Manoj Kr Gupta, “Comparative analysis of class imbalance over machine learning algorithm”, 5th International Conference on Recent Trend and Advancement in Engineering and Technology, SMVDU Katra, Oct 25-26, 2018.
- Sukanya, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Archana Gupta, “Performance analysis of Imputation Approaches with noise filtration on medical data”, on 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, JIIT Noida, March 7-9, 2019.[ ISBN: 978-1-5386-9436-7]
- Ali D., Gupta M.K. (2020) Advanced Deadline-Sensitive Scheduling Approaches in Cloud Computing. In: Gao XZ., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1086. Springer, Singapore presented in 5thInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, ABES Ghaziabad, Feb 22-23, 2019, pp 317-329. [Online ISBN:978-981-15-1275-9]
- Rashid W., Gupta M.K. (2020) A Perspective of Missing Value Imputation Approaches. In: Gao XZ., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1086. Springer, Singapore presented in 5thInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, ABES Ghaziabad, Feb 22-23, 2019, pp 307-315 [ISBN:978-981-15-1275-9, Book Chapter].
- Kanica Sachdev and Manoj Kr Gupta, “Predicting Drug Target Interactions Using Dimensionality Reduction with Ensemble Learning” in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Computing at Central University of Jammu, Jammu, 8-9 March, 2019.[ISBN: 978-3-030-29407-6]
- Kanica Sachdev and Manoj Kr Gupta, “An Improved Approach for Predicting Drug Target Interactions” in ICICT 2019 held at KIET Ghaziabad, Sep 27-28, 2019.[ ISBN: 978-1-7281-1772-0]
- Arjun Puri and Manoj Kr Gupta, “Comparative analysis of resampling techniques under noisy imbalanced datasets” in ICICT 2019 held at KIET Ghaziabad, Sep 27-28, 2019.[ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0]
- Tanzeela Javid and Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Privacy Preserving Classification Using 4-Dimensional Rotation Transformation”, in 8thInternational Conference on. System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, TMU Moradabad, 22 -23 November, 2019.[ ISBN: 978-1-7281-3245-7][Presented the paper].
- Karamjeet Kaur, Sudeshna Chakraborty, Sanika Singh, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Accelerating the performance of Sequence Alignment using High Performance Multicore GPU”, 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), held at Dubai 11-12 Dec. 2019.[ISBN: 978-1-7281-3778-0].
- Rashid W., Arora S., Gupta M.K. (2021) Missing Value Imputation Approach Using Cosine Similarity Measure. In International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1165. Springer, Singapore. Aug 2020 (Appears online) [Online ISBN: 978-981-15-5113-0, DOI:].
- Kanica Sachdev and Manoj Kr Gupta, “A Comparative Discussion of Similarity Based Techniques and Feature Based
- Techniques for Interaction Prediction of Drugs and Targets” as a Book Chapter in “Tracking and Preventing Diseases with Artificial Intelligence” to be published by Springer, 2021. (SCOPUS Indexed) Online ISBN 978-3-030-76732-7
- Arjun Puri, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Empirical Investigation of Resampling Techniques in an Intruder Detection System” in Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-2020), at ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, 7-8 November, 2020 (Springer, Scopus). DOI, ISBN 978-3-030-66218-9.
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A Review on Machine Learning Techniques for the Diagnosis of Cancer”, 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC-2021), 8th – 9th May, 2021 at Central University of Jammu, J & K.
- Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Prostate Cancer Prognosis Using Multi-Layer Perceptron and Class Balancing Techniques”, The International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3)-2021, JIIT Noida, 05-07 August, 2021.
- Surbhi Gupta, and Manoj K. Gupta. “An Approach based on Neural Learning for Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer.” International Conference on Computational Methods in Science & Technology (ICCMST 2020) 11-12 June, 2020.
- Zahid Maqsood and Manoj Kumar Gupta “Deep Learning in IoT and Edge/Fog Integrated Environments: A Review”, 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC), 2021, 8th – 9th May, 2021 at Central University of Jammu, J & K.
- Zahid maqsood and Manoj Kumar Gupta “Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy on the Edge”, International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking(ICSPN-2021), Sep 17-19, 2021. [Presented the paper].
- Harnain Kaur, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Classification Techniques for sentiment analysis on medical data: A Review” 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC), 2021, 8th – 9th May, 2021 at Central University of Jammu, J & K.
- Harnain Kaur, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Depression and Suicide Prediction using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning”, International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking(ICSPN-2021), Sep 17-19, 2021. [Presented the paper].
