SMVDU Katra, 4th Nov 2019. The School of Energy Management at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra, in collaboration with TEQIP III, organized a one-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ‘Energy Simulation’ from 04th-08th November 2019, which was inaugurated on Campus. Dr. Ishan Purohit, Energy specialists from International Finance Corporation, was the Chief Guest of the event, whereas Er. Sudhakar Sundaray, chaired the inaugural session while gracing the occasion as the Guest of honor. Dr. Vineet V. Tyagi, HoD, School of Energy Management, introduced the theme of the FDP, while emphasizing the importance of energy simulating softwares in the field of energy industry. Prof. Eswaramoorthy Muthusamy asked the participants to take the full benefit of this program. The Chief Guest, Dr. Ishan Purohit, expressed his satisfaction that SMVDU regularly organizes such programs, aiming at empowering research scholars and faculty towards best research and practices. The FDP attracted a huge participation from different parts of India. The vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Yatheshth Anand, where he thanked Dr. Sanjeev Anand for initiating the course from scratch, administration, TEQIP III, speakers, participants and various stakeholders along with the core organizing committee comprising of Mr. Amit Verma and Ms. Shaivya Manhas. The program was also attended by faculty members of various departments, research scholars and various students of the university.