Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 21st Feb, 2025
Admission 2025-26
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 21st Feb, 2025
Admission 2025-26

Prof. Ajay Kaul

01991-285524 Extn.: 2306
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Educational Qualification
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.
    Specialization: Cyber Security, Image Processing
  • M.Tech. in Computer Science – University of Hyderabad.
    Specialization: Image Processing
  • B.E. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering – Bangalore University.
    Specialization: Transmission and Distribution
Teaching Experience
  1. Professor, School of Computer Science & Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu, India (2019 May -till date).
  2. Professor, National Forensic Science University (Uganda campus) from October 2023-December 2023.
  3. Associate Professor, School of Computer Science & Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Jammu, India. (2011 Dec-2019 May).
  4. Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science & Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu, India. (2006 may-2011 Dec).
  5. Lecturer, School of Computer Science & Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2004 May-2006 May).
  6. Lecturer, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, N.I.E.T Greater Noida, U.P., India.
Courses Currently being Taught (Even Semester 2024-25)
Administrative Experience
  • Dean Faculty of Engineering 03 March 2022 to 6th September 2023
  • Director School of Computer Science December 2012-July 2017
  • I/c Associate Dean of Students (2011)
  • I/c Sports (2006-2008)
  • Faculty In-charge Network Centre 22th of Nov 2019 to 03 March 2022
  • Faculty In-charge website 8th of oct 2020 to 14 March 2022
Research Projects
  1. NPIU Sponsored Research Project” Automatic Estimation of Slope, Angle and Elevation of Roads Via Artificial Intelligence” under TEQIP Collaborative Research Scheme (18th June 2019 to 30th September 2020)
  2. UGC sponsored project: A project on Secure and QoS oriented Routing Protocol for MANETs has been sanctioned by University Grants Commission (1/7/2012   & 10/11/2015)
  3. Mobile E- Learning Terminals: Under MHRD sponsored National Mission on Education through ICT Government of India a joint research project in collaboration with IIT Roorkee (INDIA)(2009-2010)
  4. Educational (enterprise) Resource Planning: This project was in collaboration with IIT Kanpur under MHRD sponsored National Mission on Education through ICT (2008-2010)
  5. Network Centre: Design: Project fully supported by University for establishing Campus wide Networking and Services on Campus (2007-2008)
Journal Publications
  1. Sneha Raina, Ajay Koul, “Hyperspectral imaging and Target detection algorithms A review”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 81, 44141–44206, IF 3.0, (2022), (SCIE Indexed).
  2. Ajay Koul, Insha Altaf, “Vulnerable road user safety: A systematic review and mesh-networking based vehicle ad hoc system using hybrid of neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithms, International Journal of Communication Systems, Volume35, Issue 9, June 2022, IF 2.205, Online ISSN:1099-1131, (SCIE Indexed).
  3. Insha Altaf, Ajay Koul, “Vanet-TSMA: A traffic safety management approach for smart road transportation in vehicular ad hoc networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Volume34, Issue 13, September 2021, IF 2.205, Online ISSN:1099-1131, (SCIE Indexed).
  4. Magotra Sikha, Baijnath Kaushik, and Ajay Kaul. “Takri touching text segmentation using statistical approach.” Sadhana 48.3 (2023): 104. (SCIE Indexed).
  5. Magotra, Shikha, Baijnath Kaushik, and Ajay Kaul. “A Comparative analysis for identification and classification of text segmentation challenges in Takri Script.” Sadhana 45 (2020): 1-20, UGC journal no -68. (SCIE Indexed)
  6. Ajay Koul, Sparsh Sharma, “VANETs Cloud: Architecture, Applications, Challenges, and Issues Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2020, Vol 71 pp. 83-87, ISSN:1886- 1784. IF 7.3, UGC Journal No 8343, (SCIE Indexed).
  7. Siddharth Singh Chauhan, Ajay Kaul, Uday Pratap Singh, “Image segmentation using fuzzy competitive learning-based counter propagation network” Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol 78, Issue 24, pp35263-35287, ISSN: 1380-7501 (Print) 1573-7721 (Online), 2019, SCIE Journal, IF 1.541, UGC Journal No 31740. (SCIE Indexed).
  8. Sushil Trisal, Ajay Koul, “A novel approach to reduce the computational complexity of KNN Algorithm for detecting human behavior on social networks, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ISSN 1875-8967, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-181336. UGC 30259 IF 1.426 vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 5475-5497, 2019, (SCI indexed ).
  9. SS Chauhan, A Kaul, UP Singh, “Soft computing approaches for image segmentation: a survey”, Multimedia Tools and Applications vol 77 (21), 28483-28537, ISSN: 1573-7721, IF1.541, UGC Journal No 31740, (SCI Journal).
