SMVDU 26 Jan. 18, Katra. A Five-Day National Workshop on Research Methodology and Current Research Trends (22-26 Jan. 2018), organized by the School of Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, concludes on 26 January 2018. The last day session starts with the National Anthem, thereafter lectures and presentations by Prof. T. Ravichandran, IIT Kanpur on Cybercriticism. Prof. Varun K. Tripathi, Dean (FoHSS), graced the Valedictory Session as the Chief Guest of the event. Dr. Amitabh V. Dwivedi briefed that the Workshop had insightful conglomeration of thoughts by Prof. Rajnish Mishra and Prof. Gopal Ram Parihar from JNU, New Delhi, Prof. Hemanga Dutta from EFLU, Hyderabad, Prof. Sudhir K. Pandey from Uni. of Ahemdabad, Prof. Veerendra Mishra from Bansathali Vidyapeeth, Prof. Sheikh, Uni. of Kashmir, and also there were sessions by the in-house Faculty members, including Prof. Varun K. Tripathi, Prof. Anil K. Tewari, Prof. Madhu Mangal Chaturvedi, Dr. Anurag Kumar and Dr. Amitabh V. Dwivedi. The organizing committee members, Dr. Ranbir Kaur and Ms. Simran Preet Kaur, informed that there were 60 participants, including local and outstation. In order to maintain seriousness of the event compulsory attendance and feedback from the participants were also collected. The Report of the Workshop was presented by Ms. Isha Malhotra.