Katra, 15 July 2018.The Induction Program for the 15thBatch of MBA started with a welcome address to students by the Dean FoM, Prof. D. Mukhupadhyay where he highlighted the significant features of the university and achievements of the faculty members. Head SoB, Dr. Sushil Kumar Mehta, apprised students about the history of the School of Business, and laurels Business School brought to the university. Dean of Students, Dr. Yugal Khajuria,briefed students on the hostel facilities, particularly its rules and regulations. Associate Dean (Academics) focused on academic pattern, specifically the credit system, grading policy, and alike. Dean, R&D threw light on the significant research conducted in the university. Following that,an addresses of Deputy Director DQA, H. G Mishra and TPO Mr B. K Bhatia regarding the feedback process of students and training and placement progressive scenario of the university. The highlight of the day was the addresses of professors of IIM Ahmedabad & Adjunct Professor, SMVDU, Prof. Abhinandan Jain and Prof. Mukund R. Dixit (Independent Scholar) who motivated students with their words of wisdom. The program ended up with an introduction of faculty members of SoB and a vote of thanks by Dr. RashiTaggar.