Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 10th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 10th Mar, 2025
Admission 2025-26

84th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society

About the Conference:

The Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) is the oldest and the largest Mathematical Society of the Country. Every year, the society organizes its annual conference at different locations of the country. 84th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society will be organized during 27-30 November 2018 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir. The conference is intended to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of Mathematics. Detail about the University and the conference can be found at

About the University

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) has been established by an Act of J&K State Legislature as an autonomous, highly technical and fully residential University. The University is recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of University Grants Commission Act 1956. The University provides technical education in the field of Engineering, Science, Management, Philosophy and other subjects of contemporary importance. The University campus is self-contained with most facilities available in-house.

Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Hon’able Vice-Chancellor of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University will act as Patron of the 84th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society.

Office Bearers of IMS:

Prof. Sudhir Ghorpade, IIT Bombay

General Secretary:
Prof. N.K. Thakare, S P Pune University, Pune

Editor, The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society:
Prof. Satya Deo, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad

Editor, The Mathematics Student:
Prof. J.R. Patadia, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara

Academic Secretary, IMS:
Prof. Peeyush Chandra, Formerly, IIT, Kanpur

Administrative Secretary:
Prof. M.M. Shikare, S P Pune University, Pune

Prof. S. K. Nimbhorkar, Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad

Prof. Sushma Agrawal, The Ramanujan Inst. for Advanced Study in Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai

Local Organizing Committee:

Chief Patron
Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Prof. V. K. Bhat, Dean, Faculty of Science, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Local Organizing Secretary
Dr. A. K. Das, Head, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir


Local Advisory Committee:

Prof. V. Verma, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Prof. D. Mukhopadhaya, Dean, Faculty of Management, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Prof. Rajeev Garg, Director, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Prof. Yugal Khajuria, Dean, Students’ Welfare, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Mr. Romesh Singh, Finance Officer, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir



Dr. Uday Pratap Singh, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Kuldeep Raj, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Sandeep Bhougal, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Rakesh Kumar, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Surender Singh, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Sandeep Sharma, School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir


Academic Program:

Plenary Talk:

  1. Prof.  Steven Dale Cutkosky, Univ of Missouri, USA
  2. Prof.  M. Vanninathan, IIT Bombay, Mumbai

Award Lectures:

32nd P. L.  Bhatnagar Memorial Award Lecture – Prof. Manoranjan Mishra, IIT Ropar

29th Hans Raj Gupta Memorial Award Lecture – Prof.  SS Khare, NEHU, Shilong

29th  S. Ramanujan Memorial Award Lecture –  Prof. N Deka Baruha, Tezpur University

29th V.  Ramaswamy Aiyer Memorial Award Lecture- Prof. K. N. Raghavan, I M Sc, Chenai

Invited speakers:

  1. Prof. Dona Strauss, Univ. of Leeds, England
  2. Prof. H. Garth Dales, University of Lancaster, England
  3. Prof. H S Ramane, Karnatak Univ. Dharwadh
  4. Prof. A K Mishra, BHU, Varanasi
  5. Prof. Indranath Sengupta, IIT Gandhinagar
  6. Prof. K.S. Charak, University of Jammu, Jammu

 (A) Symposium on “Harmonic Analysis and Related Areas”

Convener: Prof Ajit Iqbal Singh, University of Delhi, Delhi 

                  Joint Convener: Prof Rudra Sarkar, ISI Kolkata 


                  1. Prof. Mahmoud Filali, Univ. of Oulu, Finland

                  2. Prof. H. Garth Dales, University of Lancaster, England

                  3. Prof. Ali Taheri, Sussex University, UK

                  4. Prof. Riddhi Shah , JNU, Delhi

                  5. Prof. Rudra Sarkar, ISI, Delhi


(B) Symposium on “Theory and Numerics of Evolution Equations”

Convener:   Dr Ritesh Kumar Dubey, SRM Chennai


1.   Prof. Shruti Dubey, IIT Madras, Chennai

2.   Prof. Ismail Farzad, UniversitiSains Malaysia, Malaysia

3.   Prof. N. Kishore Kumar, BITS Hyderabad

4.   Prof. Shuvam Sen, Tezpur University, Tezpur

5.   Prof. Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Research Institute, SRM IST Chennai



(C) Symposium on ‘Coding Theory and Cryptography’

