Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 11th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Official Website     Last Updated: 11th Feb, 2025
10th Convocation

Prof. Raghvendra Kumar Mishra

7889963557, 9622529656, Extn.: 2348
School of Mechanical Engineering
Educational Qualification
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering Department– Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi (2009)
    Specialization: Meshless Multiquadric radial basis function Method, Natural Fiber Reinforced composite

  • M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Department– IIT Kharagpur (WB) (Jan1999)
    Specialization: Mechanical Handling & Automation

  • B.E in Mechanical Engineering Department-Nagpur University (M.S) (1993)
    Specialization: Design


Teaching Experience
  • Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
  • Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra(1st March 2020-Till Date)
  • Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
  • Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra (1st March 2017-28th February 2020)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Gautam Buddha University, Gautam Buddha Nagar (U.P) (7thDecember 2010-28thFebruary 2017)
  • Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
  • KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (Orissa) (2nd June 2009-1stDecember2010)
  • Reader, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (18th March 2009-28th May 2009)
  • Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (11th July 2003-18th March 2009)
  • Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan (7th April 1999-7th September 2001)
Administrative Experience
  • Chairman, B. Tech / B. Arch. Admission committee- Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (27th April, 2017-10/10/2018)
  • Warden of the Vindyachal Hostel – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (August 2017- September 2020)
  • Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering- Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (02.04.2018- 01.04.2021)
  • Dean of Students Welfare- Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (06.09.2023-Till date)
Research Experience
  • Research scholar, University of Kaiserlautern (Germany)– Homogenization of composite materials (August 2002-June 2003)  
Research Projects
  • Developing a hybrid nanocomposite material using SiC & Bio-waste Nano funded by Gujarat Council on Science & Technology (25th April, 2023-24th April, 2026) 24.37 lakh
Journal Publications
  1. R.K. Misra, K. Sandeep, Ashok Misra, Analysis of Anisotropic Plate Using Multiquadric Radial Basis Function, International Journal of Engineering Analysis with boundary Elements, 31(1), (2007), 28-34.
  2. Sandeep Kumar, R. K. Misra, Analysis of Banana Fibers Reinforced Low-density polyethylene/poly (e-caprolactone) Composites, International Journal of soft materials, 4, (2007), 1-13.
  3. R.K. Misra, Ashok, Misra, K. Sandeep, Analysis of Cross-ply Laminate using Multiquadric Radial Basis Function, International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 8, (2007),1–10.
  4. Raghvendra Kumar Misra, Sandeep Kumar, Kumar Sandeep and Ashok Misra, Dynamic Analysis of Banana Fibers Reinforced High-density Polyethylene/ Poly (Є-caprolactone) Composites, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 3 (2008), 107-126.
  5. R.K. Misra, Sandeep Kumar, K. Sandeep, Ashok Misra, Some Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on fire retardant coir/epoxy micro-composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 21 (2008), 71-101.
  6. R.K. Misra, Chandan Datta, Mechanical behavior of unidirectional glass fibers reinforced Resol/VAC-EHA Composites at different volume fraction of fibers. International Journal of soft materials, 6 (2008), 99–118.
  7. R.K. Misra, Chandan Datta, Mechanical Behavior of Polyethylene Fibers Reinforced Resol/VAC-EHA, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 46 (2009) 425-437.
  8. R.K. Misra, Sandeep Kumar, Static and dynamic mechanical analysis of chemically modified randomly distributed short banana fiber reinforced high-density Polyethylene/ Poly (Є-caprolactone) Composites, Journal of Polymer Engineering. 29 (2009), 213-247.
  9. R.K. Misra and Chandan Datta, Analysis of jute fiber reinforced Epoxy/VAC-EHA/HMMM IPN composite plate, Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications, An International Journal, 1(4), (2010), 353-360.
  10. R.K. Misra, Sudhir Kumar Saw, Chandan Datta, The influence of fiber treatment on the mechanical behavior of jute-coir reinforced epoxy resin hybrid composite plate, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,18(6), (2011),431-445.
  11. R.K. Misra, P. C. Mishra, Sandeep Kumar, Analysis of short banana fiber reinforced HDPE/Poly (Є-caprolactone) skew composite plate using multi quadric radial basis function method, Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications, An International Journal, 2(3), (2011), 195-221.
  12. R.K. Mishra and N.V. Rachchh, Mechanical performance of coir fiber reinforced polyester composite, International Journal of Advanced Materials Science, 1(1), (2011), 19–28.
  13. V. Rachchh, R.K. Misra, P.K. Das, Uses of Red Mud in Built Environment – An Indian Perspective, International Journal of Business and Engineering Research, (4), (2011), 1-6.
  14. R.K. Misra and N.V. Rachchh, Comparative Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Chemically Treated & Untreated Coir Fibers at Different Percentage of Coir Fibers, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 6(4), (2011), 433-443.
