Register at:–f9qxDzBOTsRZX6l1ic6alM1F8FBswW4L-NtwY/edit?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 LIVING WITH CORONA Web Link for the event: Hosted by Vigyan Prasar & SMVDU Friday, Sep 4, 2020 2:00 pm | 2 hours | Meeting number: 170 155 1255 Password: VP@123 Meeting Link: More
Economies have been hit around the globe due to COVID19. It is time to reset by balancing demand and supply conditions. In this situation, when the world is suffering from a deadly pandemic, India plans to convert this crisis into an opportunity and strengthen its fight by becoming Aatm Nirbhar or self-reliant for rebooting the...Read More
Due to COVID19 pandemic, the organizations are confronted with the organizational as well as systemic challenges. The decision-makers have to devise strategies for survival and growth and responding to the dynamics of the environment, at present, which is critical for them. They have to constantly look forward to achieve the sustainability of their organizations by...Read More