  10. Sparsh Sharma, Ajay Kaul, “A survey on Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypot based proactive security mechanisms in VANETs and VANET Cloud”, Journal of Vehicular Communications, Elsevier 2018, E-ISSN: 2214-2096, UGC 35543, IF 3.289. Volume 12, April 2018, Pages 138-164, UGC Journal No 35543, (SCIE Indexed)
  11. Siddharth Singh Chouhan, Ajay Kaul, Uday Pratap Singh, Sanjeev Jain, “Bacterial foraging optimization based Radial Basis Function Neural Network (BRBFNN) for identification and classification of plant leaf diseases: An automatic approach.”, IEEE Access Journal, Vol 6, pp. 8852-8863, IEEE, 2018 , UGC 29801, Indexing E- ISSN 2169-3536, IF3.5, UGC Journal No 29801, (SCIE Indexed).
  12. Sparsh Sharma, Ajay Kaul, “Hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision making based multi cluster head dolphin swarm optimized IDS for VANETs”, Journal of Vehicular Communications, Vol.12, pp 23-38, Elsevier 2018, UGC 35543, IF 3.289 ISSN: 2214-2096, citations 45, UGC Journal No 35543, (SCIE Indexed).
  13. Siddharth Singh Chouhan, Ajay Kaul, Uday Pratap Singh, “Image Segmentation Using Computational Intelligence Techniques” Journal of Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol 26, pp 533-596, Springer Netherlands, 2019, UGC 8343, ISSN: 1134-3060 (Print) 1886-1784 (Online), IF6.6, (SCIE Indexed)
  14. Ajay Koul, Mamta Sharma, “Cumulative Techniques for Overcoming Security Threats in MANETs”, Intl… Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 2015, 5, 61-73 April 2015, DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2015.05.08 (Scopus Indexed)
  15. Pooja Sharma, Ajay Koul, M.L. Garg, “Performance analysis of video streaming applications over VANETs.” In international Journal of Computer applications, pp 13-18, ISSN-0975-8887, Vol 112, Feb 15, IF 0.715, (UGC journal List no 44570).
  16. Ajay Koul, Mamta Sharma, “Novel Strategies practicing QoS in MANETs” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 108 – No. 13, December 2014, (UGC journal List no 44570)
  17. Pooja Sharma, Ajay Koul et al, “Performance evaluation of CBR and VBR applications on different routing protocols in VANETs” in International journal in recent trends in Engineering & Technology, Vol 11 June 2014. (Non UGC) ISSN: 2158-5563.
  18. Amit Kumar, Ajay Koul, “RSSI Based optimum Transmission power Adhoc on demand distance vector (rOTP-AODV) Routing Protocol” in International Journal of Computer Applications Vol 9, No 5, May 2014.  IF:0.821   (UGC journal List  no 44570)
  19. Salmaamtulla, Ajay Koul, “Passive image forensic method to detect Copy Move Forgery in Digital Images in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278- 8727, Volume 16, Issue 2, Mar-Apr. 2014. IF:1.686 (Non UGC)
  20. Palak Mahajan, Ajay Koul, “CEET: A Compressed Encrypted & Embedded Technique for Digital     Image Steganography in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 16, Issue 2, Mar-Apr. 2014, PP 44-52.  IF:1.686 (Non UGC)
  21. Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, V. K. Bhatt, “Distance and Frequency Based Route Stability Estimation in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, in Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI) Emerging Technologies in Internet Security and Networks, Academy Publisher, Finland, 2(2), May 2010(UGC List No 20309), ISSN:1798-0461
  22. Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, V. K. Bhatt, “Arithmetic Encoding based Dynamic Source Routing for Ad hoc Networks”, Journal of Computer Science, 4(5): 353-359, 2008. 7(UGC List No6895) ISSN Print: 1549-3636, ISSN Online: 1552-6607 Scopus Indexed.
Conference Publications
  1. Magotra, Shikha, Baijnath Kaushik, and Ajay Kaul. “Use of Classification Approaches for Takri Text Challenges.” Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 2020) Intelligent Strategies for ICT, Springer Singapore,11-12 Dec, 2021. (Scopus Indexed Proceedings).
  2. Magotra, Shikha, Baijnath Kaushik, and Ajay Kaul. “A database for printed Takri class of North-West Indian regional scripts.” Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies: Second International Conference, FTNCT 2019, Chandigarh, India, November 22–23, 2019, Springer Singapore, 2020. (Scopus Indexed Proceedings).
  3. Ajay Kaul, Harinder, “Quality of Service Oriented Secure Routing Model for Mobile Adhoc Networks” in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence” pp 88-92, March 25-27 Hong Kong, ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4798-3.
  4. Ajay Koul, Aijaz Farooq, “Projection profile-based Ligature segmentation of Nastaleeq Urdu OCR” in the international symposium on computational and Business intelligence (ISCBI), Olten Switzerland, 2016, pp 170-175, IEEE Xplore, ISBN, 978-1-5090-3488-8.