  15. R.K. Misra, Mechanical behavior of short banana fiber reinforced epoxy composites using meshless multiquadric radial basis function method, International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Applications, 5(2), (2012), 150-172.
  16. V. Rachchh & R. K. Misra, Failure Analysis of Rollers of Bloom Withdrawal Stand in Continuous Casting Machines at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 2(8), (2012), 82-102.
  17. R.K. Misra, Static and Dynamic analysis of rectangular isotropic plate using multiquadric radial basis function, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 2(8), (2012), 166-178.
  18. R.K. Mishra, Free vibration analysis of isotropic plate using multiquadric radial basis function, International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 1(2), (2012), 99 – 107.
  19. R.K. Mishra, Vibration analysis of glass fiber reinforced composites, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 2(3), (2012), 776-789.
  20. R.K. Mishra, Determine the Fatigue behavior of engine damper caps screw bolt, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 2 (4), (2012), 981-990.
  21. Ajay Kumar Maurya, Yogesh K. Chauhan, R. K. Mishra, Twinkle, Fuel Cell Integrated with Five Level VSI for Industrial Pump Applications, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 3(2), (2013) 388-394.
  22. Biren J. Saradava, Nikunj V. Rachchh, R. K. Misra, D. G. Roychowdhary, Mechanical Characterization of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite using Red Mud as Filler, Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Research in Mechanical Engineering.2(2), (2013),472- 476.
  23. Anurag Dixit, Harlal Singh Mali, R.K. Misra, Unit cell model of woven fabric textile composite for multiscale analysis, Procedia Engineering 68 (2013) 352 – 358.
  24. R.K. Misra, and P. C. Mishra, Utilization of waste coal dust of steel industry for power generation, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, 13(1), (2014) 50-66.
  25. R.K. Misra and N. V. Rachchh, Mechanical characterization and analysis of randomly distributed short banana fiber reinforced epoxy composites, Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, 11(1), March 2014, 1-16.
  26. Mayank Nirbhay, R. K. Misra, Anurag Dixit, Finite element analysis of jute-coir fiber reinforced hybrid composite multi-panel plates, Mechanics of Composite Materials.,51(4), September, (2015), 505-520.
  27. R.K.Misra,Anurag Dixit ,Harlal Singh Mali, Finite Element (FE) Shear Modeling of Woven Fabric Textile Composite, Procedia Materials Science 6, (2014), 1344-1350.
  28. Anurag Dixit, R.K.Misra, Harlal Singh Mali, Finite element compression modeling of 2×2 twill woven fabric textile composite, Procedia Materials Science 6, (2014), 1143-1149.
  29. V. Rachchh, P.S. Ujeniya and R. K. Misra, Mechanical characterization of rattan fiber polyester composite, Procedia Materials Science 6, (2014) ,1396-1404.
  30. Mayank Nirbhay, Anurag Dixit, R.K. Misra, Harlal Singh Mali, Tensile test simulation of CFRP test specimen using finite elements, Procedia Materials Science, 5, (2014), 267-273.
  31. Anurag Dixit, Harlal Singh Mali, R. K. Mishra, A Micromechanical Unit Cell Model of 2×2 Twill Woven Fabric Textile Composite for Multi Scale Analysis, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, Springer,95(1), April 2014,1-9.
  32. R.K. Misra and Sushil Kumar, Multiquadric Radial Basis Function Method for Boundary Value and Free Vibration Problems, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Taylor and Francis 4(2), 2013, 138-141.
  33. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, R. K. Misra and Satpal Sharma, Thermal expansion behavior of Ni-Al2O3 composites with particulate and interpenetrating phase structures: An analysis using finite element method, Computational Materials Science, 90, July 2014, 130–136.
  34. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, A356 Aluminum Alloy and applications- A Review, Advance Materials Manufacturing & Characterization, 4(2), 2014, 81-86. Doi:
  35. Anurag Dixit, R. K. Misra, Harlal Singh Mali, Compression modeling of plain weave textile fabric using finite elements (Druckmodellierung von flächigen Textilgewebestrukturen mit Finiten Elementen), Mat. Wiss. U. Werkstofftech. 45(7), 2014, 600-610.
  36. R.K. Misra and Sushil Kumar, Analysis of fourth order partial differential equations using multiquadric radial basis function, Mathematical Forum, 26, 2014.
  37. Anurag Dixit, Harlal Singh Mali, R.K. Misra, Investigation of the thermo mechanical behavior of a 2 × 2 twill weave fabric advanced textile composite, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 51(2), 2015, 253-264.
  38. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Electromagnetic Stir Casting and its Process Parameters for the Fabrication and Refined the Grain Structure of Metal Matrix Composites– A Review, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, 2(3),2014, 639-649.
