SMVDU Katra, 05thJune,18: Prof. Veerendra K. Mishra, Associate Professor, Dept. of English and Modern European Languages, BansthaliVidyapeeth, delivered lectures on ‘Theorizing Theory &Practising Praxis’ during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra. In his lectures, he discussed about the significance of theoretical underpinnings in research. Drawing upon Metaphysical, Realist and Aesthetic Discourse, Prof. Mishra emphasised upon how they all create an experience to explore the trajectories of life. In this light, he mentioned and deliberated upon numerous classical theories and analysed how the interpretation varies with the passage of time. He also impinged upon concepts like Hermeneutics, Valency of Time, Structure of Feelings, and alike. Prof. Mishra has an expertise in Modernist Literature, Literary theory and Criticism, Translation Studies, Indian Writings in English, ELT and alike.