- Ifrah Raoof, Manoj Kumar Gupta, “A Study of Semi Supervised based approaches for the Moto Imagery Signal Generation”, 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2021) organizes by RVS College of Engg & Tech., Coimbatore, India from Sep 2-4, 2021. [IEEE XPLORE ISBN: 978-07381-4267].
- Karamjeet Kaur, Sudeshna Chakraborty and Manoj Kumar Gupta, “Accelerating Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Faster Sequence Alignment using Graphical Processing Unit”, First Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Computational Electronics and Communication System (AICECS 2021), Oct 28-30, 2021, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. (Presented).
- Singh, K., Gupta, M.K., Kumar, A. (2021). Phylogenetic and Biological Analysis of Evolutionary Components from Various Genomes”, pp 161–169. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore., Online ISBN:978-981-16-2248-9.[Book Chapter]
- Surbhi Gupta, and Manoj K. Gupta, Deep Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation using Magnetic Resonance Images, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), 13-15 October 2021, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN:978-1-6654-0112-8
- Harnain Kaur, Manoj Kumar Gupta “Hybrid LSTM TCN Model for Predicting Depression Using Twitter Data,” 17th Int, Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV-2022), organized by NTU Singapore, from Dec 11-13, 2022[Presented].
- Subhag Sharma, Tushar Taggar, Manoj K Gupta, “Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques – A Comprehensive Review,” in the Congress on Control, Robotics and Mechantronics, organized by Modi Institute of Technology, Kota, and Soft Computing Research Society, India, MARCH 25-26, 2023[Presented].
- Shahid Ul Islam Dar, Manoj Kr. Gupta, “Deep Learning based Identification of Genetic Syndromes using Facial Images” in the Hinweis Second International Conference on Networking, Communication and Computing Technology, Aug 26, 2023, NCCT-2023.
Sr. No.
Title of Patent
Application Filing No.
Filing /Publishing date/Grant date
Methods and systems for monitoring face posture
Abhishek Gupta, Manoj K. Gupta
November 09, 2020/ May 13, 2021/ 16 Nov 2023
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Conferences/Courses Organized
- Organized and participated in one-week training program on “Adobe Experience Manager” at SMVDU, Katra from July 31-Aug 04, 2017.
- Organized one-week Faculty Development Program on “Computational Intelligence System and Security (CISS-2020) during July 20th -24th 2020, at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra.
- Organized one-week Skill Development program on AI and ML applications, from March 11 to 15, 2024, at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra
- Session Chair and keynote speaker at International Conference of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend(SMART-2017) at TMU, Moradabad during Dec 29-30, 2017, titled “Advancements in Artificial Intelligence”
- Delivered a session on “Introduction to R programming” in Two-Week Refresher Course on Intro. to MATLAB and Research Enhancement Tools (Phase-2) held during July 13-22, 2018 under HRDC at SMVDU, Katra.
- Lecture delivered at JNTU Hyderabad, titled “Similarity Analysis by Dynamic Programming of sequences” under TEQIP-III Twining Program on Jan 29, 2018.
- Invited talk on “Sequence Analysis of Biological Sequences” in two days National Conference titled “Mathematical Sciences and its Application” at GGMC Jammu on 19-20 Jan, 2018.
- Session Chair and keynote speaker at International Conference of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend (SMART-2018) at TMUniversity, Moradabad during Nov 23-24, 2018, titled “Recent advancements in Machine Learning”
- Session Chair International Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Engineering & Technology Oct 25-26, 2018, SMVDU, Katra.
- Invited talk at one-day National Seminar titled “Information Communication Technology Enabled Education in Rural Areas” at Guru Nanak Dev University College, Pathankot on 9 March, 2019, titled ”Usage of ICT in Rural Areas”
- Session Chair in the International Conference on Recent Innovation in Computing at Central University of Jammu, during 8-9 March, 2019.
- Guest Lecture at Model Institute of Tech., Jammu on April 6, 2019, titled “Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence.”
- Resource person for delivering a session on titled “Sequence analysis & drug target interaction prediction” in one-week FDP program on “Intelligence Systems and Informatics” held during July 08-13, 2019, at JIIT Noida.
- Chaired a Technical session at Int. Conf. of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend(SMART-2019) at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad during 22-23 Nov 2019.