  39. Mayank Nirbhay, Sagar Juneja, Anurag Dixit, R.K. Misra, Satpal Sharma, Finite Element Analysis of All Composite CNG Cylinders, Procedia Materials Science, (10), 2015, 507 – 512.
  40. Srishti Mishra, Ajay Kumar, R K Mishra, Shristi Sharma, Sashwat Singh, Structural health monitoring and Propagation of lamb waves to identification of crack, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), 2015, 1833-1840.
  41. Nitin Jauhari, Raghvendra Mishra, Harishchandra Thakur, Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates- A Review, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), 2015, 2868-2877.
  42. Ajay Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Srishti Mishra, R K Mishra, Tushar Srivastav, Sachin Mishra, Rajeev Kumar, Experimental process of tungsten inert gas welding of a stainless-steel plate, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), 2015,3260-3267.
  43. Akash Chaudhary Raghuvanshi, Tushar Srivastav, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Design and Development of Foldable Kart Chassis, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), 2015,1707-1713.
  44. Arjit Kumar Saxena, Raghvendra Kumar Misra, Anurag Dixit, Numerical Analysis of Hip Joint Implant, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4-5), 2015,1649-1656.
  45. Nikunj V Rachchh, R.K. Misra, D.G. Roy Chowdhary, B.J. Saradava, Effect of Red Mud Filler on Mechanical and Buckling Characteristics of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, Iranian Polymer Journal, 24(3), 2015,253-265.
  46. Satpal Sharma, R.K. Pandey, R.K. Mishra, Anurag Dixit, Wear resistance study of thermal sprayed coating, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Springer 54(11),2016,672-678.
  47. R.K. Misra, Analysis of the jute/glass fiber reinforced hybrid composites using combined radial basis function method, Polymer Composites, Wiley, 38(9),2017, 1890–1901.
  48. Dixit, R. K. Misra, H. S. Mali, Finite element analysis of quasi-static indentation of woven fabric textile composites using different nose shape indenters, Mat. -wiss. U. Werkstofftech, 46(9), 2015, 1-15.
  49. R.K. Misra and Aditi Chauhan, Six Sigma Approach for Reducing Rejection of In-house Cast Component, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, Inderscience,9(2/3/4), 2015,208-221.
  50. Nitin Jauhari, Raghvendra Mishra and Harischandra Thakur, Stress analysis in FRP composites, Perspectives in Science, 8, 2016, 50–52.
  51. Nitin Jauhari, Raghvendra Mishra and Harischandra Thakur, Failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composite laminates, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, 2017, 2851–2860.
  52. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra and Satpal Sharma, 3D micromechanical analysis of thermo-mechanical behavior of Al2O3/Al metal matrix composites, Computational Materials Science, 115, 2016, 192-201.
  53. R.K.Misra, Sandeep Kumar, Vineeta Nigam, Analysis of the high performance PTSA doped Polyaniline –Speek Nano Composite, Mechanics of Composite Materials,52(1),2016,113-126.
  54. Srishti Mishra, Ajay Kumar, Shashank Mishra, R K Mishra, Asit Sen, Rajeev Kumar, Optimization of Process Parameter of TIG Welding of Stainless-Steel Plate Using Taguchi method, Materials Today: Proceedings (accepted)
  55. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Synthesis and Mechanical Behavior of Green Metal Matrix Composites using Waste Eggshells Reinforcement Material, Green Processing and Synthesis (GREENPS) 5(3), 2016, 275–282.
  56. Apoorv Rathi, Raghvendra Mishra, Anurag Dixit, Nitin Kumar Sharma, Studies on shear behavior of cortical bone using Iosipescu test and FEM, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2 (2016), 1616–1620.
  57. Akash Chaudhary Raghuvanshi, Akhilendra Singh, Mohit Kumar, Abhishek Pandey, Raghvendra Kumar Misra, Effects on four-layer composite material by changing their orders, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4 (2017) 7189–7193.
  58. Suraj Kumar Singh, Akash Chaudhary Raghuvanshi, Hemant Chikara, Rajat Chaudhary, Raghvendra Kumar Misra, Aerodynamic Analysis of a Two-Wheeler Rear View Mirror, Materials Today: Proceedings,4(8), 2017, 9065-9071.
  59. Chaturvedi R, Pappu A, Mishra R.K, Performance of Formaldehyde Resins and Cement Bonded Particleboards and Understanding its properties for further Advancement, Int J Waste Resour, 6(2), 2016, 215-223.
  60. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Mechanical and Metallurgical Characterizations of AA2014/Eggshells Waste Particulate Metal Matrix Composite, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 3 (3), 2016, 281-288.
  61. Bhanumati Panda, Sushil Kumar, R.K. Misra, Solving Singularly Perturbed Problems using Multi-quadric/Inverse Multi-quadric Radial Basis Function Method, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 7(1), Jan–June 2016, pp. 43–57.
