SMVDU Katra, 27thNov. 2018. The 84th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS), an international meet, inaugurated at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra on 27th November 2018 where Prof. ManojDhar, Vice-Chancellor of Jammu University graced the event as the Chief Guest. Dr. A. K. Das, Organzing Secretary of the Conference, informed that IMS was the oldest and largest mathematical society of the country, established in 1907, and this time it organised its annual meet at SMVDU. Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Vice-Chancellor, SMVDU spoke about the importance of Mathematics while stressing upon the fact that mathematical methods are not only used in science and engineering but are to be used extensively in economics, medicine, agriculture, architecture, arts and all other fields of modern knowledge. Prof V. K. Bhat, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, asked the young participants to interact with experts from and outside the country. Prof SudhirGhorpade, President of Indian Mathematical Society, spoke on the role of history in learning and teaching mathematics. Prof N. K. Thakare, General Secretary of the Conference, gave information about the society and announced various awards for 2018. Prof. Peeyush Chandra, Academic Secretary of the Conference, informed about the academic program of the conference. During the four days of the conference, Prof. Steven Dale Cutkosky, Univ. of Missouri, USA; Prof. Dona Strauss, Univ. of Leeds, England; Prof. H. Garth Dales, University of Lancaster, England; Prof. Mahmoud Filali, Univ. of Oulu, Finland; Prof Ali Taheri, Sussex University, UK; Prof.Trygve Johnsen, Univ. of Tromso- the Arctic University of Norway; Prof. M. Vanninathan, IIT Bombay;Prof. Jugal K. Verma, IIT Bombay; Prof. S. S. Khare, NEHU, Shilong; Prof. Ajay Kumar, University of Delhi and many other speakers from different Institutions of India will deliver their talks. Six symposia are to be organized which will be conducted during the conference. Participants from all over India and abroad are going to present their research papers in the conference. Prof. V. Verma, DrUdayPratap Singh, DrKuldeep Raj, Dr Sandeep Bhougal, Dr Rakesh Kumar, DrSurender Singh and Dr Sandeep Sharma were present during the inaugural ceremony. The inaugural session ended with the vote of thanks presented by DrSurender Singh.