SMVDU Katra, 31stOct. 2018. School of Architecture and Landscape Design (SoALD) at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra organisedan expert talk on ‘Universal Design: Built Environment Assessable for All’ for B. Arch. students whereProf. (Ar.)KavitaMurudkar of Dr. B. N. College of Architecture (BNCA), Pune conducted a session on how to strengthen architectural design skills. Prof. Murugkar is a leading Disability Inclusion Consultant and Universal Access Specialist in India who has been working consistently to promote people centric and inclusive design practice & education amongst architectural fraternity, as informed by Prof. Rajeev Garg, Head of the school, in his welcome address. Further, Prof Murudkar, also Director, Design Bridge Foundation,sensitised students about theneed for Inclusive Built Environment and Barrier Free Building Design through an informative and engaging presentation, covering several aspects of Barrier Free Built Environment. The talk was a part of extension activities, regularly conducted at various schools at SMVDU through which they impart quality education to students. The session was attended by students and faculty members and concluded with a vote of thanks. Dr. Sanjeev Jain, Vice-Chancellor, SMVDU believes that extension lectures motivate students and provide them with innovative ideas for future research.