  62. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, “Electromagnetic Stir Casting Parameters and Squeeze Pressure Effects on Mechanical Properties of AA2014 alloy MMC and Hybrid MMC, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, 4(3), 2016,529-533.
  63. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, “Precipitation hardening parameters effects on mechanical properties of extruded AA2014 based metal matrix composite, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, 4(3), 2016, 534-537.
  64. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, A Comparative Study of Waste Eggshells, CaCO3 and SiC Reinforced AA2014 Green Metal Matrix Composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 51(17), 2017, 2407–2421 (DOI: 10.1177/0021998316672295).
  65. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra and Satpal Sharma, Finite element modeling of effective thermo-mechanical properties of Al-B4C metal matrix composites, Journal of Materials Science, 52(3), February 2017, 1416-1431.
  66. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, R.K. Misra, Satpal Sharma, Modeling of thermal expansion behavior of densely packed Al/SiC composites, International Journal of Solids and Structures 102–103 (2016) 77–88.
  67. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, R.K. Misra, Satpal Sharma, Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of thermo mechanical properties of Al-B4C composites, Ceramics International 43 (2017) 513–522.
  68. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Characterization of waste eggshells and CaCO3reinforced AA2014 green metal matrix composites: A green approach in the synthesis of composites, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 17(10), 2016, pp 1383–1393.
  69. Bhanumati Panda, Sushil Kumar, R.K. Misra, Numerical Dispersion in Small Varying Meandering Channel using Multiquadric Radial Basis Function (MQRBF) Method, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 7(2), Jul-Dec 2016.
  70. Mayank Nirbhay, R. K. Misra, Anurag Dixit, Finite Element Modelling of Lamb Waves Propagation in 3D plates and Brass Tubes for Damage Detection, Russian Journal of Non-destructive Testing, 53(4), 2017, 308-329.
  71. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Effects of waste eggshells and SiC addition in the synthesis of aluminum hybrid green metal matrix composite, Green Process Synth, 6, 2017,113–123.
  72. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Tribological behavior of a newly developed AA2014/waste eggshell/SiC hybrid green metal matrix composite at optimum parameters, Green Process Synth 7(1), 2018, 1-88.
  73. Mayank Nirbhay, Mahima Dua, Anurag Dixit, Satpal Sharma, R.K. Misra, Quasi-static indentation organizes of aluminium specimen using finite element analysis, Mediterranean Journal of Modeling & Simulation, 7 (1), 1-11, 2017.
  74. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, Satpal Sharma and R.K. Misra, Effects of Clustering and Shape of Particles on the Mechanical Behaviour of Al-B4C Metal Matrix Composites, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, 4(2), 2017,167-171.
  75. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma and Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Influence of precipitation hardening parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded AA2014/eggshells green composites, Journal of Composite Materials 51(30), 2017, 4261-4271.
  76. Nirbhay, A. Dixit, R.K. Misra, Finite element modeling of Lamb waves propagation in 2D plates and thin sheets for damage detection, Mat. -wss.u. Werkstofftech,48, 2017,577-588.
  77. Sandeep Kumar, R.K.Mishra, Tandra Nandi, Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the High Performance Blends of Peek/PEI, Journal of Polymer Engineering 38(4), 2018, 351-362
  78. Prashant Tripathi, Vivek Kumar Gupta, Anurag Dixit, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra and Satpal Sharma, Development and characterization of low-cost jute, bagasse and glass fiber reinforced advanced hybrid epoxy composites, AIMS Materials Science, 5(2), 2018, 320–337.
  79. Aanchal Yadav, Pooja Rawal, R. K. Mishra, Modelling and simulation of aerodynamic performance of Vortex generators for hatch back type cars, Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, 21, 2018, 131-136.
  80. Nitin Johri, Raghvendra Mishra and Harischandra Thakur, Synthesis and Characterization of Jute-Chicken Feather Fibre Reinforced Polymeric Hybrid Composites, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 54(6), 2019, 821-832.
  81. Nitin Johri, Raghvendra Mishra, Harishchandra Thakur, Design parameter optimization of Jute-chicken fiber reinforced polymeric hybrid composites, Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 2018, 19862–19873.
  82. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Machining of Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Electric Discharge Machining Process: A Review, J. Machining and Machinability of Materials, 22(2), 2020, 99-121.
  83. R.K. Mishra, Study the Effect of Pre-corrosion on Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloy 8011, Materials Today: Proceedings, 25(4), 2020,602-609
  84. Mayank Agarwal, Anurag Dixit, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Utilization of waste saw dust from wood industry in development of glass fiber epoxy resin hybrid green composite material, Annales de Chimie-Science des Materiaux,43(4),2019, 225-234.
  85. Suraj Kumar Singh, Sabah Khan, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Jimmy Karloopia, Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical properties of polymer matrix composite using nano fibers as reinforcement, Materials Today: Proceedings, 46(2), 2021, 1376-1383.
