SMVDU Katra, 18 Aug, ’18: The School of Languages & Literature, a leading and research oriented department of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, conducted its Doctoral Student Research Committee (DSRC) meeting on 18 August 2018 for the current semester. Prof. Nagendra Kumar of IIT, Roorkee was present as the external expert member, including supervisors, co-supervisors and in-house faculty members. The scholars of the school gave a power point presentation, and informed the DSRC members about their progress for the last semester of the academic year 2017-18 i.e. January to July, 2018. Their presentations included discussions about in-house achievements, seminars/conferences/workshops attended, paper presentations, publications, NPTEL as well as GIAN courses. Prof. Kumar appreciated the efforts of the scholars and remarked that they are very active and up-to-date in their research areas. He further commented that Dr. Amitabh V Dwivedi, Head of the School, along with other faculty members,has a very positive influence upon the students. Further, Prof. Kumar believed that the scholars in their guidance have a bright and secured future. Dr. Dwivedi, the Chairperson of the DSRC, presented a vote of thanks to Prof. Nagendra Kumar for sparing his valuable time.