Convener:  Prof Madhu Raka, Punjab University 


1. Prof. Maheshanand, IIT Roorkee

2. Prof. Trygve Johnsen, University of Tromso – The Arctic University of Norway

3. Prof. Manish Gupta, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Tech,Gandhinagar

4. Prof. Sartaj Ul Hasan, IIT Jammu

5. Prof. Madhu Raka, Punjab University


(D) Symposium on “Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry”

Convener: Prof Amartya Kumar Dutta,ISI Kolkata


1.    Prof. Jugal K.  Verma, IIT Bombay 

2.    Prof. Hema Srinivasan, University of Missouri

3.    Prof. Chanchal Kumar, IISER Mohali 

4.    Prof. Neena Gupta, ISI Kolkata 

5.    Prof. Madhusudan Manjunath, IIT Bombay


(E) Symposium on  “Operator Theory and Topology”

     Convener:  Prof. S D Sharma, Central University of Jammu 


1. Prof. Ajay Kumar, University of Delhi, Delhi

2. Prof. M. Mursaleen, AMU, Aligarh

3. Prof. S. S. Khare, NEHU, Shilong

4. Prof. Anima Nagar, IIT, Delhi

5. Prof. Pankaj Jain, South Asian University, New Delhi


(F) Symposium on  Special Functions and Transform Methods”

    Convener: Prof Jugal K. Prajapat, Central University of Rajasthan


1. Prof. A. Swaminathan, Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee 
2. Prof. Subuhi Khan, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University 

3. Prof. A. Sairam Kaliraj, Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar
4. Prof. Syed Abbas, School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi 
5. Prof. J. K. Prajapat, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan.



Registration Fee:     Rs 3000/-   (upto 30th September 2018)

                              Rs 3500/-       (after 30th September 2018 upto 20th October 2018)

Registration Fee for accompanying person: Rs 2000/-

Registration fee can be paid through NEFT transfer to the account of Head, School of Mathematics, A/C No 0477010100000131, The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd, Mata Vaishno Devi University branch, IFSC Code: JAKA0SMVDUN. Filled registration form (available at along with the fee payment details must be sent to the the Local Organizing Secretary Dr. A. K. Das through e-mail (e-mail Id: before the last date of registration.

Accomodation: limited Accommodation for participants are available in the University Guest House/ Hostels on twin sharing basis. Accommodation in nearby hotels can be arranged on payment basis by the organizers on prior request.

Click here for Registration Form

Paper Submission:

Details for sending Papers for presentation at the Conference:

Papers should be typed double spaced and should be accompanied by an Abstract. Abstract should be brief and should not exceed 250 words.  The use of formula and symbols should be minimized.  Abstracts received without full length papers will not be considered.

The  abstracts  and  the  papers  should  be  sent  electronically  (in  .pdf  and  .tex format) to the Academic Secretary, Prof. Peeyush Chandra (Email:, so as to reach him not later than September 20, 2018.

Copies of the paper and the abstract should be retained by the author and brought for use at the time of the Conference.

Every  paper  submitted  for  presentation  should  be  classified,  as  far  as  possible, according to the following classification scheme / codes and the same should be prominently displayed before the abstract.

(A) Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics.
(B) Algebra, Number Theory and Lattice Theory.
(C) Real and Complex Analysis (including Special Functions, Summability and Trans- forms).
(D) Functional Analysis.
(E) Differential / Integral / and Functional Equations.
(F) Geometry.
(G) Topology.
(H) Measure Theory, Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, and Information Theory.
(I) Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Computer Science.
(J) Operations Research.
(K) Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Geophysics and Relativity.
(L) Electromagnetic Theory, Magneto-Hydrodynamics, Astronomy and Astrophysics.
(M) Bio-Mathematics.
(N) History and Teaching of Mathematics.