  86. Suraj Kumar Singh, Jimmy Karloopia, Sabah Khan, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Processing and characterization of hemp nanofiber thermoset polymer composite, Materials Today: Proceedings 46(2), 2021, 1341-1348.
  87. Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra Balbir Singh, Microstructural and mechanical characterization of lamb bone ash and boron carbide reinforced ZA-27 hybrid metal matrix composites, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 235(11),2021,2516-2530. Article first published online: April 13, 2021; Issue published: December 1, 2021
  1. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Tribological Characteristics of AA7075 Composites reinforced with Rice Husk Ash and Carbonized Eggshells, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 235(11), 2021,2600-2613
  2. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Microstructural and mechanical characterization of novel AA7075 composites reinforced with rice husk ash and carbonized eggshells, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 235 (12), 2021, 2666-2680.
  3. Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra Balbir Singh, Mechanical characterization of eggshell ash and boron carbide reinforced ZA-27 hybrid metal matrix composites, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236 (3), 2022,1766-1779.
  4. Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra Balbir Singh, Tribological behavior of eggshell ash and boron carbide reinforced ZA-27 hybrid metal matrix composites under dry sliding conditions, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 9 (3), 2021.
  5. Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra Balbir Singh, Tribological behaviour of lamb bone ash and boron carbide reinforced ZA-27 hybrid metal matrix composites under dry sliding conditions, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 9 (4), 2021.
  6. Nitin Johri, Gaurav Agarwal, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Harishchandra Thakur, FEM analysis of polymeric hybrid composites, Materials Today: Proceedings,57(2), 2022, 383-390.
  7. Pawandeep Singh, Vivudh Gupta, K. Mishra, Balbir Singh, Mechanical and tribological behavior of aluminum based functionally graded materials: A review, Materials Today: Proceedings 62(6), 2022, 3081-3085.
  8. Vivudh Gupta, Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra, Balbir Singh, Vegetable Oil based Dielectric Fluids for Electrical Discharge Machining Process: Advancements and Challenges, Materials Today: Proceedings 62(6), 2022, 3129-3132.
  1. Suraj Kumar Singh, Sabah Khan, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Extraction and characterization of nanofibers from cotton fibers and its composite, Journal of Natural Fibers, 19(16), 2022, 14788-14802.
  2. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Machinability assessment of AA7075 composite reinforced with rice husk ash using spark erosion machining process, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 10(2),2024, 1252-1263.
  3. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, K. Mishra, Electrical Discharge Machining Assessment of AA7075/ Rice Husk Ash Composite using Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. (accepted)
  4. Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Fabrication and Characterization of Jute/Human Hair Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composite, Materials Science Forum, 1100,2023,3-16.
  5. Pawandeep Singh, R.K. Mishra, Balbir Singh & Vivudh Gupta, Mechanical and tribological properties of zinc-aluminium (ZA-27) metal matrix composites: a review, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, (Published).
  6. R.K.Mishra, Gaurav Singh, Analysis of the glass fibre/chicken feathers reinforced hybrid composite, Material wissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (Published).
Conference Publications
  1. Sandeep Kumar and R. K. Misra, Meshless Method for Deflection Analysis of Polymeric Composites, “2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation”, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, December 8-10, 2006.
  2. K. Misra and N. V. Rachchh, Comparative Analysis of mechanical behavior of chemically treated & untreated coir fibers at different percentage of coir fibers, “Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME 2011)”, February 24-26, 2011,organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala (Punjab) – 147004, India.
  3. Prashant Gill, R.K Mishra and S. S. Ragit,Performance and exhaust emission analysis of Rubber seed methyl ester and its blends with diesel in a direct injection compression ignition engine,“International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2012) ”, March 12-14, 2012, Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner – 422 608, Maharashtra, India.
  4. R.K. Misra and Sushil Kumar, Multiquadric radial basis function method for boundary value and free vibration problems, “11th Biennial Conference of the Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Emerging Mathematical Methods, Models and Algorithms for Science and Technology, on 15-16 Dec. 2012, The National Mathematics Year 2012 to Commemorate the 125th Birth Year of Srinivasan Ramanujan”, organized by Gautam Buddha University, Gautam Budh Nagar, National Capital Region, India.
  1. Anurag Dixit, Harlal Singh Mali, R.K. Misra, Unit cell model of woven fabric textile composite for multiscale analysis, “Malaysian International Tribology Conference (MITC2013)”, November 18-20,2013, organized by Malaysian Tribology Society, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Satpal Sharma, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Investigation of defects in metal matrix composites beyond the range of process parameters in electromagnetic stir casting method, “2nd International Conference on Technological and Management Advances in the New Age Economy: An Industry Perspective”, held March, 01, 2014, pp.1280-1288, ISBN: 978-93-5156-340-2, organized by Mangalmay Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida, Delhi, NCR(India).