- Delivered a session titled “Role of ICT in education” in the FDP “Outcome based Education and Accreditation”, 25-29 May, 2020 at IILM – AHL, CET, Greater Noida
- Invited Lecture titled “Applications of AI and ML in Agriculture”, delivered in a three-days Workshop on “Adoption of ICT enabled information systems in Agricultural Development “contemplated from 17th -19th May, 2020 at SKUAST-Kashmir.
- Invited Lecture titled “Fundamentals of AI and ML and its Applications”, delivered on Sep 09, 2020, for two-hours at Rajkiya College of Engineering, Banda (U.P.)
- Session Chair at International Conference of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend (SMART-2020) at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad during Dec 4-5, 2020.
- Invited talk titled “Bioinformatics Algorithms” and Session chair at International Conference on Networks and Cryptography organized by SoCSS, JNU Delhi on Dec 4-6, 2020
- Keynote speaker during the AICTE sponsored STTP on “AI and Deep Learning” held on 3rd February 2021 (Feb 1-5, 2021), organized by MIET Jammu. Lecture title: “Introduction to AI and Deep Learning Applications”.
- Guest Speaker during the FDP on “Machine Learning” during Feb 22-26, 2021 organized by ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, Titled “Introduction to Machine Learning & Deep Learning”
- Invited speaker for a session on March 24, 2021 in the AICTE STTP on Artificial Intelligence and Its Societal Applications, scheduled during March 22-25, 2021 at NIT Meghalaya. Titled “Introduction to Deep Learning”
- Resource Person for a session on Aug 20, 2021 in an FDP titled “Machine Learning for IoTs, NLP and Computer Vision,” scheduled from Aug 16-21, 2021, organized by JIIT Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Title of the lecture is “Introduction to Optimization Algorithm in Deep Learning”
- Chaired a Session at International Conference of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend (SMART-2021) at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad during Dec 10-11, 2021.
- Keynote address titled “Background and Health Care Application of Artificial Intelligence” at Int. Conf. of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend (SMART-2021) at TMU, Moradabad during Dec 10-11, 2021.
- Delivered a session on “Big Data Analytics” at 5-days online FDP titled Research Avenues and Challenges in Industry 4.0″ organized by FDC in collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering at SMVDU, Katra, during Jan 31 to Feb 4, 2022.
- Chaired a technical session at Int. Conf. on Applied Computational Intelligence (ACIA-2022) (Virtual Mode), Feb 26-27, 2022 organized by National Institute of Technology Raipur, India.
- Chaired a Technical Session in the International Conference on Recent Innovation in Computing at Central University of Jammu, held during May 16-17, 2022.
- Delivered invited talk titled “Digital Transformation with healthy Aging and Application of AI” on the celebration of Telecommunication Day May 17, 2022 organize by Dept of CS, Dept of EC and IETE Society, University of Jammu, Jammu
- Keynote address titled “Deep learning applications in Health Care” at Int. Conf. of System Modeling advancements in Research Trend (SMART-2022) at TMU, Moradabad during Dec 16-17, 2022.
- Delivered a technical session on “Basic concepts of R programming & Machine Language Applications” in one day workshop on Feb 20, 2023, organize by the Dept. of CSE, Inderprastha Engineering College Ghaziabad.
- Delivered an Expert lecture on “Classification Algorithm in Machine Learning” on Jan 10, 2024, organize by the Dept. of Information Technology, Rajkiya College of Engineering, Banda (U.P.).
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Artificial Intelligence fundamentals and its Application: CHATGPT” on March 28, 2024, organize by the Dept. of CSE, Allen Institute of Technology.
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Artificial Intelligence Application: CHATGPT” on May 08, 2024, organize by the Dept. of CSE, Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology.
- Contributed as Resource Person in the “CEC Certification Course on Applied Data Analytics: A Practical Approach” conducted by the Dept. of IT under the Continuing Education Cell, NIT, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India on 23rd June, titled “Classification Algorithm: Decision Tree and K-NN. The course was held from 12th- 26th June 2024.
- Session chaired in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Techniques (ICICCT-2024), during June 28-29, 2024 organized by JNU Delhi.
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Classification Algorithm: Decision Tree” on Oct 16, 2024 08, in the Online STTP on Mathematical Methods from 14th -19th October 2024 organized by UGC-MMTTC, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, by the Dept. of CSE.
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Artificial Intelligence Application: CHATGPT” on Dec 13, 2024, organize by the Dept. of CSE, Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Courses Taught in the Semester 2024-25 (Jan-May, Even)
Soft Computing CSL 3035
Lesson Plan Link:
Profile Last updated: January 31, 2025