Dr Baijnath Kaushik, Associate Professor in the School of CSE, was invited as a Resource Person in AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP), on “Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning”, 13th July 2021 at Model Institute of Engineering & Technology (MIET), Jammu. The STTP was sponsored by AICTE under Short Term Training Program (STTP). This keynote talk was organized to deliberate and discuss the concepts and applications of Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning. Dr Baijnath Kaushik was invited to deliver lectures for two sessions.
Dr Baijnath Kaushik had delivered his lecture in session – I on the topic “Bias, Variance and Cross-validation”. Dr Kaushik has emphasized the improvisation in Machine Learning algorithms when there is an imbalance in training and test data set. Further, Dr Kaushik has discussed how to choose an effective machine learning algorithm among others using Cross-validation techniques by varying training and test data. Dr Baijnath Kaushik in his session – II talk emphasized “Regularization techniques (Ridge, Lasso & Elastic-net), ROC and AUC Curve”. In this talk, Dr Kaushik had emphasized the use of Regularization techniques such as Ridge Regression, Lasso & Elastic-nets to minimize the number of parameters and minimize the loss of residual errors. Further, Dr Kaushik had also emphasized the use and applications of the ROC & AUC curve in machine learning.
The FDP was attended by almost 150 participants from different colleges of Jammu and other parts of India through online Applications. In the end, the questions were asked and satisfactory answers were given by the speaker Dr Baijnath Kaushik. Dr Baijnath Kaushik has been provided with a letter of appreciation from the Model Institute of Engineering & Technology (MIET), Jammu.