Every author intending to present a paper should either be a member of the Society or should register himself / herself as a Sessional Member.  In the case of joint authors, both the authors must be either members or should become Sessional Members.  Non- members wishing to become Annual members can do so by paying Rs.  250/-.  Those wishing to become Sessional Members can also do so by paying Rs.  250/-.  The amount can be paid by check/DD (payable at par) drawn in favor of “Indian Mathematical Society”.   The check/DD should be sent to Prof.   S.  K.  Nimbhorkar, Department of Mathematics, Dr.   B.  A.  M.  University, Aurangabad-431004 (Maharashtra), so as to reach him by November 15, 2018.  After this date, applications for becoming a Sessional member  will  be  accepted  only  at  the  venue  of  the  Conference  at  Shri  Mata  Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Jammu during November 27-30, 2018.

Acceptance of a paper for presentation does not automatically imply its acceptance for  publication  in  the  Journal  of  the  Indian  Mathematical  Society  or  in  The  Mathematics  Student.  In  case  an  author  wants  a  paper  to  be  considered  for  publication  in either  of  these  periodicals,  he/she  should  submit  the  same  separately  to  the  Editor concerned.

Various Prizes for Research Paper Presentation:

In order to encourage and inspire the young and budding research workers, the Society holds, during its Annual Conferences, a Special Session of Paper Presentation Competition for various Prizes to be awarded to the best research papers presented. This Special Session is held as a part of the Academic Programme with no other parallel session.

The following are the areas and the groupings for these prizes:

  1. IMS Prize- group-1: Discrete Mathematics (Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Posets), Lattice Theory, Set Theory, Logic, Number Theory and related areas.
  2. IMS Prize- group-2: Algebraic Geometry, Geometry, Topology, Algebraic Topology, and related areas.
  3. IMS Prize- group-3: Measure Theory, Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, and related areas.
  4. IMS Prize- group-4: Differential / Integral / Functional equations and inequalities, Special Functions, Numerical Analysis and related areas.
  5. IMS Prize- group-5: Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Magneto-Hydrodynamics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Relativity and related areas.
  6. IMS Prize- group-6: Operations Research, Optimization, Computational Mathematics, Information Technology, Biomathematics, History of Mathematics and related areas.


AMU Prize: Algebra, Differential Geometry and Functional Analysis.

M. Shah Prize: Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Approximation Theory and related areas.

Three/Four judges are appointed by the Council for the “Paper Presentation Competition” for deciding the award of various Prizes. Each of these eight prizes listed above carries a Certificate and a cash amount of Rs.1000/-.

The following conditions apply:

  1. Only the Members of the Society are eligible for participation in the Competition.
  2. The upper age limit of a candidate for participation in the Competition is 40 years as on December 31 of the respective year.
  3. a. The paper to be presented for the competition has to be under single authorship.
    b. Independent work at the post-doctoral level is preferred.
    c. The work must have been carried out in India.
    d. Stress will be on both, quality of research as well as performance during the presentation.
  4. Soft copy of the full paper with the abstract (not exceeding 250 words) in its electronic version (.pdf and .text format) should reach Prof. Peeyush Chandra on the e-mail address given earlier not later than September 20; 2018. Candidates should also submit their latest CV and the proof of their age (scanned copy of high school certificate will do) along with the paper.

Note: One who is already awarded a prize in a certain area in the past is not expected to participate in the competition for the prize in the same area.


Poster Presentation:

There shall be poster presentation sessions on the themes of the symposia arranged at the venues of the respective symposia. All interested scholars should send the Abstract along with full paper to Convener of the symposium as well as to Academic Secretary There after the conveners will opine on the suitability of the work for Poster presentation and based on the recommendation of the convener of the symposium, Academic Secretary will convey the acceptance to the contributor.


How to reach:

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University is located at a distance of 40 Kms from Jammu which is well connected by Air and Train from most of the major cities of the country. It takes 1 hour by road to reach the University campus from Jammu. Katra is at a distance of 12 kms from the campus which is well connected by Train and Bus. It takes 20 minutes by road to reach the University campus from Katra.

Jammu Airport Code: IXJ

Jammu Railway station code: JAT

Katra Railway station code: SVDK


Dr. A. K. Das

Local Organizing Secretary

School of Mathematics

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

Katra-182320, Jammu and Kashmir


Sussex University, UK

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