  3. Hridesh Kumar Nishad, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Raghvendra Mishra, Simulation of mechanical stir casting for the fabrication of metal matrix composite, “2nd International Conference on Technological and Management Advances in the New Age Economy: An Industry Perspective”, held March, 01, 2014,pp.1289-1296, ISBN: 978-93-5156-340-2, organized by Mangalmay Institute of Engineering & Technology , Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida, Delhi, NCR(India).
  4. K.Misra,Anurag Dixit ,Harlal Singh Mali, Finite Element (FE) Shear Modeling of Woven Fabric Textile Composite, “3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2014)”, held during March 08-09, 2014, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, at GRIET Hyderabad, India.
  5. Ajay Kumar, Rohit Saini, R.K. Mishra, Product Lifecycle Management, “International Conference on “Science and Technology (ICST-2K14)” held during February 21-22,2014, Organized by B. Patil College of Engineering, Gate No: 58, Village – Vangali, Pune-Sholapur highway, Indapur, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
  6. Nitin Jauharia, Raghvendra Mishra, Harischandra Thakur, Stress analysis in FRP composites, “International conference on recent trends in engineering and material sciences (Icems-2016) March 17-19, 2016, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India.
  7. Bhanumati Panda, Renu Kumari, Sushil Kumar, and R. K. Misra, Numerical dispersion in mildly curved channel using multiquadric radial basis function (MQRBF) method, published by the American Institute of Physics “International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (December 08-10, 2016) Organized by Department of Mathematics Jaypee Institute of Information Technology A/10, Sector-62, Noida, U.P., India-201307.
  8. Narendra Kumar Verma, Sunil Chanderia, Rishabh Kumar Singh, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Finite Element Analysis of a composite material sheet that behaves as a cantilever, International Conference on Innovative Research in “Mechanical, Material, Industrial, Automotive, Aeronautical and Nano- Technology” (MIANT-2016) Organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 18thDecember, 2016 in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067. Published by the American Institute of Physics.
  9. K.Mishra, Gaurav, Analysis of the Glass Fiber/Chicken Feathers Reinforced Hybrid Composite, “International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures- ICCMS 2017, Organized by IIT Hyderabad, 27-29th December 2017.
  10. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Study of Latest Trends in Hybrid Electric Discharge Machining Process- A Review, “4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE 2017, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat in Association with Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), NHQ-Mumbai, December 21–23, 2017.
  11. Shivanshu Dixit, Ragvendra Kumar Mishra, Impact Damage and Ballistic Response on Metal to Metal & Carbon/Epoxy Composites Laminates with Stacking [90/-45/0/45] Ns / [0/90] Ns Cross Stacking Sequence, 1st International and 18th ISME Conference (ISME 18), Organized by NIT Warangal, Warangal, February 23rd – 25th, 2017.
  12. Apoorv Rathi, Joy Banerjee, Anurag Dixit, K. Misra, H. S. Mali, Evaluation of Vibration of a Crankshaft and a Driveshaft Using FEM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Research in Aerospace Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, Organized by Amity, Noida, pp 241-254, Print ISBN 978-981-10-5848-6 and Online ISBN978-981-10-5849-3, DOI Online: 10 February 2016.
  13. Suraj Kumar Singh, Sabah Khan, R. K. Mishra, Arvind Kumar, Ajay Kumar and Dharamvir Mangal, Computational combustion analysis of biodiesel blends, 3rd International Conference on nanotechnology for instrumentation & measurement workshop, organized by electrical engineering department, school of engineering & IEEE-GBU SB, Gautam Buddha University, greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201312 on 16th -17th November 2017.
  14. Vivudh Gupta, Balbir Singh, R.K. Mishra, Study of tool materials in electric discharge machining process: A review, TEQIP-III sponsored international conference on mechanical engineering and allied sciences, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, 14th-15th September, 2018.
  15. Pawandeep Singh, R. K. Mishra, Balbir Singh, Structural health monitoring of different welded joints using various NDT techniques: A review, TEQIP-III sponsored international conference on mechanical engineering and allied sciences, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, 14th-15th September, 2018.
  16. Pranav Kumar, R. K. Mishra, Study on aluminum alloy 6xxx series & effect of reinforcement ZrO2 on aluminum: A review, TEQIP-III sponsored international conference on mechanical engineering and allied sciences, organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, 14th-15th September, 2018.
