Ms. Farah F. Shah, Research Student, School of Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), bagged the best paper award for a paper titled ‘Antecedents to Short-Term Migration of Labour-An Empirical Investigation’ at an international conference on “Sustainable Finance, Economics & Accounting in the Pre & Post Paraandemic Era”, held at IIM Jammu under the aegis of Ministry of Education, GoI, University of Bradford, UK, Institute of Cost Accountants of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). The paper received the ‘Best Paper Award’ at the conference by ICSI on the theme of ‘Sustainable Governance.
The paper examines the various attributes of short-term migrants and their sectoral transition in the Kashmir region, drawing on a primary multi-stage individual survey. Ms. Shah has been pursuing Ph.D. research on ‘In-migration and Labour Market Formation: A study of Jammu and Kashmir’ at SMVDU, and this paper is an excerpt from her research.