  5. Pooja Sharma, Ajay Koul et al, “A Comprehensive Study of Requirements for Network Applications and Routing Protocols Providing Resources in Vehicular Adhoc Networks Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science, New Delhi, AETACS, 2013 pp 403-411
  6. K. Wanchoo, Ajay Kaul, S. Vaishnavi, “Educational Technology and its acceptance level among the students and teachers in some rural area” LINC-2013 international Conference held at MIT, Cambridge USA during June 16-19, 2013.
  7. Susheel Kumar, Ajay Koul, Amit Bindal, “Link Stability analysis in VANETs using Topology based protocols” proceedings of advances in recent Technologies in Comm. And computing, Bangalore, October 2012, IEEE ISBN: 978-1-84919-929-2, pp. 156-159
  8. Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, V. K. Bhat, “A system level Security in MANETs” in proceedings of international conference on computer research and development, Shanghai China, Vol March 11- 13, china,2011, IEEE, 978-1-61284-839-6, pp 72-76.
  9. S K Wanchoo, A Kaul, S Vaishnavi, H Sinvhal, H K Verma, MeLTs; A new approach to delivery of e-learning in remote and un-served rural areas in India, in Fifth International conference of Learning International Networks Consortium; LINC-2010, at MIT, Boston, USA (May 23-26, 2010).
  10. Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, V. K. Bhatt, “Double Split based Secure Multipath Routing in Ad hoc Networks”, pp 835-839, DOI 10.1109/ARTCom.2009.77{IEEE CS Press, CA, USA}, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5104-3, pp. 835-839
  11. S K Wanchoo, A Koul, S Vaishnavi, H Sinvhal & H. K. Verma, “VSAT Enabled Mobile e-Learning Terminals for Education in Remote Areas” 5th Jammu & Kashmir State Science Congress, organized by University of Jammu, Jammu (February 08-10, 2010).
  12. Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, V. K. Bhat, “MULTI LAYERED APRROACH TO QOS IN MANETS”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems (WECON-2008), 18-19 October, 2008, CIET, Rajpura, Punjab, India and George Brown College, Canada, pp. 139-141.
Research Supervision
  1. Ph.D. Students Supervised – SMVD University (2015–Present): Supervised 8 Ph.D. candidates in Cyber Security, AI and machine learning.

  2. Master’s Thesis – SMVD University  (2012-Present): Mentored 20 Master’s students in Image Processing and Cyber Security Areas.

Conferences/Courses Organized
  1. Organized one TEQIP-III sponsored workshop for the participants of various Universities and colleges in J&K from 30th September to 4th October 2019 on Foundation of FUZZY SETS and FUZZY Logic with Applications at School of CSE SMVD University
  2. Organized an International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence from 28th-29th of September. Role: As conference Chair
  3. Organized a National Conference on Information Technology and Business Analytics from 7-8th of January 2017. Role as Convener
  4. Chaired a Session in the International Conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement, ICMIRA-2013 from 21st of December to 23rd of December.
  5. Organized One day workshop on Mobile E- Learning Terminals on 28th of August 2010 under MHRD sponsored NMEICT on sensitizing teachers about the importance of ICT based education and e- Learning technologies.
  6. Organized two days workshop on ERP Mission at SMVDU under MHRD GOI National Mission on Education through ICT November 2011.
  7. Coordinated Software Freedom Day for the students of engineering on 18th September 2010.
  8. Member of Local organizing committee in the international conference on Mitochondria Research and Medicine (ICMRM-2010) at SMVD University Katra Nov. 12-13, 2010.
  9. Supervised courses on Linux & open source technologies in collaboration with RED Hat India Pvt. Ltd during summer and winter Vacations from 2005-2009.
  10. Organized one special lecture on cloud computing in collaboration with EMC2 New Delhi
Expert Talks
  1. Delivered a Lecture on Image Processing at Yoganand College of Engineering and Technology Jammu on 25th of November 2019.
  2. Delivered a lecture on Cyber Security and IT ACT 2000 on 31st of January 2018 at Reserve Bank of India Jammu
  3. Delivered two lectures on Cyber Security and It Disasters in Three weeks refresher Course in Disaster Management and Human Resource Development Centre, University of Jammu from December 7 to 29th 2016
  4. Delivered a lecture in Police Training Academy Udhampur on E-governance and Cyber Laws on 7-5-2015
  5. Delivered Lectures In the area of Computer Science & IT to the participants of Refresher Course  organized  by the Computer Science Department & Academic Staff College University of Jammu on 24th of December 2013.
  6. Delivered a Key Note address at AM Institute of Engineering and Technology Pathankot on Security and QoS in MANETs on 26th Jan 2013
  7. Delivered a lecture in Police Training Academy Udhampur on E-governance and Cyber Laws on 7-7-2010
Honors & Recognitions Achieved
  1. Awarded Young Scientist award by Department of Science & Technology Government of Jammu & Kashmir in Engineering and Technology in 2015
Profile Last updated: January 20, 2025
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