  17. Pawandeep Singh, Vivudh Gupta, R.K. Mishra and Balbir Singh, “Effect of micro filler reinforcement on mechanical and wear characteristics of metal matrix composite: A Review”, International Conference on advances in mechanical engineering and nanotechnology, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, India on March 08-09, 2019. (Paper Id: MSE2205)
  18. Vivudh Gupta, Pawandeep Singh, Balbir Singh and R. K. Mishra, “Wear behavior of AA7075 based Composites: A state of the art survey”, International Conference on advances in mechanical engineering and nanotechnology, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, India on March 08-09, 2019. (Paper Id- MSE2209). 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN 2019) AIP Conf. Proc. 2148, 030013-1–030013-8;
  19. K. Mishra, “Study the Effect of Pre-corrosion on Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Life of Aluminium Alloy 8011”, 2ndInternational Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2019) was held at Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLBITM Greater Noida on 3rd – 5th May, 2019. (Paper Id-17)
  20. K. Mishra, Mechanical properties of epoxy hybrid composites reinforced with agave fiber and zinc powder, “ICAAMM-2020”, organized by Department of Aeronautical & Mechanical engineering, held on 24th & 25th July 2020 at MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
  21. Suraj Kumar Singh, Sabah Khan, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra and Jimmy Karloopia, Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical properties of polymer matrix composite using nano fibers as reinforcement, 28th International Conference on processing and fabrication of advanced materials organized by the school of mechanical engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on 7th and 8th December 2020.
  22. Nitin Johri, Gaurav Agarwal, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Harish Chandra Thakur, FEM Analysis of Polymeric Hybrid Composites, 3rd International Conference on aspect of materials science, ICAMSE2022 04th – 05th March, 2022 Organized by Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
  23. Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Fabrication and Characterization of Jute/Human Hair Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composite, in “Technologia: International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanomaterials – ICRAMEN 2023” held on 12th & 13th May 2023, organized by Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai in association with Research Association of Masters of Engineering, Pune.
  24. Dr. R. K. Mishra, Performance Analysis of Circular and Non-Circular gas lubricated textured bearing, at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Art, Commerce, Science & Technology, held on 10-11th August 2024, organized by IQAC Initiative, M.G.V.C Arts, Commerce and Science College, Muddebihal, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India & RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
Book/Chapters Written
  • “Evaluation of Vibration of a Crankshaft and a Driveshaft Using FEM”
    Lecture Notes in “Mechanical Engineering”, Springer, 2016

  • “Tribological Properties of Green Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with Synthetic and Industrial–Agricultural Wastes”
    Chapter in “Tribology and Sustainability”, CRC, 2021

  • “Tribological Studies on Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications”
    Chapter in “Tribology and Sustainability”, CRC, 2021

  • “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Plasma Nitrided XM-19 Stainless Steel”
    Chapter in “Advances in Micro and Nano Manufacturing and Surface Engineering. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2019.

  • “A critical assessment of electric discharge machining process: variants and hybrid approaches”
    Chapter in “Advance materials and manufacturing”, Evince publication,2020


Research Supervision
  • Ph.D. Students Supervised – Gautam Buddha University & Shri Mata Vishno Devi University (2011–Present)

    • Supervised 9 Ph.D. candidates in MQRBF, FEM, NFRC, MMC
    • Guiding 1 PhD in NFRC
  • Master’s Thesis  – BIT Mesra, Gautam Buddha University & Shri Mata Vishno Devi University (2006–2022)

    • Mentored 49 Master’s students in FEM, NFRC, MMC
  • Name of Inventor (Main Contact Person):​ Pawandeep Singh and R. K. Mishra
  • Title of the Innovation: “Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites and Method of Preparation Thereof”.
  • Application No: 202011052574
Conferences/Courses Organized
  1. TEQIP Workshop on Automobile Engineering Systems. Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. Department of Mechanical Engineering. September 6-11, 2006 with the financial support 30,000/-.
  2. TEQIP Workshop cum Training Programme on Automobile Engineering Systems (Under Service to Community). Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. Department of Mechanical Engineering. June 4-6, 2007 with the financial support 30,000/-.
  3. 2nd National Conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical Engineering NCITME-2018 Sponsored by TEQIP-III and Organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, 23rd– 24th March- 2018 with the financial support 2,50,000/-
  4. One Week Online AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase I)” held online during March 18-24, 2021 with the financial support 93,000.00
  5. One Week Online AICE- sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase II)” organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, held online during April 15-21, 2021 with the financial support Rs.93,000.00
  6. One Week Online AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase III)” held online during May 21-27, 2021 with the financial support 93,000.00
  7. One Week Online Faculty Development Program Organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing” held January 10-14, 2022 with the   financial support 23,500/-  
  8. One day Workshop on “Celebration of Engineers Day 2023” organized by Dr. R. K. Mishra as a coordinator. The Financial assistance of Rs. 17,200/- (Rupees Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred only) for the said event from university funds and release of an advance amount of Rs. 12,200/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand Two Hundred only) in favour of Dr. R. K Mishra, Associate Professor, SoME.
  9. One Week Online Faculty Development Program Organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering on “Green Manufacturing” held on 4 -8 March 2024 with the financial support 23,500/-.
