An Extension Lecture on “Gender Sensitization” by Prof. Parvathi Vudumula was organized by School of Languages and Literature. Prof. Parvati is Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad. Students of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University attended the lecture. In her session, she focused upon spreading awareness amongst students regarding Gender disparity that prevails in the society and who perpetuates such biased conceptions. At the end of her session, she interacted with the students who appreciated her efforts at sensitizing the youth which is the need of the hour. Dr. Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi, Head, School of Languages and Literature congratulated Prof. Parvathi for such a thought provoking and stimulating session. Further, Dr. Ranbir Kaur, Assistant Professor, School of Languages and Literature presented token of gratitude to Prof. Parvathi and thanked her for enriching the students with her ideas.