SMVDU, Katra 30th May, 18: Dr. Rajnish Mishra, Professor of Linguistics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi delivered lectures on Literature as a Discourse of Knowledge during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, SMVD University. In his lectures, he discussed about the various aspects of the nature and structure of Indian Literary Theories. In this light, he mentioned numerous seminal Sanskrit texts such as Rajashekhara’s Kavyamimasa, Bhartrihari’sVakyapadiya, Bharata Muni’s Natya Sastra, Panini’s Astadhyayi and alike. He also highlighted the noteworthy contribution of Acharya Abhinavagupta, the great philosopher from Kashmir and deliberated upon the linguistic and interpretative nature of the Indian literary theories. Prof. Mishra is an expert in Sanskrit Linguistics, Philosophy of Language and Literary Theory. He also has an expertise in Comparative Poetics and Aesthetics, Kashmir and Buddhist Philosophy. Prof. Mishra has three books and a number of research papers and articles published in reputed journals and also has been the editor of various encyclopedias.