  10. One-week Online Short-Term programme Organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing” held on 22-27 July, 2024 with the financial support 1,20,000/-
Expert Talks
  1. Invited lecture on Sustainable Development Introduction and Concepts in one week FDP on Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing held online January 10-14, 2022 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Invited lecture on Research and Development in 8-Days Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program held on 11 to 20 December, 2023 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra.
  3. Invited lecture on “Research and Development” in 8-Days Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program held on 22 to 31 January 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra.
  4. Invited lecture on “Research and Development” in 8-Days Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program held on 12 to 22 February 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra.
  5. Invited lecture on “Research and Development” in 8-Days Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program held on 3 to 12 June, 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra.
  6. Invited lecture on “Plastics Recycling: Challenges and Opportunities” in One Week Short Term Program on Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing held on 22-27 July, 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering.
  7. Invited lecture on Applications of Nanomaterial in Defense and Military” in Faculty Development Program on Green Manufacturing held on 4 -8 March 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering.
  8. Invited lecture on “Performance Analysis of Circular and Non-Circular gas lubricated textured bearing” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Art, Commerce, Science & Technology, held on 10-11th August 2024, organized by IQAC Initiative, M.G.V.C Arts, Commerce and Science College, Muddebihal, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India & RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
  9. Invited lecture on “Analysis of the Composite Plate using Meshless Hybrid Radial Basis Function of Multiquadric Radial Basis and Thin Plate Splines” in International Workshop on Impact, Damage and Fracture of Composites, held on 12th – 13th December, 2024 jointly organized by IIT Jammu and IIT Delhi.
  10. Invited lecture on Student Diversity and Inclusive Education in 8-Days Online Training Program on NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program held on 9th to 18th December, 2024 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra.
  11. Invited lecture on “Analysis of composite using Meshless multi-quadric radial basis function method” in International Conference & Exhibition on cutting Edge Technological Challenges in Mechanical Engineering Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (NIET) knowledge park-II, institutional Area, Greater Noida-201 306 U.P. (India) on 21st & 22nd March, 2015.
  12. Delivered guest lecture on “composite materials: synthesis and applications” 11th November, 2009 in DRIEMS (Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering & Management Studies), CUTTACK, ORISSA.
  13. Invited lecturer on “Analysis of the Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite Plates and Laminates Using Various Meshless Radial Basis Function Methods” in ISTE sponsored one-week short term training program “Modeling and Simulation for Mechanical Engineering System-MSMES-2016” conducted between 06.06.2016 to 10.06.2016 by Department of Mechanical Engineering, in Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (NIET) knowledge park-II, institutional Area, Greater Noida-201 306 U.P. (India).
  14. Invited Guest Lecturer on “Innovation in Design Engineering” held on 29 September, 2016 in Mechanical Engineering Department, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida.
  15. Invited lecture on “Manufacturing of Polymer composite” topic in Faculty Development Program on “Sustainable Design and Manufacturing” which was held on 12th Feb 2018-16th Feb 2018 in School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.
  16. Invited lecture on “Two weeks winter School for Engineering Stream as a Resource Person organized by Faculty Development Centre-HRDC SMVD University in March 2019.
  17. Invited Lecture on “Solve the differential equations using Multi quadric radial basis function method” in Two-week short-term course (17th-29th, 2018) on “Tools and Techniques for Modelling & Simulation (TTMS-2018)” on 24th December, 2018 in the Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi.
  18. Invited lecture on “Predict the performance of Diesel Engine using Jatropha as a Biofuel” topic in Faculty Development Program on Energy & Power Systems which was held on 5th to 9th August 2019 in School of Energy Management, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.
  19. Invited lecture on “Analysis of the composite structure using meshless methods” in One Week Online Short-Term Course on “Tribology for Sustainable Development” held online 20th-24th July,2020 hosted by Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir.
  20. Invited lecture on “Analysis of the Glass Fiber/Chicken Feathers Reinforced Hybrid Composite” topic in One Week Online AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase I)” held online during March 18-24, 2021.
  21. Invited lecture on “Plastics recycling: challenges and opportunities” topic in One Week Online AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase II)” held online during April 15-21, 2021
  22. Invited lecture on “Introduction to nano materials” topic in One Week Online AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase III)” held online during May 21-27, 2021.
  23. Invited lecture on “Nano materials” topic dated 10th January 2021 in one week FDP on Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing held online January 10-14, 2022 organized by Faculty Development Centre (FDC)-SMVDU under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MOE, GOI, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu in Collaboration with School of Mechanical Engineering.

No Data Available

International and National Exposure
  • 10 month studied and research in Germany
  • Learnt German (Deutsch) language
  • worked in industry also
Honors & Recognitions Achieved
  • DAAD Scholarship
  • Selected in HAL Koraput Division as a Design Engineer
Profile Last updated: January 16, 2025
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